Chapter 153

A few seconds after the car stopped, the door opened.

Several people were engrossed, but Ye Feifan frowned impatiently. She once again made up her determination to stalk someone.

When she saw the car door move and her head was exposed, Wang Xiaomei subconsciously wanted to shoot, but for some reason, she suddenly felt her whole body relax, every muscle stretched out strangely, and her whole arm seemed to be soaked in warm water. Can't help but put down the gun.

"Miss Ye?" I saw a young man getting out of the car. His hair color was very light and his features were clear. When he saw the strangers standing around, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was a little vigilant, but when he saw Ye Feifan immediately relaxed, and rushed to meet him: "Are you okay?"

The other party's every move was perfect, and there was nothing weird about it. The others hesitated for a while, and Wu Liluo shook her head at them, signaling them not to put away their weapons.

Wu Liluo is still not sure about the other party's identity, Ye Feifan can't see it, and the messages sent to her are mostly voice-based, and she can only judge from the voice that Xia Yuhou's son is a very young man, and Ye Feifan Anyone who has a long relationship is probably similar to the young man in front of him.

Wu Liluo subconsciously took Ye Feifan's hand and took her back, while she moved forward to carefully observe the boy: "Who are you?"

When Xia Tanqing caught a glimpse of her, the corners of her mouth moved, as if she wanted to laugh, but she paused suddenly, her brows were deeply furrowed, and her face slowly became gloomy.

His eyes quickly flicked back and forth between Wu Liluo and Ye Feifan, as if he had confirmed something, a trace of haze flashed across his eyes, and he couldn't help clenching his hands.

"You..." Wu Liluo was about to continue to question her, but suddenly her throat was blocked and she couldn't say anything.With her mouth open, she jumped eagerly, began to gesticulate, and performed pantomime to Ye Feifan.

It's a pity that Ye Feifan couldn't hear it, she was still thinking about how to get rid of Xia Tanqing.

"Pfft..." After admiring the other party's funny "performance", Xia Tanqing covered her mouth with a hint of a smile, but finally withdrew her ability and let her go.There is no need to waste any effort to deal with these low-level evolutionaries.

"Ha...haha..." Wu Liluo couldn't help panting after realizing that she had regained her voice.She pointed at Xia Tanqing and said angrily: "You did it wrong!? Feifan told me everything! You are that psychic! Your name is Xia Tanqing, and you are the only son of Xia Yuhou."

The women behind them suddenly realized, and immediately showed fierce expressions eager to try. Feng Pingting had already taken out the rope, and was about to rush up and take Wu Liluo down after Wu Liluo gave her an order.

Seemingly at a disadvantage, Xia Tanqing still smiled, without any loss of elegance, but what he said was already full of provocation: "If you dare to touch me with a finger, I will definitely let you swallow yourself alive immediately!" fingers."

Wu Liluo's hands trembled, thinking of Ye Feifan's message to her, she knew that she had nothing to do with the young man, God knows that someone's supernatural ability is comparable to a universal remote control, and can manipulate human beings at will!
It was too late to get Wu Liluo's instructions, everyone hesitated, caught the hesitation of the Red Scorpion people, Xia Tanqing smiled more harmlessly: "Right. Wu Liluo? Since Feifan told you everything, he should also tell you and me Mind manipulation? That's just one of those gadgets, and I'll know each of you like the back of your hand in just a few minutes. Miss over there, if you aim your wind blade at me again, I can't help but let You have a slit in your throat."

Xu Ruyi, who was standing at the end, froze, her right hand slowly dropped.

"...." Feng Pingting and Yi Qin's eyes were on Wu Liluo, who can tell them what's going on? !Why does it seem like I met the boss in advance! ?

Blocking back in front of Wu Liluo again, Ye Feifan simply drew out the sword from his waist: "Do you want to fight?"

Xia Tanqing's smile was distorted for a second, but he calmed down quickly, and continued to wear that harmless mask, but this time his tone softened a lot: "Why? They are your friends... In fact, I think It's clear, my father is unforgivable, I came here hoping to hand him over to your God Bless Base."

"You want to kill relatives righteously?!" Wu Liluo was about to spit at the smile on his face. She wanted to kill them all with a submachine gun a few minutes ago, but now she suddenly changed her face and said she wanted to raise the white flag to surrender?Ghost letter!
Ye Feifan on the side frowned and asked: "What are you planning?" He knew that he was in a hurry to take them away, what did he mean?Was it to hold them back on purpose?
Xia Tanqing casually pulled out a card, made an invitation gesture and said: "This is the key card to enter the base, I promise not to interfere, you can sneak in freely."

Although Wu Liluo was moved, she was not stupid, and said with a sneer, "And then? How many submachine guns are there?"

(End of this chapter)

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