Chapter 151

There was a rustling sound as the leaves rubbed against each other, and a black shadow broke through the net woven by the green leaves and jumped out from the source of the sound.

The brownish-yellow fur is the same as that of the mutant dog just now, but apart from the similar color, the appearance of the two is very different. Now this dog has strong limbs and a perfect body shape, which can be seen at a glance as a virus-infected dog. labrador.

Labrador squinted his bloody eyes, raised his nose and sniffed around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he yelled behind him, as if he was clearing the way for the protagonist who appeared last.

I saw a figure walking out from under one of the tree trunks. She walked leisurely, dressed casually, and seemed to be just taking a dog for a walk.

With the approaching footsteps of that person, the shade of the tree receded slowly from her face. Wu Liluo finally saw her appearance clearly, and felt her heart beating wildly in her chest. What a reunion!

Ye Feifan walked up to Wu Liluo, didn't even lower his head, looked straight ahead and said, "You're hurt, your abdomen, you need to stop the bleeding." Because the distance was so close, he could smell the blood in the air, Ye Fei Fan calmly stretched out his hands to hold down the small iron cage hanging on his waist, Qing Dai was restlessly restless inside.

Wu Liluo originally wanted to express her inner emotion and turmoil in reminiscing about the past, but when she was mentioned like this, she realized that what she was wearing almost turned into a "blood suit" for committing crimes, and the wound was still bleeding!
Although Li Zhiyao was stunned by Ye Feifan's appearance, seeing the wounded, her professional instinct immediately prompted her to act. She hurried forward to open her backpack and took out the first aid kit she carried with her.

Because the bullet was still stuck inside and the sight was not good under the shade of fallen leaves, Li Zhiyao didn't dare to act rashly, so Ye Feifan, who was not affected by the light, could only take out the bullet with pliers first.

The feeling of hot flesh and blood being suddenly stuffed into a piece of cold metal is not pleasant. Although the pliers are precisely squeezed into the passage opened by the bullet, the process of taking out the bullet will inevitably tear the intact flesh and blood. The pain made Wu Liluo immediately feel the pain. The old man regained his senses in the joy, and the tears that were originally excited turned into grief in the next second.

She pressed the wound and yelled: "Oh my god!! This old lady is so painful!! Feifan, tell Bubu to bite those two people to death!"

When everyone was mentioned by her, they subconsciously looked at the two "traitors".

One of them was felled by a deformed mutant dog. The mutant dog seemed to be very interested in the protective clothing on him, and was biting the hood as a plastic toy to grind his teeth. I dare not have a movement.

The other person who attacked Wu Liluo was standing there, and the black mask vaguely reflected the positions of Ye Feifan and the others.

Ye Feifan noticed his gaze, and stood between Wu Liluo and that person calmly.

She slowly took the pliers out of the body, and the blood dripped and stayed, and Li Zhiyao at the side hurriedly wrapped it in a rag to catch it.

After taking out the bullet, Ye Feifan took some cotton balls to stop the bleeding. With the convenience of the aperture, all her movements were as precise as a surgeon's. However, the final disinfection and bandaging work was left to the professional Li Zhiyao.

Wu Liluo was still screaming in pain, Ye Feifan stood up first, and she turned her head to look at the "culprit".

"When are you going to see?" She said impatiently, obviously in a bad mood.

The few people present who knew her well couldn't help being stunned. It was strange for Ye Feifan to appear here. Why did she seem to be familiar with the people at the base? She looked like she was going to teach them a lesson?Just kidding, the other party still has a gun in his hand!

Feng Pingting was so anxious that she licked her lips and said in a low voice, "Fei Fan! Let your dog kill those two bastards!"

Ye Feifan ignored her, just stared at that person "coldly": "Since when did you want to kill them? The moment you heard my memories? Don't tell me it's because of your father, I know you can't wait for him die."

The man didn't speak, and the gun in his hand had dropped at some point.

Ye Feifan only frowned when he heard the voice: "Just take care of yourself, I will take them away."

The man seemed to have been severely hit, but he swayed and fell forward.

Everyone was stunned, but Ye Feifan frowned. Even though she was manipulating someone else's body, she could still feel that person's scorching gaze. Now I have to kill people, just because of that ridiculous...

Ye Feifan paused for a moment, the time was too far away, she didn't quite remember that sour feeling, it seemed that it was a long time ago when she saw the child at the same table being praised by the teacher at school to have such emotions.

Wang Xiaomei said submissively: "...The mission failed?"

Feng Pingting said unhappily: "What else can we do if we are all traitors? Let's just ask God Bless and those people to send troops to level this place!"

Yiqin looked at her helplessly, if she could do this, she would have done it long ago, why bother to discuss for a long time before sending them here.

"They didn't mutiny."

Ye Feifan shook his head and called back to Bubu, lest it bite through the mask and go straight to the man's head: "They are under control, but they're all right now, do you want to take them away? It's better for us to leave here as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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