Chapter 147

The towering barbed wire crossed an impassable line, and several sentries with guns stood on the right side of the barbed wire.

Those sentries were not very neatly dressed. Some wore standard military uniforms; The homeless wandering around the barbed wire can only stare at those fair skin and bumpy figures, salivating inwardly, but dare not go one step further.

Suddenly, there was some commotion among the sentinels, and a crowd of people was seen coming from a distance.

The leading sentinel said excitedly: "Miss Wu! Is there a mission?"


After hearing this, the female sentinel immediately turned her head and said to her opponent: "Did you hear that, quickly unlock the lock for Miss Wu!"

A few female soldiers moved swiftly, and opened the barbed wire fence at once; probably because no one had passed out from here for too long, so there was a lot of friction when the iron door opened, obviously the seams were rusted and corroded.

Compared with Yingying Yanyan on the right, the left side of the iron net is also a rather extreme situation; all the people sitting, standing and chatting around on the street are men, so when the iron gate is opened, many men It was the eyes that lit up, hoping that some woman who couldn't bear the pain would come to the East District to work as a prostitute, but when they saw who was coming, they immediately looked away, and some even ran away.

Several women stepped into the territory of the Eastern District, and the leader was a ponytailed woman in a military uniform; thick gloves and iron rods, and simple equipment, were the most obvious signs of the "Red Scorpion"; in fact, the most distinctive one should be a crocodile, But that's for later.

This is the second subdivision of Tianyou Base. The original base is an hour's drive away from here, far away from the other end of the city. However, the second subdivision is slowly evolving because it is located in a mountainous area, the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Cheng Tianyou's political and military center.The entire Tianyou is second only to Fuxing, the second largest base in the north, but different from Fuxing, it has developed a unique division of labor society.

Originally, like Fuxing, it was only developed from a small military base, but after expanding the base and adding a group of women's soldiers, the Tianyou base began to take an unusual path, and that group of women's soldiers became the later Red Scorpion.

Originally, they were not called Red Scorpions, but the Extraordinary Squad. They were formerly a group of survivors recruited during the expansion of Tianyou Base. They were originally only six of them, and only three of them had supernatural powers, so it was not a problem at all.So at the beginning, the extraordinary team was immediately lost in a group of soldiers and supernatural beings; no one cared about these six women, but occasionally there would be desperate female survivors who volunteered to join this group of women.

Although the physical fitness of women is not as good as that of men, the number is also strength. At first, there may be less than ten people, but as word of mouth spread, many women began to live together near the apartment where the team took root, and finally reached thousands of people, almost almost Occupying one-sixth of the sub-district, and continuing the previous site, it was called the "West District". In less than half a year, it gradually gained the attention of Tianyou's senior management.

But the name Red Scorpion comes from an incident;
One morning, a group of male supernatural beings were chasing a girl, claiming that the girl had stolen their crystal nucleus. The chase between the two sides came to the "West District" where women lived, and the girl naturally disappeared immediately.

The group of supernatural beings could not find anyone and refused to leave, insisting on accusing the residents of the West District of being suspected of covering up the thief; the two sides had a disagreement, and conflicts soon broke out. After the supernatural beings killed several residents with their supernatural powers, they began Invade door to door, search room by room.

At that time, "Red Scorpion" came back from the mission and saw the neighborhood was in a mess. Soon someone told what was going on, so he immediately approached the group of supernatural beings, and the conflict broke out without saying a few words.

In the process of fighting, there must be death and killing. This was originally just a trivial matter, and the two sides could solve it by fighting and killing themselves, but the final result alarmed the higher-ups.

The reason was that the whereabouts of those adult men with supernatural powers were unknown. Many people saw them stepping into the West District and never came out again. They couldn't even find their bodies and bloodstains.Although the number of supernatural beings is indeed increasing, the number is still very rare, let alone a few young and strong men, the high-level immediately sent a few soldiers to the West District to look for them.

The west district is backed by mountains, rich in resources, plus some equipment left over from the past, there are fields from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain; however, most of the water sources in the mountainous area are public, and it is not enough for a group of people to distribute evenly, so the women in the west district are self-sufficient. For food, several reservoirs were opened at the foot of the mountain.In the end, the military finally found a man's severed hand next to a cistern. The tear seemed to have been eaten, which was shocking.

In order to avoid being accused of cannibalism in the West District, Red Scorpion had no choice but to stand up and admit: it turned out that they raised a mutant crocodile in one of the reservoirs, and those male supernatural beings were carried into the pond by everyone. Feed the crocodile.

(End of this chapter)

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