Chapter 150

Relying on the communicator, everyone quickly gathered together. Because she was afraid of mutated animals, Wu Liluo didn't take much rest. She just mentioned a few words as usual, and then led everyone to the place pointed by the receiver on the instrument without stopping. .

The plan is very simple. Under the support of Fuxing spies, they disguised themselves as survivors and sneaked into the base. The task only needed to be brought out by Xia Yuhou, and the Wan'an base was handed over to Evergreen Base to take over.

Although this project is listed in a simple way, all the forces in it have participated in it; Fuxing sneaked in at the beginning, handed over to Tianyou to take over in the middle, and finally asked Evergreen to finish. None of the three major bases in the north was missed, and their interests were all controversial. Also small!

Wu Liluo and the others focused their attention on the tracker, and the receiver was moving. Obviously, the other party had already known their arrival and was about to come over to meet them.

Because she wasn't sure if there were other base personnel who were not spies coming, Wu Liluo stopped, turned her head and glanced around the crowd, and couldn't help frowning: Is this dress too clean?Still like a defected survivor?

She thought so, her eyes came to Yi Qin, and then she slapped her forehead hard: Why did she forget how conspicuous the military uniform is!
Fortunately, everyone's tacit understanding was excellent, Wu Liluo rolled her eyes and immediately understood; Yiqin took off her upper body military uniform, revealing a cool undershirt, and everyone hurriedly wiped dirt on themselves, and scratched her long hair along the way, trying to make it as clear as possible. The more embarrassed you look, the better.

"Beep!" The tracker beeped, indicating that the target was less than [-] meters away from him.

Wu Liluo took off the watch-shaped tracker and threw it into her backpack to hide it. Looking at the lush forest in front of her, she couldn't see any people at all. She couldn't help feeling nervous in her heart, so she made a gesture behind her, asking everyone to cooperate with her at any time.

Yiqin pretended to be nervous and said, "You said... where is that base? We haven't seen it after walking for so long? What if we encounter mutant animals in the dark?"

Feng Pingting continued to cooperate, pretending to be coquettish and said: "Yes! And there are mosquitoes everywhere! I don't want to stay in the wild!"

Wu Liluo then raised the volume: "Maybe there are no bases at all, let's go to the north to have a look. There are no less than five bases there, and it's easier to find!"

There was the rustling sound of bushes rubbing against each other in front, and a stranger said, "Wait!"

Everyone moved the muscles on their faces, and they were already prepared in their hearts. When they saw two people in white protective clothing coming out from the front, they all showed vigilance and fear.

"We are personnel from Wan'an Base, how many of you are there?" One of them made an indistinct voice through his mask.

"Eight people." Not sure which one was Fuxing's spy, Wu Liluo planned to play dumb all the way until entering the base.

"En." The man nodded, and the plastic equipment made a rattling sound: "It is completely in line with the information. We are all sent by the revival. Presumably you are the ones blessed by God?"

Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly, Wu Liluo couldn't help raising her brows, and then she smiled: "So we are all colleagues, it seems that our work was wasted just now!"

The women behind couldn't help but loosen their shoulders and pat the dust off their bodies.

For a moment, the tense breath relaxed, and the two black masks swept around the crowd, as if they were very satisfied with the trust and relaxation on their faces.

One of them stretched out his hand to Wu Liluo: "It's a pleasure meeting you and fighting for the future of mankind together."

Wu Liluo was about to raise her hand, but suddenly found that there was something extra in the opponent's hand. When she took a closer look, she couldn't help but horrified: "You..."

Before she had time to dodge back, the silenced pistol whistled, and the bullet had already penetrated her abdomen soundlessly. The people behind realized something was wrong, and hurried forward to catch Wu Liluo and retreated to a sheltered place.

Wang Xiaomei reacted the fastest. She pulled out her gun and shot at the two men, but the bullet bounced off the protective clothing with a few bangs.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the god of death came silently. Another person pulled out a submachine gun from the box on his back, half mocking and half sighing: "All of you are here, you can all go to die."

Wu Liluo didn't care about her own injuries, and hurriedly said to the people who were pulling her: "Leave me alone!! Run away to the woods!!" But the few people didn't seem to hear it, and refused to let go with red eyes.
Seeing that they were about to be wiped out, only a "plop" was heard, and the man with the gun was suddenly suppressed to the ground.

"That is……?"

Everyone came back to their senses, and saw a huge yellow monster standing on the person, taking a closer look; blood-colored eyes, brown fur, big earlobes on both sides, saliva dripping from the bloody mouth It turned out to be a mutant dog!

"That's great! Let's run away while it's eating people!" Feng Pingting and the others couldn't help being surprised and happy, pulling Wu Liluo to run away, but the other party unexpectedly pushed them away , clutching the wound and walking forward.

"Wu Liluo!! You are crazy!!"

Wang Xiaomei's eyes widened suddenly, and she grabbed Feng Pingting who was stamping anxiously: "Wait, that dog..."

Before she could explain, Wu Liluo raised her head and shouted, "Feifan?! Ye Feifan!? Are you here!?"

When the first few people heard her words, except for the two recruits who couldn't figure out the situation, the others roughly understood and looked forward one after another.

At the same time, there was another sound of poking from the depths of the bushes, and Wu Liluo, who was walking in the front, couldn't help but have red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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