Chapter 156

Pan Yurong didn't think she was making trouble for no reason. No matter how bad the Fuxing base was, at least there was an outer wall that could resist the monsters outside. At the beginning, they all believed in Zhao Shan's words, so they worked hard and traveled all the way to Wan'an base. It was a brand new beginning, but the young man exposed Zhao Shan's ulterior motives on the spot.

It's fine to be a spy after accepting the mission of the base, why drag them here?Do you want them to block monsters for free?He never told the truth along the way, but now he is not just a spy but a double agent!
Pan Yurong glared at Zhao Shan viciously, her face flushed with anger. It turned out that when they were foolishly holding on to expectations and hopes, the other party was already paving the way for their own future... How stupid!too disgusting!

Zhao Shan was splashed with water. It was embarrassing to be exposed face to face, but now he was scolded and splashed with water by his companions. Even if he felt guilty, he couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and yelled at Pan Yurong: "It's the same as Shadow looking for someone back then." Looking for him!! I will always be overwhelmed by your brother in Fuxing!! Now that Evergreen is willing to give me this opportunity, why don’t I do it!! Do I want to follow you to wander around picking up garbage forever?! I’ll take your brother’s place anyway I’ll take over your mess!! Are you planning to die for yourself this time!?”

Pan Yurong was so angry that his eyes were full of stars, and he directly punched Zhao Shan's chin. No matter how embarrassing Zhao Shan became angry, he was too embarrassed to hit a woman, so he had to accept the punch. Liu Fangzhong and Mei Wanling hurried forward and pulled Pan Yurong away. , the scene can no longer add to the chaos.

Wu Liluo wanted to regain the right to speak, so she couldn't help but shouted, "So where are the two remaining Evergreen spies!?"

Zhao Shan looked at the disappointed and angry eyes of his companion who was born and died, and suddenly stopped thinking about it, and confessed honestly: "They are responsible for releasing mutant animals. They should have gone down to the eighth floor. I have a pager here."

Wu Liluo nodded her chin, asking him to attract those two people, at the same time, Xia Yuhou, who had been staring at his laptop, said, "Both the sixth and seventh floors have been breached, we'd better go up to the ground quickly. "

Before everyone got nervous, Ye Feifan noticed the movement outside and said, "Two people, fire and speed."

Wu Liluo nodded, and the moment the door opened, Ye Feifan gestured to the two dogs, and the two dogs immediately rushed to the two uninvited guests with lightning speed.

"Evergreen, right? You released the mutated animals?" Wu Liluo held up the iron rod, sneered and sneered, and stood in front of the two with military boots, letting them pay their respects to her.

The two boys on the ground raised their heads when they heard the sound, and Wu Liluo looked at it, but suddenly choked up with the stern words and forced confessions: "You..." Why do these two young boys look so familiar?

"Sister Wu?"

Wu Liluo rubbed her eyes, lowered her body, looked at the faces of the two of them carefully, and asked uncertainly, "Small? Xiaoliang?"

Chen Xueliang was going to burn that person's feet, but fortunately, he looked up and recognized that the person was the daughter of his mother's friend!It is also the little nanny who used to take care of them!Wu Liluo.

Thinking of Aunt Chen's will, Wu Liluo knocked her head hard, she didn't know whether to blame herself or fate, but she still asked Ye Feifan to let the two dogs go down first, and helped the brothers up by herself.

Chen Xueshi, who was calmer among the twins, observed the situation in the room, but when he caught sight of Zhao Shan with a livid face, his heart suddenly became clear, and it seemed that he had been exposed.

The younger brother, Chen Xueliang, was still acting foolishly, he took Wu Liluo's hand and said excitedly, "Why is sister here?"

Wu Liluo was not overwhelmed by the sense of surprise, seeing that he was wearing the white robe of the base personnel, and his hair, which was always dyed, was also well-proportioned black, standing next to his twin brother Chen Xueshi, there was no difference at all.Wu Liluo couldn't help sighing again in her heart, but she still smiled on her face and said, "I work for Tianyou, and I'm going to tie Xia back soon. Are you working for Changrong?"

"Yes, yes! We are on behalf of Evergreen, and this time we are here to..." Chen Xueliang blinked, and then realized something was wrong. He looked at Wu Liluo's helpless smile, and slowly stopped talking.

Now in dead silence, even Pan Yurong, who is still sulking, can't help but join in the fun with her eyes. What should have been a scene of torture and extortion of confessions has turned into an embarrassing reunion of relatives and friends. No one can imagine such a development. I can only watch you and me Embarrassed.

"Come back to God Bless with me." Wu Liluo tried her best to suppress the emotions that surged deep in her heart, and said to the two brothers as calmly as possible: "Go and see your mother's tomb. Aunt Chen still missed you before she left."

"Huh?" Chen Xueliang opened his mouth. Chen Xueshi took off his glasses and wiped them with his clothes. He acted nonchalantly, as if he had already predicted the bad news.
It has been more than a year since the end of the world, no matter how small the chance is, at least we can still hold on to hope. The most feared thing is that someone will come to the door to send news and blow out hope, but Wu Liluo has to do that. This is for the mother and son of the Chen family. confession.

Chen Xueliang was silent for a moment, then nodded abnormally quietly, and then, when Wu Liluo was caught off guard, he suddenly reached out and hugged Wu Liluo, leaning against her body and choking out sobs.

Others dare not speak, only Ye Feifan and Xia Yuhou frowned tightly, observing the movement on the eighth and seventh floors. Ye Feifan's aperture is naturally more detailed than the monitor. When reaching the fifth floor by the steel cable in the elevator, Ye Feifan immediately stood up and said sharply to everyone: "It's time to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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