Chapter 149

Although flying tools are fast, they are also risky. The weather is second, and the most dangerous is the mutated birds. Not to mention the sharp beaks and beneficial claws, just looking at the dense numbers makes people tremble.The mutated flock of birds is like a storm made of metal and iron filings. No matter how strong the aluminum alloy used for the aircraft is, it cannot escape the clutches of the flock of birds. Therefore, the bases will only use airplanes to transport a small number of personnel during emergency missions, and use land for the rest of the time. , at least there is room to retreat.

The windows in the cabin were all deadlocked and thickened with extra steel plates, and the driver was trembling all the way, only a few girls in the back were making noise, warming up for the task for a while.

"I have one card left! Anyone want to follow? If I don't follow, I win again." Feng Pingting waved the last card in her hand, and began to dance while sitting on her seat.

Wang Xiaomei and Li Zhiyao shook their heads respectively.

Cheng Qiaoen was not allowed to gamble at a young age, so he could only watch the battle from behind, and now he couldn't help but look at him with love and said, "Sister Feng is so good, she has already won seven rounds in a row!"

"Hmph!" Feng Pingting snorted, unable to hide her complacency.

Wu Liluo glanced at the other party lightly, and the two female soldiers behind her could only hide their smiles when they saw the cards in her hand.


Wu Liluo suddenly made a sound, and everyone was stunned for a second or two. Feng Pingting saw that there was only one card left in her hand, and the smile on the corner of her mouth froze immediately.

"A!" She calmly threw out the cards in her hand, ending the round.

Feng Pingting put on a sad face, let go of the cards in her hand, and at the same time watched helplessly that the privately hidden small wine bottle was taken away by the other party as a trophy; For romance novels, Li Zhiyao took out a small and exquisite portable nail scissors.

Although Feng Pingting has won several rounds and has a lot of things behind her, wine is her lifeline. To her, losing the wine bottle is like missing a piece of meat, which makes her feel very distressed.

So she patted the table made of thick cardboard boxes hard, and said with a sad face: "Sister Luoli! I was so lucky before you joined, but I lost when you came, so I won't fight! Xiaoxue came to replace me Take a seat!"

Cheng Qiaoxue's eyes lit up when she heard it, but Wu Liluo immediately gave her a warning look, and said displeasedly, "What cards do 13-year-olds bet on? Pingting, don't teach bad children!"

Feng Pingting stuck out her tongue at Wu Liluo, left her seat and patted Cheng Qiaoxue's head, and then gave her the small packet of milk candy she just won, and Cheng Qiaoxue returned to smiling.

Wu Liluo gave her a blank look, then turned to one of the female soldiers watching the battle behind and said, "An Xin, you have a good temper, come down and fight!"

Yiqin came out from the cockpit. She was wearing a neat military uniform and a military cap, and she was more formal than all the female soldiers present.

She interrupted everyone and said: "Put the cards away, there is only half an hour away from the receiver, Lilo, please go through the task with them again."

Seeing her, Feng Pingting was a little disappointed and said, "I didn't see you just now, so I thought this mission was optional."

Yiqin couldn't help but smile wryly after hearing Feng Pingting's words. She also knew that her wood-type ability was useless, and being forced into the task list was probably a ulterior motive, instead of replacing the central surveillance.

"There must be someone to keep in touch with the central government. If you refuse to send someone, I can only volunteer. Anyway, I am a person blessed by God, and the central government still has a little trust in me."

Wu Liluo nodded, and kicked the cardboard box to the side to clear the space. The other three hurriedly sat over, and the six centered on her, put away their smiling faces, and began to listen attentively.

"This is Xia Yuhou, each of you has a photo of him." Wu Liluo took out a photo from her pocket and handed it in front of everyone, apparently to make them remember:
"The only person we want to capture is him! The others have nothing to do with us. When we get there, no matter what happens, we must capture him alive! No interference or distraction is allowed! Even if it is surrounded by corpses, we must Take him out first!"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!!"

Wu Liluo nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "Fuxing has sent seven spies in, and we have already contacted one of them, and he will respond to us, but Wan'an base and Bosch base have high-tech equipment, in order to avoid being detected Now, we will use the parachute to land first, so, now, all get up! Go get the parachute behind you!"

Everyone didn't dare to talk nonsense, and got up to act one after another.

The plane started to fly low, and as soon as Wu Liluo opened the cabin door, the outside air immediately rushed in, everyone was blown to this side, and their hair and clothes were messed up.

Wu Liluo didn't wait for their reaction, she had already jumped forward, and several female soldiers with long hair and shawls had to quickly tie up their hair and jump out.

The place where everyone landed was not good, the distance was blue and green everywhere, the more they went down, the more they felt those towering and swaying tree tops, fearing that a parachute with bad wind direction would bring the whole person stuck on it. Can secretly scold Xia Yuhou for being cunning, while carefully controlling the direction.

In the end, everyone finally landed safely, only Xu Ruyi, the second youngest newcomer, accidentally got stuck on the treetop, but fortunately, she cut the rope with a wind blade and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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