Chapter 152

"Where are there psychic users?!" Wu Liluo, who was resting on the ground, couldn't help but be horrified that there was such a rare and troublesome supernatural person Wan An, but she was surprised and did not forget her doubts: "But... Feifan , What is the relationship between you and the Wan'an base... um...?"

Ye Feifan thought about it, she hated explaining the most, and it was too troublesome to start from the beginning, so she walked into Wu Liluo and motioned for him to extend her hand, Wu Liluo obeyed obediently even though she was puzzled.

Ye Feifan closed her eyes subconsciously, recalling the feeling of being connected with animals at that time.

The fluctuations must be the same, so the emotions must be the same. Only similar energies can communicate. If the other party is confused now, she must also be confused.Ye Feifan thought for a while: Who would survive the duel between her and Xia Tanqing?

The two held hands and were in a stalemate for a second or two. A few fallen leaves fell silently and nothing happened. Wu Liluo blinked innocently. Should she be surprised?

Ye Feifan frowned, it seemed different, the other party's confusion was a kind of expectation and fear of unknown things; while her confusion was not pure, it was mixed with a lot of self-confidence, it was imagination used to pass the time.

Well, maybe it was just a coincidence at that time, can my new ability really work?Ye Feifan thought about this sentence with confusion of expectation and fear.

Scrap!It's like two wires are finally connected, the core wire faces the core wire, and it's connected in an instant.Wu Liluo was dumbfounded, silently receiving a large number of messages from Ye Feifan, and at the same time the other party also received a relatively equal amount of messages from her.

Seeing this, others only thought that the relationship between the two was too good. When they met, they excitedly held each other's hands, but they couldn't say anything. Silence speaks louder than words!

"Wow!" When Ye Feifan let go of her hand, Wu Liluo blinked, sweat dripped from the tip of her bangs, her back was already wet, as if she had just finished a thrilling roller coaster ride.

"Fei Fan is right." Wu Liluo's originally slack gaze gradually became firm, and she turned her head and said to the crowd: "Our mission was doomed to fail from the very beginning, Yiqin! Go and call the plane back, and we will bring the two Individuals retreat first, and the details will be discussed later.”

The person who spoke was Wu Liluo. Even though she was in doubt, the trust and obedience engraved in her bones were enough to convince everyone.

Yiqin took the communicator and looked for the signal, while the rest of the people who were in the fog immediately surrounded him.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Wu Liluo patted Ye Feifan on the shoulder, and couldn't hide her excitement: "Feifan, this time is thanks to you, otherwise we don't know how we were played to death."

Noticing the same excited faces of Feng Pingting and the others, Wu Liluo paused for a moment, then stopped monopolizing Ye Feifan, pointed to everyone and said, "You probably know everyone here, only Shen Anxin and Xu Ruyi are newcomers. Hey , you two speak up, this is Ye Feifan, the veteran captain of the Extraordinary Squad, as I mentioned to you before."

Shen Anxin and Xu Ruyi opened their eyes wide, it turned out that history was right in front of their eyes!
Xu Ruyi was a little shy at first, but she mustered up the courage to say: "Hello, Sister Ye, my name is Xu Ruyi, I am eighteen this year, and I am a person with wind powers." As she spoke, she glanced at Ye Feifan and saw the other person's face With more smiles, a deer can't help bumping into it. I just think that this Sister Ye is funny and beautiful, and she must be easy to get along with.

The oldest Shen Anxin looked at the woman in front of her, a little unbelievable, but she couldn't believe it when she saw the two loyal mutant dogs behind her, she wanted to shake hands but remembered that the other person seemed to be blind, so she could only try her best to say sincerely: "Shen Anxin, Ice-type abilities, it's a pleasure to meet senior."

Before Wu Liluo could continue, Feng Pingting hurriedly said, "Since you left, Feifan, a lot of things have happened in the neighborhood! When we leave here, I will tell you the truth!"

"Are you going back to God Bless?" Ye Feifan was a little embarrassed: "I plan to go south, I have a new home there."

Standing behind Feng Pingting, Wang Xiaomei couldn't help frowning. Isn't the south already in ruins?Although the mutant monsters were eliminated in the last revival, due to the serious pollution of the local ecology, the plan to recover the southern star was temporarily abandoned.

Wu Liluo thought that Ye Feifan was worried about the safety of a few pets, so she patted her on the shoulder and said triumphantly: "Don't worry! Your name is already on Tianyou, we said to the public that you are a psychic who can control a few pets." The mutated animal, Xiaolong also said that you caught it back, and those people in the base are ready to enshrine you as a treasure! I was heard by the Evergreen Base before, and sent a whole team of supernatural beings to replace you!! It's a pity you're not here, that scene was really spectacular!"

"Little dragon? That mutated crocodile?" Because he also received Wu Liluo's memory, Ye Feifan now knows the internal situation of Tianyou Base like the back of his hand.

Wu Liluo shrugged, and said indifferently: "It's quite easy to deal with! Eat when you are full, sleep when you are full, and we feed it with kitchen waste and garbage."

It's just that sometimes garbage includes people... The youngest Cheng Qiaoen murmured silently in his heart
Just as Ye Feifan was about to speak, suddenly there was the sound of an engine roaring and branches being snapped in the distance, and everyone was on alert.

In less than a few minutes, an off-road vehicle jumped out through layers of tree nets, and then pulled over with a handsome tail flick. The whole movement was done in one go, beautifully and neatly.But everyone had no time to appreciate it. Wang Xiaomei had already raised her gun, ready to wait for the car door to open and the people inside to show their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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