Chapter 118

A fluctuating storm with a strong desire to destroy rushed over, like a hurricane in the bottomless sea. I had never felt such a dark and twisted emotion. Ye Feifan was almost shocked in the head; , She is not affected by any emotions, and she will understand the situation immediately.

The current situation is undoubtedly worse. An uncle who appeared halfway was waiting to recognize his relatives; another daughter who didn't know where he was was waiting to cut off his head.

So Ye Feifan pursed his lips, and said cheekily: "My name is Sheng Fan, you have mistaken me."

"What? Impossible, I know you are..." Ye Ming shook his head immediately, trying to expose her lie; but when he saw that the other party could back up accurately without using a cane, Ye Ming couldn't help hesitating.

Couldn't Feifan see it?

But he didn't give up. There must be a reasonable explanation for all of this, why Fei Fan appeared in the south, and why he was in good health and could move freely.

"Your name is Ye Feifan."

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Ye Zirong came out from behind, holding a sword, her bangs covered most of her face, showing a murderous look.

Keep your eyes open and look at that woman!
She has Ye Cheng's eyes, but her nose and mouth are very similar to Lin Yihan's; she is tall, graceful and slender, which is the excellent height inheritance of the Ye family, but her limbs are soft and weak, but she is like the mother and daughter of the Lin family, a very attractive woman idiosyncratic.

Different from Lin Yuecheng, who completely copied her mother, she is so perfect, combining all the advantages of Ye Cheng and Lin Yihan's appearance, neither too slender nor too weak, like a landscape with even colors, standing there A pleasant landscape.

Ye Zirong felt that she was stupid, she had hinted so clearly, she was already hesitant in her heart, but she had to wait until Ye Ming said it before she could see it.

No matter in her previous life or present life, she didn't have a pair of good eyesight. She was also blind to people, also led wolves into the house, and was defeated by that bitch's daughter Lin Yihan!

"No." Ye Feifan turned to Ye Zirong, she had been showing murderous intent towards her since just now, Ye Feifan decided to kill her and refuse to admit it, and took the opportunity to run away: "My name is Sheng Fan, who is he? Why did you draw your knife?"

She spoke stiffly and straightforwardly, as if she was really frightened by the scene in front of her; Ye Cheng, who was staring at her, frowned, Fei Fan obviously couldn't see it...

He scratched his head in annoyance, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ye Zirong, who was obviously wrong, and a flash of clarity suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"I made a mistake!" Subconsciously, he spoke.

Everyone who was watching from the side opened their eyes wide, what is the plot of this twists and turns!A tough guy like Ye Ming sometimes admits to the wrong person! ?Should I feel embarrassed to smile now?

Probably because he was afraid that he would not be convincing, he turned around and walked back, patted Ye Zirong on the shoulder, and said with a wry smile: "Fei Fan is blind... What the hell are you doing? I'm probably too tired. I'm sorry for scaring your new member!"

"Admit it?" Ye Zirong's murderous aura remained undiminished, her eyes never moved away from Ye Feifan's body, as if she was about to charge up and stab her a few times at any time.

So what if you admit your mistake?What she did in the camp is enough to sentence her to death!So Ye Zirong shouted to the soldiers nearby: "Arrest her!"

Ye Ming reacted faster: "No!"

Ye Zirong turned her head suddenly, looking at Ye Ming with heartache and resentment, sure enough, everything was a lie!

"You are not allowed... to arrest innocent people at will." Ye Ming's face froze, as if he also realized that he had done something wrong.

Ye Zirong didn't hesitate, and rushed towards Ye Feifan's direction quickly. The light and shadow intertwined on her body, and when the sword in his hand was reflected on a small piece of sunny sky, it wiped out a dazzling light, instantly overflowing with murderous aura.

"team leader!"

"Zi Rong!"

"Zi Rong! Stop it!!"

Unlike everyone who was clueless, Ye Ming did not expect that Ye Zirong would want to kill the other party. Even if he didn't understand, it was her sister who had the same Ye family blood as her! !
Ye Feifan's face darkened, she had planned to hurt someone this trip, but she didn't expect that the first sword was aimed at the Ye family, and the other party wanted to kill her for no reason.Forget it, as long as I can get out of trouble quickly.

It's just that before Ye Feifan drew out his sword to meet him, a flying shadow flew towards Ye Zirong from the nearby grass, knocking Ye Zirong into the orbit in an instant, and rolled several times in the air before landing.


"That's..." Someone gasped.

With brown fur, strong limbs, and big alert ears, it should be considered the most reliable and loyal Labrador by human beings, but at this moment, it has a pair of horrifying big eyes filled with blood. It is a Labrador. mutant dog
At the same time, another figure slowly ran out from the grass, different from the previous one, with a protruding spinal cord, a distorted head, a big mouth with blood eyes, and a protruding lower jaw that could not cover the sharp teeth, revealing a naked appetite and greed , if it didn't have the same brown fur, it's almost impossible to tell what kind of creature it is.

Two mutated Labradors stood in front of the woman, grinning at Ye Zirong like loyal guards.

Although the scene in front of them was extremely strange, several supernatural beings reacted immediately and bent down vigilantly, ready to attack.

Ye Zirong opened her eyes wide, and instantly understood: "She can control mutant animals!!"

She... turned out to be the animal trainer from the previous life?God, what jokes are you playing with her again!Why are Lin Yihan's two daughters so outstanding!

Ye Feifan stared at a few supernatural beings who were slowly encircling them, followed by a few soldiers with live ammunition, and made a decision immediately:


Without the slightest intention to stay and fight recklessly, one person and two dogs ran to the depths of the jungle at an incredible speed.

Ye Zirong gritted her teeth, and said angrily to the people behind: "Get in the car and chase after me!"

She used lightness skills to chase Ye Feifan in the direction where Ye Feifan was escaping; at the same time, she also summoned Yu Nu, intending to strike with all her strength, so as not to leave any future troubles.

"Yu slave? Yu slave?" Hair hit her cheek, Ye Zirong grabbed the jade pendant and ran with all her might.

However, Yupei was like a disconnected communicator, no matter how you called it, it didn't respond, and Ye Zirong suddenly had a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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