Chapter 120

Yu Nu absolutely obeyed her orders, even if she felt something was wrong, she just stood aside to persuade her, and this was the second time Yu Nu defied her orders openly, the first time was at...! !

Suddenly figuring out the connection, Ye Zirong's eyes almost split open. It turns out that her recent troubles are also related to this "sister" who appeared halfway!
Beast trainers, people with great luck, that dirty blood, that damn luck!All the misfortunes in her previous life came from the mother and daughter of the Lin family!What does Ye Zirong owe Lin Yihan?Why was she destined to fight Lin Yihan's daughter to the death in her past and present lives?

The branch tore through the clothes on her body, and instantly cut a gash on her thigh, dripping with blood, but Ye Zirong didn't seem to notice it, and a colorful kung fu technique flashed in her mind.

...Very well, let's wrap everything up here.

The jade slave who was huddled in the jade pendant suddenly realized that something was wrong, the aura of the jade pendant leaked out quickly, and the space for growing up with great difficulty was instantly reduced to the size that could only accommodate one person.

Yu Nu only felt weak all over, and immediately understood, and hurriedly opened his consciousness and shouted: "No way! Master, you can't defeat her! If this continues, we will all be finished!"

Dodging here and there on the road, passed through a large jungle, but failed to get rid of each other, and finally came to a dry and barren grassland, Ye Feifan stopped; at the same time, the two dogs got a rest time, and immediately lay down on the ground madly. asthma.

Ye Feifan touched her chest, almost out of breath, anyway, she had already taken the other party away from the beach, and the flames of war would not reach the village, so just knock down that follower here!
Sparse voices came from the exit of the jungle, and Ye Feifan suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly drove the two dogs that were rushing forward.

A figure came out from inside, Ye Feifan couldn't help holding his breath.

A strange energy enveloped the woman's entire figure, like a layer of close-fitting armor, but Ye Feifan felt a threat that should not be underestimated from above; while the woman's blood vessels dilated and agitated, her heart beat extremely fast, almost catching up with the mutant animal , the person in front of him is like a humanoid version of a mutated animal.

Ye Feifan quietly compressed the circle of light around it, almost becoming a layer of body armor. Ye Feifan hoped that this would slow down the attack speed of the "person"
"Hey!" The other party moved, like a bullet, so fast that even the two dogs couldn't keep up, so they could only bark dryly.

Ye Feifan listened to the voice and avoided it, but still took a step too late, a powerful impact hit his chest.

Fortunately, the aperture slowed down the movement of the fist by half, so Ye Feifan immediately palmed his fist to catch the opponent's fist. The powerful conflict caused the two of them to fall several hundred meters away.

Although I don't understand why, that person's ability in all aspects has been raised to an inhuman state. Before Ye Feifan could stand still, he felt another fist flying towards his face, and he was about to take it hard. Boob, who was moving faster, jumped up from the left and bit the man's arm.

The man didn't expect that there was a helper, so he couldn't help being taken aback. Ye Feifan took the opportunity to kick her abdomen forcefully; at the same time, the sword around his waist was unsheathed instantly.

Obviously a large piece of flesh was lost on his arm, and his waist and abdomen were also severely injured, but the other party quickly got up like a normal person.

She drew out a sword that also carried strange energy, and wanted to slash at Bubu; but Bubu seemed to be injured by the energy of the man, and was lying on the ground, wailing with his mouth open.

Ye Feifan was furious, and immediately raised his sword to the side, and the two of them fought together in an instant.

Duoduo from behind also came quickly, finding a gap in the shadow of swords and swords, desperately trying to bite the enemy's thigh, Ye Feifan hurriedly kicked it out, lest it suffer the same fate as Bubu.

But in just a few seconds of being absent-minded, there were no less than five cuts on Ye Feifan's arm, and under his arm was a terrible chest and abdomen, and the opponent's madness and killing intent could be seen.

She was stabbed in the thigh, and also in the abdomen, as if she was going to slowly kill her. The blood loss made Ye Feifan dizzy, and he was stabbed a few more times, and he could barely block the fatal part. .

She knew that she was at a disadvantage and couldn't delay any longer, as someone was already chasing after her.

The bag of crystal nuclei rubbed against the pocket of the jacket, Ye Feifan gritted his teeth, as long as she was given a little time, she could touch it...

Distraction is a fatal mistake in battle, the man finally caught the gap, turned the sword in his hand into the claws of death, and quickly sent it to Ye Feifan's chest.

At the moment when the tip of the sword was about to penetrate Ye Feifan's chest, the man made a sound and gritted his teeth, as if wishing to swallow the opponent's flesh and blood.

"Goodbye, sister."


The point of the sword only had time to cut through Ye Feifan's chest clothes, and the person who was holding the sword fell to the ground clutching her palm, and a big hole was pierced through her palm!
"Zi Rong..."

Ye Mingshu slightly got out of the car, holding the gun, with a complex and painful expression, as if he had aged ten years in an instant: "What are you doing? That's your sister...the daughter of the Ye family!"

Ye Zirong was lying on the ground, her eyes lost her mind, letting the emotions like waves and raging seas continue to destroy her inner being, unwilling, unwilling, unwilling, unwilling, unwilling! ! ! !
"Master... Please..." Yu Nu huddled in a corner of the space, extremely weak, everything was at its limit.

As if the scene was not chaotic enough, another off-road vehicle also arrived; Yuan Xiao jumped out of the vehicle, looked at the situation in front of him, and immediately ran towards Ye Zirong who was lying on the ground.

He hugged her with one hand, and touched her pale cheek in fear; "Zirong..."

"Yuan Xiao...." Ye Zirong's eyes were slightly focused, her strength was weak, but her murderous intent remained in her words: "Immediately...kill that woman...."

Yuan Xiao stared wide-eyed, watching the woman he loved dying, a trace of cruelty passed by, and frost fused his hand, which instantly turned into a sharp blade.

(End of this chapter)

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