Chapter 148

The higher-ups were shocked, but they did not dare to forcibly catch crocodiles; because most of the people in the west area were women, their lives were stable, and the proportion of food production in the base was slowly increasing. But it will be messy.

This incident ended in nothing, and the "Red Scorpion" has gained a reputation since then. After the momentum became louder, they were even more rude to the supernatural beings who came to make trouble, as if they wanted to put the name of "Red Scorpion" on purpose. It is true that the western district has also become a forbidden area for the men of the base, but the atmosphere in the central and western districts has become tense.

Just kidding, they have the ability to raise mutated crocodiles to eat people, maybe they will raise a few tigers and cheetahs later, and it will not be a problem to eat an entire army.

Seeing that the conflicts and knots between the two parties were brewing, in the end it was a marriage that blinded everyone to settle the matter.

The young and promising general of the base fell in love with a medical soldier from the West District during the healing process, and the medical soldier "just happened" to be a member of the Red Scorpion, the timing and identity were quite embarrassing.

So the general showed his sincerity and removed the guards near the west area. Only then did the conflict between the central and western areas tend to slow down. There was no stupid thing of division and infighting. However, after this series of incidents, the Tianyou base gave women The security and power of the base are also far beyond those of other bases.

"Sister Luoli, are we going there by plane?" A pretty girl with short hair and shorts in a vest followed closely behind the ponytailed girl.

The girl with ponytail walked in the front, frowning slightly; why was it so quiet outside the west area, there was no one there? Could it be that the men in the base are on the verge of extinction?
Of course she didn't know that everyone ran away when they saw them, wishing they could spread their wings. Even those who had no time to escape hid in the shadows and prayed to send them away as soon as possible.

No one was seen on the street, only rubbish and cigarette butts all over the floor, the ponytail girl nodded and said: "Well, time is limited...the general's wife will come to see you off later."

Speaking of the general's wife, the woman showed no respect on her face, instead she frowned slightly, showing displeasure.

"Liluo, Lingshan also has her own plan, and she seems to agree with each other..." Seeing the other party's expression, the submissive woman immediately shut her mouth.

The companion standing next to the woman disagreed and said, "What kind of plan, have we ever let her starve and freeze? But occasionally wrapping wounds and preparing medicines, dozens of medical soldiers are under her control, but she I insist on going to the center to show my presence, now I have my wish? Is it more noble to be a wife and beg for food and drink with a man?"

"Pingting, stop talking!" the ponytailed woman shouted in a low voice.

Feng Pingting wanted to speak again, but when she noticed Li Zhiyao who was looking embarrassed, she closed her mouth just like the woman just now.

The atmosphere of the few people was not very good. They looked like murderous and veritable red scorpions in the eyes of others, so people and birds disappeared along the way. They almost caught a glimpse of the woman walking in the front with the ugliest face. Passers-by immediately stood up. run wildly.

There were no obstacles along the way, and they soon arrived at the tarmac, where a small plane had already parked. In view of the previous failure of the shadow operation at the Bosch base, each base decided to come to an internal and external support, and set up a plan for the cunning couple surnamed Xia. With a net all over the world, Red Scorpion got only one instruction: to capture Xia Yuhou alive.

Several guards stood beside the tarmac. They were guarding a delicately dressed woman. The place where the plane took off and landed was very windy. She was wearing a good black one-piece leather jacket and she was waiting for the Red Scorpions with boots on.

After seeing everyone clearly, the woman waved away the guards beside her, stepped forward to greet her, and said, "How are you doing recently?"

The captain was putting on a dirty face, and the people behind him could only nod their heads dryly, with a smirk, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, until Li Zhiyao, who is a female best friend, eased the scene:
"It's not bad. After completing this task, Qiaoen and Xiaomei can be upgraded to sixth-level supernatural beings. However, Lingshan, you have to come back to the West District to visit occasionally. Everyone misses you very much. Pingting has been complaining about those things." The medical soldiers don't know how to massage at all."

Fang Lingshan couldn't help laughing: "Well, when you come back, I will help you celebrate!"

Seeing them like this, Wu Liluo actually lost her temper a long time ago. Thinking about Fang Lingshan's relatively traditional personality, it is normal for her to want to marry and have children, and to find someone to lean on.

It was just that there were rumors and rumors at that time, and most women in the West District hated men. She only felt that Fang Lingshan's hard-earned reputation was embarrassing for them. Unable to bear farming, fishing and hunting, there are quite a few people who go back to the East District to work as prostitutes. Fang Lingshan, apart from the scheming in front of her, can be regarded as a legitimate marriage, and she has also reconciled the relationship between the central and local governments. I have to thank her.

"Let's go." Before getting on the plane, Wu Liluo turned her head and nodded to her.

Ignoring the other party's flattered expression, she looked at the blue sky above the plane, a large thin cloud, thinly curled, like a floating fish tail, which made people's thoughts flutter.

What about the people who left before?

(End of this chapter)

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