Chapter 139

The white space, the dead air, feels like standing in a large coffin.

The boy stood in place, his hazel bangs covered his eyes, his clenched hands looked awkward, his shirt was wet with sweat, and it was crumpled and covered his thin back like a rag.

And it was the slender girl standing opposite who gave him such great pressure.

Ye Feifan was really angry. When she thought that when she was on the verge of life and death, that person was busy abducting them and taking them into the dangerous base laboratory, Ye Feifan's chest was full of anger and blood.

In fact, she still had a little trust in Xia Tanqing, otherwise she wouldn't have followed him all the way to the new base, looking for a way to fully recover her abilities.

It's a pity that Xia Tanqing let him down. Ye Feifan didn't forget about the Bosch base. At the beginning, he said that Duoduo would not be allowed to enter the base and would let her leave after the physical examination. Use lots of them to blackmail yourself.

Ye Feifan stared fiercely at the slender young man in front of him, but Ye Feifan soon became exhausted.

Her emotions come and go quickly, only the darkness of sound and smell doesn’t need to be considered too much, even now that she has supernatural powers, she is still used to being indifferent to everything, emotions are like a superficial drop of water, ripples, a little bit of it will be gone Can.

It has just been confirmed that the aperture is slowly recovering. Ye Feifan does not plan to stay for a long time. She is not interested in viruses and vaccines at all, so she ignores Xia Tanqing who is hesitant to talk, and asks Liu Qingyu directly: "Can you open the driveway here? ?I'm leaving."

"Oh!" Liu Qingyu pretended to be surprised and covered her red lips lightly, but a pair of beautiful light-colored eyes turned maliciously, and slowly came to her son: "Tan Qing, what do you think? Do you want to marry him?" Friends say goodbye?"

Xia Tanqing's body trembled, he glanced at the cheap mother, and found that her eyes were just looking at the show, and she didn't even have any sincerity to help, so he suddenly lost his mind.

After struggling for a while, he gritted his teeth, shook his head solemnly at Liu Qingyu, his eyes were filled with pleading for the first time, and seeing Liu Qingyu felt relieved, he vomited the resentment of being underestimated by his son for many years.

It is said that a child is a piece of the mother's body, the treasure of every mother, but Liu Qingyu doesn't think so.

Not to mention that she was tossed to death before and after pregnancy, and her important work was delayed for nearly two years; after that, Xia Tanqing was thrown to her grandmother's house, and when she came back, she completely lost her previous cuteness and softness. He stuffed it back and gave birth to another one——The son has a bad temper like himself, so annoying, how can it be broken?
Xia Tanqing perfectly inherited his father's IQ, but smart people are not lovable. At least Xia Yuhou has a gentle personality and can be tolerant, but Xia Tanqing is a second-year middle school boy who has no respect for his elders and is self-righteous; especially It was after he successfully improved the L2MS that the Xia family and his wife were completely relegated to the bottom in his heart. Probably even the experimental catnip was better than his parents.

Liu Qingyu was arrogant, and Xia Tanqing didn't give in too much, so when she saw her son lowering his face and begging to himself with his eyes, only Liu Qingyu deeply understood how much struggle and pain he felt in his heart.

Liu Qingyu drooped her eyelashes, pondered for a moment, raised her head and smiled at Ye Feifan: "Sorry, I would like to ask you to have a physical examination before leaving. This is the rule of the base, and you must confirm that you are not infected by the experimental subject."

Two mutated dogs were sitting at her feet. This excuse was really poor, but Ye Feifan hesitated and agreed: "Okay."

She felt that the other party was not malicious, but had a strange malice towards her "son". Ye Feifan thought about cooperating in this way, so as not to make the scene too rigid and unsightly.

Xia Tanqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Liu Qingyu turned to him with a look of disgust and said: "Take Miss Ye to rest first, and I will prepare things for inspection."

Knowing that Liu Qingyu was helping her, Xia Tanqing also seized the opportunity and approached Ye Feifan calmly, trying to speak to ease the atmosphere between the two.

Hearing the sound of her mother leaving, Xia Tanqing confirmed again and again, then she lost her scruples, and turned around to show weakness to Ye Feifan: "It's my fault, I'm sorry."

"En." Ye Feifan was no longer angry, anyway, he was leaving soon, so what's the point of being angry?

Probably also knowing that the other party is not so easy to calm down, Xia Tanqing took a deep breath, made up his mind, and said heavily: "I can tell you everything you want to know. Regarding the virus, I promise that I will not hide any more."

(End of this chapter)

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