Chapter 123

The cushion under him was vibrating slightly, and there were several breathing sounds in the small space; the temperature in the room was quite mild, probably because the air conditioner was turned on, and the exposed arms and cheeks felt familiar soft hairs moving, and there seemed to be a pair of small The paws are jumping around on the body.

Ah... that's great, everyone is safe and sound.

Ye Feifan opened his eyes, the familiar darkness, but there was something different, everything seemed darker.

She heard human voices, but there were only voices, as if she had returned to the tedious days before the end of the world, but she quickly suppressed the panic in her heart, slowly raised her upper body, and looked around calmly: "Who is it?"

The airtight jacket was used as a quilt to cover her body, and when she got up, the jacket slipped off, revealing a large bandage-wrapped chest. The person who was peeking at the rearview mirror was suffocated, and the hand holding the steering wheel almost slipped.

"I... I'm pulling..." Xia Tanqing quickly looked away, holding the steering wheel tightly, forcing her eyes to focus on the road ahead.

"..." Ye Feifan didn't expect it to be this person, and he didn't know whether he was lucky or uneasy for a moment, but he was still alive, and so were the little ones....


She exclaimed, and finally realized what was wrong, the pure darkness embraced her again, and she became an ordinary "blind man" again.

Xia Tanqing was keenly aware of Ye Feifan's abnormality, thinking of the stupid thing she committed a few hours ago, she couldn't help but express concern: "Are you okay?"

not good.Ye Feifan said to herself, but she still pretended to be okay on the surface: "It's okay." The short words made her teeth chatter, and she subconsciously guarded against the other party, not wanting the other party to see anything.

Qingdai is nearby, not locked in a cage, it jumps up and down to express its excitement; she hears the sound, but dare not move, Qingdai's speed is too fast, and her body is too small, she can't accurately distinguish Its position, rash actions will only let the people in front see the clues:
Fortunately, Duoduo pressed her nose against her waist, making her feel that she was not fighting alone. At least Duoduo would bite off his neck before the other party attacked her.

"Where are you taking me?" Ye Feifan froze, trying to pretend to be confident and indifferent.

"...." Xia Tanqing's ability is not just for show, even if he can't pry into Ye Feifan's heart, the other party's body movements still reveal some lies, not to mention that Ye Feifan is extremely restless now, every move is a flaw out of nowhere.

So he threw a sentence as a test, "What are you afraid of?"

Sure enough, the other side turned pale. Even though she didn't have a pair of talking eyes, her tight lips and clenched hands still revealed her panic.

"Is your body okay?" Xia Tanqing frowned, her eyes still staring ahead, but her mind had already begun to calculate the possible damage and side effects of swallowing a huge amount of energy.

"..." Ye Feifan knew that she was at a disadvantage, so she simply lowered her head and did not speak, and quietly picked up Bubu's head, which rested on her lap, and the bumpy head seemed to have the function of soothing anxiety.

She groped down slowly along the depression, Bubu snored comfortably, and Ye Feifan's mood improved a lot.

Knowing that the other party was pretending to be stupid, Xia Tanqing rolled her eyes in her heart, but still said patiently: "We are now on the way north..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Feifan raised his head immediately, and said without concealing his dissatisfaction: "Go back immediately!"

"Let me finish, okay?" Xia Tanqing didn't have much patience, he was about to get to the point: "We are not going to the base in the north, I want to take you to the Wan'an base, which is in the inland mountainous area, sheltered High, very safe."

Ye Feifan frowned, she had never heard of Wan'an Base.

"There are good equipment there, I think you should have a full body scan, alas... I don't know how your body works, you can still be alive and kicking after swallowing so many things at once..."

Xia Tanqing murmured, but secretly used supernatural powers to probe, but she still couldn't hear anything, and the "bronze wall and iron wall" was still firmly blocking it.

Ye Feifan lowered his head, quietly thinking about whether he should find a chance to escape; Jiaoge is still there, and the army doesn't know whether to withdraw, it's too unsafe...

"Don't ask me how I took you away?"

Xia Tanqing didn't forget the previous incident. He had already guessed most of Ye Feifan's life experience, but there were still some key points that he hoped to be confirmed from her, so he said persuasively: "Those guys are really scary. They hold guns and knives. Yes, how did you provoke those people?"

Ye Feifan only grasped one point, "How did you take me away?"

"Huh?" Xia Tanqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately bit her tongue when she realized it, blaming herself for speaking too much again, but she still held her face and said: "Yes, I asked you! Who are those people?!"

"A group of supernatural beings and soldiers with guns and knives, how did you take me away? In front of those people." Ye Feifan just perfunctorily brought him a question, and continued to cling to the last point.

"...." Xia Tanqing was completely angry, but more than half of her was angry with herself.

Ye Feifan speculated and waited slowly, no matter what the answer was, it wasn't her who suffered.

There was a dead silence in the car, only the sound of Boo Boo licking his paws.

After all, it is the last magic weapon of wealth, Xia Tanqing hesitated for a long time, and finally felt that he should follow Ye Feifan and pretend to be stupid to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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