Chapter 141

"The experimental subject has been placed in the preservation box."

In a clean white space, stacks of papers, the female assistant carefully handed the data to the man behind the desk.

The man wears gold-rimmed glasses and a neat white lab robe. Apart from the faint dark circles under his eyes, he looks meticulous.

The female assistant took a peek at him, and was disappointed again when she saw that the other party was still focused on the data.

She has been working for him for 20 years, and even at this moment, she will never leave him; for a long time, she thought that waiting would bring the so-called long-term love, until that loose and willful woman appeared, everything My hopes and fantasies were all shattered into one place.

After the end of the world, he worked hard day and night with deep guilt, and only when he faced that woman did he regain some humanity and vitality. It is a lie to say that he is not jealous, but he also feels that he is ridiculous. Their How old are the children...

"Go away!"

There was a commotion outside, and the thick glass door swung open. Obviously, the person who came had a key card with extremely high authority, but the only one who could enter and leave Xia Yuhou's office freely should be the wife, and the voice of the person who came was a young man...

"Xia Yuhou! Where is she?"

I saw a boy rushing to Xia Yuhou's desk angrily, his two shirt sleeves rolled up as if he was about to fight, what frightened the female assistant even more was that behind him were two mutant dogs with bloody eyes and big mouths, oddly shaped Abnormal.

Compared with the attitudes of others, Xia Yuhou said calmly: "She has antibodies in her body, and I need her to speed up the vaccine research. Also, I am your father, not an enemy, so take a good look at your own attitude."

The young man sneered, Xia Yuhou's control was excellent, he couldn't hear any useful information, so he turned his head and asked the female assistant who was still in a state of shock: "Where is the experimental subject that was just sent?"

The female assistant was taken aback, and glanced at the dignified Xia Yuhou. Naturally, she immediately adjusted her expression, pursed her face, and pursed her lips tightly, looking mighty and unyielding.

Just a flash of thought was enough, the boy nodded to her: "Thank you." He turned his head and was about to leave.

"Xia Tanqing, stop!" Xia Yuhou's face was ashen as he walked out of the desk.

Probably because it made too much noise, the two mutant dogs who were about to leave immediately turned around and yelled at Xia Yuhou. Xia Tanqing turned around impatiently, and suddenly laughed at himself: "By the way! I forgot to take the key with you."

Xia Yuhou looked at him coldly, as if betting on whether he would dare or not.

Xia Tanqing was also polite: "Do you want me to use mind control or hand it over? Father?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head puzzled again: "There are so many supernatural beings, just find one who has antibodies, and I also have that kind of thing, why do I have to choose her..."

Xia Yuhou frowned, and his tone was slightly weak: "She is the only one who has the antibody that can suppress L2MS from a virus to a common medicine."

Xia Tanqing scratched her hair, and said more and more impatiently: "So it's bullshit to save the world again? When you made that kind of thing, you didn't expect it to be so great. It's you who are always asking for trouble. Why should you do it?" Others bear...."

Xia Yuhou opened his eyes slightly, as if he noticed his son's unusual behavior.

The more Xia Tanqing talked, the more anxious she became, and the hand holding her hair became tighter and tighter. There seemed to be a red light in her eyes, as if she was muttering to herself: "Mother clearly said that only one tube of her blood was drawn for research. What is the staff for? What do you think of her? A cat or dog for experiments?..."

"Tan Qing, restrain yourself." Xia Yuhou said while reaching into his pocket.

"Forget it! Hand over the key card, I'm going to take her away, and you can figure it out yourself!"

He stretched out his hand to take it, but Xia Yuhou naturally refused, grabbed his hand, took out the needle from his pocket, and was about to prick Xia Tanqing's hand.

Suddenly, Xia Tanqing's other hand had already grasped the syringe, tilted his head, and smiled contemptuously at Xia Yuhou: "Forget that I can "hear"?"

The suppressed Xia Yuhou stared coldly at his violently dilated pupils: "The pupils are half red, have you forgotten that time at the Bosch base?"

Xia Tanqing's pupils shrank, and memories flashed across his eyes like a tide, and he whispered bitterly: "How could you forget? You lied to me! You even imprisoned me for a whole month! I was imprisoned as an experimental animal for a month stand up!"

Facing the hateful eyes of his own son, Xia Yuhou couldn't help but increase his volume: "If I didn't do that, you could still threaten your father here now? Do you think your current situation is better than those infected people outside? Where to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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