Chapter 122

A pair of green vertical pupils looked at him. It was a black and white cat with distinct fur. It turned around, wagged its tail, and glanced at Ye Ming's half-opened and half-closed eyes, looking extremely arrogant.


The boy's voice was particularly light and crisp in the dead grassland, as if he was accusing the pet of being close to strangers.

A slender figure reflected Ye Ming's right eye, which he could barely open.

In the barren grassland, the strong wind quickly passed by. Against the background of sky blue, the boy gently picked up the girl who was seriously injured on the ground, and his every move seemed to be cautious.

His gaze swept across the girl's whole body with some distress, as if to confirm that she was fine, and then his face relaxed, and he reached out his hand to gently wipe away the blood foam dripping from her mouth.

"You!" Ye Ming's left eye also widened, and his surprise at the visitor temporarily repelled the hypnotic drowsiness.

Xia Yuhou's only son, the only son of the Xia family whom he wanted to capture day and night, was standing in front of him!Obviously, he still has a lot of contacts with his niece!

Ye Ming looked at Ye Feifan's unconscious side face with a complicated expression - he realized that he didn't understand Ye Feifan at all, what kind of child did the Ye family ignore?

Xia Tanqing raised his eyebrows. He walked in front of Ye Ming, still holding the girl in his arms, but his face had lost the tenderness just now: "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to remember me. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. How? Got my useless parents?"

"Put...put her down!" Ye Ming was burning with anxiety.

"Why?" Xia Tanqing held the girl firmly, bent down, looked at him coldly, and increased the force of hypnosis at the same time.

Ye Ming gritted his teeth: "The three of you won't be able to escape for long... When things come to light... you are street rats..."

Before he finished speaking, the other party maliciously stepped on the palm of his hand, and his bones cracked.

"Don't be silly, we just tailor-made those "weapons" for you according to the requirements of you benefactors. In the end, it was you who caused internal strife and leaked the things. Tsk tsk... look at you now So, let me guess, it's Xiao Shen again?"

Ye Ming lowered his head and clenched his hands slightly.

"Hehe, it's not a day or two for him to betray you. The sad thing is that you still have to continue to cooperate with him." Xia Tanqing didn't hide the sarcasm in his words, and his boots stomped Ye Ming's hand flat.

A low growl of a dog was faintly heard from behind, Xia Tanqing raised her eyebrows slightly, knowing that time could not be delayed any longer, a certain idiot ate so many messy things at once, and I don't know if something will happen, so I better take it back to the base to have a look .

"Okay, we're leaving." Xia Tanqing met Ye Ming's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved gently: "Sleep well, Mr. Ye. But remember my words before going to bed, your mission is completed, the monster is burned in the air Turned into ashes, but you also suffered heavy casualties, so the first thing you have to do after waking up is to retreat immediately."

Ye Ming bit his lip unwillingly, and the smell of iron permeated the whole mouth, but his eyelids still didn't obey, and drooped more and more.

"I almost forgot, you haven't seen Ye Feifan, you've never seen it before, it's all a hallucination caused by your niece's excessive grief over the loss of her companion; in addition, she also attacked another female companion of hers, knocking her unconscious There may be some mental abnormalities in the car, I suggest you send her to psychiatric treatment."

Although the confession was finished slowly, Xia Tanqing still touched the sweat on his forehead with some difficulty. This time the hypnosis was really terrible, almost to tamper with Ye Ming's memory from the whole day.

"Wow wow wow!"

"Don't bark at me, stinky dog." Xia Tanqing yelled at the two dogs, and walked towards Ye Ming's car with Ye Feifan in his arms.

He flattened Ye Feifan in the back seat, although he was very reluctant, he still let the two dogs into the back seat, and the two dogs hurriedly squeezed to Ye Feifan's side to serve as a blanket for her.

Xia Tanqing found a first-aid kit from the driver's seat - a military off-road vehicle is quite convenient.

Regardless of the low growls of the two dogs, he untied Ye Feifan's clothes and bandaged her wound.Seeing the large and small sword wounds on Ye Feifan's body, Xia Tanqing only regretted that he didn't expect to disfigure the enemy himself.

It was still too late for him to come. After successfully finding the original laboratory and completing the vaccine, he first arrived at the South Star base, but found that it was in ruins and there was no one in sight. So he spent some time groping along the road and finally found a few small villages , At the same time, the army of the Fuxing base has also been stationed inside.

He managed to piece together clues from the thoughts of a few soldiers, but when he arrived, Ye Feifan had already swallowed the crystal nucleus, and was about to explode himself with supernatural powers, his heart almost jumped out of his mouth in fright.

Thinking of this, he drooped his eyelashes and frowned slightly, looking at Ye Feifan who was unconscious, his hazel bangs hanging down melancholy.

He still couldn't hear her heartfelt voice and sleep language, which should mean that her abilities and her body are all in peace, right?no!It is better to take it home and show it to my mother. At least a full-body scan is required.

Xia Tanqing returned to the driver's seat, closed the door, and was about to start the engine; but Yue Guang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly pricked up her ears and stared greedily at the window next to the driver's seat.


There was a small knock on the car window, Xia Tanqing glanced at it, and couldn't help but get a headache.

"How long have you been following? I'm not like someone who doesn't care about your safety, and I don't have any bird food to feed you." Despite complaining, he rolled down the window to let a small animal in.

(End of this chapter)

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