Chapter 119

Immediately after hearing Ye Zirong's order, Yang Peile immediately pulled a soldier to drive an off-road vehicle, and several others jumped into the vehicle; Yuan Xiao directly threw the soldier down and drove by himself, obviously anxious.

Except for Pan Yuhai and Qiu Yulin who were still in the village, the other four people in Shadow chased after them in the direction they left just now.

The ground deep in the jungle is covered with tree roots and various obstacles. The car jumped up and down from time to time while driving on the uneven ground, and the roof of the car was also rattled by occasional falling branches and gravel.

"She's not an ordinary psychic." Ban Siwen looked worried.

"Obviously, she lied to us all." Lu Shunqing rubbed his forehead irritably, as if he still couldn't accept such a turning point.

"Zi Rong said that she can control mutant animals." Yang Peile was the only one who calmed down: "Maybe that giant mutant bird has something to do with her."

Yuan Xiao, who was driving, suddenly spoke out in an extremely cold tone: "Zi Rong wants to face her head-on, we have to shoot from a long distance while the two of them are fighting."

Lu Shunqing clicked his tongue, he didn't want to shoot a human being at all, let alone a beautiful girl.

In fact, he has joined Shadow for less than half a year, but he has already begun to think about quitting. The reality is far from what he expected at the beginning. Shadow is not so much a specialized base force, but more like Ye Zirong's private team. The decision is the highest order.

If she wants them to kill, they have to kill; if she wants them to die, they have to die. The shadow exists only for Ye Zirong.And now she wants them to kill again, and the target seems to be related to her by blood. Isn't Ye Ming at a loss if he doesn't see the high-ranking Ye Ming?
Lu Shunqing just felt annoyed, he didn't join the Shadow just to get blood on his hands.

"I saw Zirong!" Yang Peile said, and sure enough, the car passed through a tree curtain, and Ye Zirong's blurred figure appeared in front of the window. Her speed was unbelievably fast, and Yuan Xiao could only step up the accelerator.

"That person should be right in front, open the car window and prepare to aim and shoot!" Ye Zirong was not there, so Yuan Xiao naturally took over the captain's duties.

Ban Siwen opened the sunroof, and there were guns on the roof of the car, which could be easily manipulated at any time; Yang Peile handed him the bullets, and the three of them cooperated seamlessly; only Lu Shunqing sat with his hands crossed, silent.

"Aim." Yuan Xiao bypassed Ye Zirong's figure, and in the heavy tree curtains ahead, he could vaguely see three other figures running wildly.

Ban Siwen was about to listen, when suddenly, a sharp pain almost tore his cheek.


Yang Peile looked up and found that Ban Siwen was waving his hands. He didn't know what he was struggling with, but when she heard the scream, she hurriedly pulled him off.

Ban Siwen, who was pulled down, was covered in blood, his facial features could not be seen clearly, and there were many lacerations on his neck and hands. The gurgling blood from inside almost soaked his clothes and the back seat cushion.

Even in severe pain, he still did not forget to say: "There is something outside! Close the window! Quick!"

Yang Peile's expression changed, and she quickly closed the skylight.

"Damn it!" Yuan Xiao thumped the window of the car next to him hard. When he was distracted just now, he lost sight of the two of them. Their speed was unbelievably fast.

Yang Peile was helping Ban Siwen check the injury, but found that it was just a little away from the carotid artery. The attacker should be some kind of agile animal, otherwise it would not have caused such a small and deep wound.

"Bird..." Ban Siwen barely took a breath: "Bird... I saw a bird rushing towards me."

"Mutated bird?" Yang Peile slammed the bandaged hand, what the hell is this!

"It's so small, I didn't notice it." Ban Siwen was so painful that he could hardly speak. Before he could clearly see the color of the bird's body, he was stabbed all over his face by its claws and sharp beak; what's more The scary thing is that the bird kept poking the deep wound, as if looking for a hole to get into.

"Pule, control the wind around you, and watch out for me." Yuan Xiao frowned: "You and Ban Siwen will stay in the car for a while, and Lu Shunqing and I will take the opportunity to get out of the car to help..."

"Oh?" Lu Shunqing glanced at him, and said indifferently: "The captain is not here. As a fifth-level supernatural being, I have the right to do tasks independently according to the law of revival. I shouldn't be obliged to obey your orders, right?"

Yuan Xiao narrowed his eyes, he was still driving, he didn't have the heart to turn around to argue with the other party, so he said to Yang Peile: "Open the car door and let him get out."

Lu Shunqing frowned, the standard has a woman and forgets about brothers, how cruel!

Yang Peile rolled her eyes, her thoughts were delicate, and she naturally heard that Yuan Xiao didn't really mean that, but just wanted to let Lu Shunqing know better. Thinking of this, she also puckered her red lips in cooperation, showing a pitiful expression: "Lv Shunqing Brother..."

"Stop doing this! Tell the captain that I'm quitting." Lu Shunqing rolled his eyes, opened the car door, and jumped down. Earth, rocks and sand rushed out immediately, trying to wrap his body first. A soil ball the size of a person curled up was formed, rolling back and forth quickly.

"Lu Shunqing!" Yuan Xiao was furious. He didn't expect that the other party had planned it beforehand. Now it's all right, and two main players were lost in one fell swoop!

On the other hand, while holding the sword, Ye Zirong held onto the jade pendant tightly, her hair swept across her cheeks, but she couldn't hide the anger on her face.

She is not an idiot, Yupei's space is still there, but she can't get in, Yupei is not a machine and cannot fail, the only possibility is that Yunu deliberately blocked her out.

but why?
The figure of the other party was still within sight, Ye Zirong was a little distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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