Chapter 140

"No need." Ye Feifan walked ahead with two dogs: "Your mother has already said everything."


The other party had disappeared at the door, Xia Tanqing hurriedly chased after him.

Unexpectedly being wasted by Liu Qingyu like this, Xia Tanqing cut her mother to pieces from the bottom of her heart, but her face was still gentle and gentle: "Then I will take you to the rest room. I was not good before. I didn't expect that there was a mutation nearby." Mouse, are you injured? I was going to find you in person, but Liu Qingyu said he wanted to see you..."

Ye Feifan thought for a while and shook his head: "No, you were busy controlling Duoduo at that time, so naturally you didn't have time to look for me."

Xia Tanqing had a bad temper, and now his face turned green and pale, but he didn't dare to get angry with Ye Feifan, so he could only bite his lip and walk behind the other party despondently.

Ye Feifan didn't need Xia Tanqing to lead the way, and found the lounge by himself. There was a big sofa in it. Duoduo and the others jumped on it and curled up. Ye Feifan also asked Qingdai to rest on the hanger to avoid being coveted by a certain cat.

Xia Tanqing stood obediently in the corner, twitched for a long time, and was about to speak, but his expression suddenly turned cold, and he said rudely to the person at the door: "What's the matter?"

Liu Qingyu originally wanted to secretly observe the cold war between the young couple, but she was caught by her son immediately, but she still said calmly, "Please change your clothes."

Xia Tanqing snorted, snatched the plastic corset for examination from her hand, immediately relaxed, and carefully handed it to Ye Feifan. Liu Qingyu was amazed by the huge gap between the front and back.

Being watched by two people, Ye Feifan inevitably felt a little uncomfortable: "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Turn right to the end."

Liu Qingyu answered neatly, while grabbing Xia Tanqing who wanted to follow.

There was no one in the toilet, so Ye Feifan still found one to go in. It smelled of fragrance, and the smell was relaxing.

Ye Feifan quickly took off his muddy sportswear and put on a thin plastic one. His body felt chilly against the corset.Thinking of this, Ye Feifan suddenly frowned slightly, feeling a little sleepy, and wondered if it was the accumulated fatigue from before.

She yawned heavily, walked out of the room a little shaky, and leaned against the sink.

She had already realized that something was wrong, but her feet didn't have the strength to go out, and the rich fragrance slowly surrounded her like two powerful arms.

Before she lost consciousness, she thought, if Xia Tanqing was playing tricks again, she would definitely kill him, absolutely...

The other side of the walkway.

"Alas!" Liu Qingyu held on to Xia Tanqing: "That's the women's toilet, do you want to be kicked out? How can you chase girls like this!"

Xia Tanqing scratched her hair anxiously, and muttered to herself: "I'm really angry this time... I touched her pet last time, and this time I abducted her pet again..."

Liu Qingyu patted him on the shoulder and said indifferently: "Can't you tamper with the memory? Just delete that part."

"How can it be that simple?" Xia Tanqing rolled her eyes at her: "It's really possible that I deleted it a long time ago. My ability has no effect on her. Successful evolutionaries can only communicate but cannot work."

"..." Liu Qingyu took a few steps back silently: I was just talking casually, so you really wanted to do that.

Xia Tanqing himself was very annoyed. If possible, he would rather just hear Ye Feifan's heartfelt voice instead of a bunch of useless passers-by...

"Human antibodies have been captured and sent to the ninth floor of the underground laboratory."

Xia Tanqing froze on the spot, and when he realized it, he turned his head and grabbed Liu Qingyu's shoulder with all his strength and said angrily, "You don't know what that bastard is planning?"

Liu Qingyu was confused: "Ah? What bastard."

Xia Tanqing heard the doubts in her heart, and then suddenly realized that she was furious, and punched the solid wall with a fist: "Xia Yuhou! You bastard!"

The two dogs in the lounge pricked up their ears when they heard the movement, and Boo Boo couldn't help barking. For a while, there was endless noise inside and outside.

Liu Qingyu looked at the blood gurgling from his hands, and was completely dumbfounded: "Hey, hey! Can't catch up with your girlfriend and do your father's shit?"

His fist was still hanging on the wall, and traces of blood overflowed from the wound, but Xia Tanqing's voice calmed down: "Where is he?"

Liu Qingyu was baffled by the contrast, worried that he had been hit too hard by the loss of love and his brain was burnt out, and was about to speak to persuade him, but was dumbfounded the moment the boy raised his head.

"Where is he?"

A faint scarlet pervaded the eyes, and the warm brown color had faded quietly for some time. The boy's voice was emotionless, and the barking of the dog suddenly stopped.

Liu Qingyu lowered her hands, her expression immediately turned cold, and she said calmly, "Ninth floor, the key card is here. Also, don't lose control, don't force me to expel you by dealing with the infected body."

(End of this chapter)

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