Chapter 121

While everyone was still immersed in the atmosphere of the tragedy, Yuan Xiao slowly put down Ye Zirong, and suddenly jumped up, stabbing Ye Feifan, who was seriously injured and panting, with the sharp blade in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Xiao made a sudden attack, and Ye Ming had no time to react. He could only watch helplessly as his lost and recovered niece was about to be taken away by the god of death again.

At the moment of life and death, a labrador with blood eyes and yellow hair jumped out from the side, opened its mouth wide, and bit Yuan Xiao's neck; Yuan Xiao was in a hurry, and the other hand also turned into an ice blade to mutate The dog's head was cut off, and it seemed that both sides would suffer.

The wilderness was calm, with no wind, no sound, not even a blade of grass, but everyone heard a loud crash.

Ye Ming originally raised the gun and put it down slowly, staring blankly at the incredible scene in front of him.

Yuan Xiao's hand stopped. In fact, his whole body's movements slowed down, as if the remote control slowed down, and the two hands turned into sharp blades were making ridiculous slow motion.

However, all of this seemed to be limited to Yuan Xiao himself, and the mutant dog that rushed over was not affected at all, and it flashed the ice blade and bit the man's neck, and his flesh and blood flew instantly.

Yuan Xiao opened his mouth wide, wanting to scream, but everyone heard a strange low howl, as if deliberately prolonging his pain, even the speed at which he fell was slowed down several times.

The big dog gnawed away at the man's neck, blood splashed everywhere; Yuan Xiao opened his eyes wide, the pupils inside gradually dilated, and the death progressed slowly.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" A burst of screams awakened everyone's attention from this treacherous scene.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Zirong, who was lying on the side, could no longer maintain her cold and weak appearance, and couldn't help screaming, like a mother animal who lost her cub, the pain pierced her heart.

Obviously the monster was eating people right in front of him, but Ye Ming subconsciously looked at Ye Feifan——his strange niece, who was standing up slowly at this moment, "watching" the scene of the monster eating people coldly.

She stood up with her head raised, revealing a pair of "bright" eyes. The strange and vivid firefly blue diverged in the pupils, as if living water had been poured into her, giving her some kind of strength when she was seriously injured.

Swallowing eight crystal nuclei in one breath feels like eating a super spicy peppermint candy.

Ye Feifan didn't feel too much pain, but felt a burst of cold rushing to his forehead, and his spirit was shocked instantly, and the wound on his body suddenly stopped hurting.

She easily manipulated the circle of light to surround Yuan Xiao, slowing down his attack speed so that Duoduo could speak without any worries.

Next just...

Ye Feifan wanted to move the circle of light towards Ye Zirong, but her body began to disobey, the darkness slowly eroded her consciousness, every muscle in her body was screaming and protesting, Ye Feifan was so uncomfortable that she wanted to die, her body swayed, and there was a plop He fell to the ground and fell into a coma for an instant.

Hearing the sound, Ye Zirong recovered from her grief. She looked at Ye Feifan who had fallen not far away, and then at the big dog still gnawing at the corpse. Hatred and revenge propped up her body again.

She drew out the dagger hidden in her waist, raised her hand and was about to throw it at Ye Feifan's back, just like she practiced with Yuan Xiao before, she could always hit the apple accurately, and now she will offer this apple to the dead Yuan Xiao "apple".

"Zirong!" Ye Ming noticed something was wrong, and raised his gun again to aim at Ye Zirong's hand, that's enough for today!
Ye Zirong naturally ignored him, and even Yu Nu's feeble pleading was blocked.

"Touch!" Ye Ming shot.

However, the bullet missed nothing, Ye Ming froze on the spot, and the unbelievable scene happened again.

Originally, Ye Ming wanted to minimize the damage, and the bullet was aimed at Ye Zirong's outstretched arm, but it missed because Ye Zirong's throwing movement suddenly changed, and the sharp dagger turned to stab at his abdomen.

Ye Zirong seemed to have gone crazy, stabbing her abdomen with a dagger, blood splashed on her fair cheeks, and her lower body was bloody.

Everyone thought she was insane because of losing her companion, but they didn't notice the panic on Ye Zirong's face and the unnaturally bent wrist.

stab yourself.

The voice continued, like a snake spitting out brightly colored letters, and the graceful body wrapped around her head, bewitching and moving.

Ye Zirong didn't feel the pain at all, she just felt dizzy for a while, but the movements of her hands never stopped, her hands were sharp and crisp, and there was a puffing sound when the knife blade rubbed against the flesh and blood. He opened the dagger in his hand and fell down with the two people on the ground.

Before she fell down, she was extremely thankful that she had exhausted all her strength, because the last sentence of the voice was: stab your heart.

Ye Ming finally regained his senses from the heavy blow. He dropped the gun and hurried to check the injuries of the two girls, but suddenly heard a voice saying: Get down, don't move.

Ye Ming felt dizzy for a while, and immediately fell to the ground.

sleep.The voice continued to bewitch.

Drowsiness hit him instantly, and Ye Ming almost fell asleep, but years of hard training made him persevere, and he managed to open his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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