Chapter 157

The slender fingers hooked the teacup lightly, and the rich milky aroma mixed with the roasted tea leaves came out. The waiter carefully handed the brewed milk tea to the noble lady who was leaning on the sofa.

Following the rhythm of the music, the woman hummed a ditty and lowered her head to take a sip. Suddenly, the sound of "beep beep" interrupted her, and she made a gesture, and the band stopped at the same time.

There are only two communicators with her, and the other is in the hands of her friend Li Zhiyao.

Fang Lingshan signaled the waiters around to step back, put down the cup, rolled her bangs, opened the communicator and said casually: "Zhiyao, how is it? Is the mission going well?"

Not long after, she heard the voice on the other end, and she couldn't help frowning deeply: "Uh, uh... is there really such a thing? No, we haven't received any news at all. Evergreen is too cunning. Let me help you go first." Talk to Junhao. It’s okay. Anyway, I’m going to have a meeting with Fuxing to discuss the previous mission. Now that you’re not in Tianyou, at least I can temporarily represent Red Scorpion. Remember to tell Lilo, I don’t want her to treat me badly again. prejudice."

The person on the phone said a few more excuses, Fang Lingshan smiled: "No trouble, I always hope to let her understand that my choice is correct, whether it is for me or for the entire Eastern District!"

The two happily exchanged a few more words. Fang Lingshan didn't look surprised when she heard the news of the man's return, she just relaxed and said, "That's a coincidence, that's good, she has clairvoyant eyes! Xiaolong really needs someone to see , you'd better tell her, well, the diagnosis will not be wrong, I'm more than [-]% sure."

Suddenly someone informed, Fang Lingshan frowned: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to receive the revived people."

The man made a joke, and Fang Lingshan sighed: "How is it possible, Junhao's public relations skills are poor, you still have to rely on me, otherwise you think how I got him done! Well, bye, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Ma'am, it's time." The waiter opened the door for her.

Fang Lingshan nodded, and took a look at the glass door before leaving. The strict hairstyle and neat suit are perfect.

Outside the hall, Li Junhao was waiting for Fang Lingshan. When he saw her, his stiff shoulders immediately relaxed, as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Tianyou's army is not much compared to other bases. The military's talents and strength are not enough. Many places still need help from other channels. Fortunately, he married a good wife, who is not only gentle and graceful, but also in many ways. can help him.

"Junhao, take it easy." Because of her previous work as a nurse, Fang Lingshan quickly knew a person well. She chose Li Junhao at the beginning because she saw that this type of toughness on the outside and softness on the inside was easier to control.

Hearing her gentle and sweet voice, Li Junhao couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her secretly. Although he was immediately glared at by the other party, his heart was still sweet and itchy.

Seeing that it was about time, Fang Lingshan put her hands on his shoulders, her smile was still charming, but she leaned into his ear and whispered: "Just now I got the news from Red Scorpion that we were betrayed by Evergreen, and Fuxing was placed there. They killed their people, but don't worry, we still brought back Xia Yuhou smoothly."

"Ah?" Li Junhao immediately recovered from his gentleness: "Evergreen? Huh! That guy Xiao Shen... I knew he couldn't believe it! How good is the base built by a businessman! A group of old and cunning guys!"

"Want to tell Fuxing?"

"Hey! Their current situation is not much better. Evergreen's forces have been stationed in management. Even if Ye Ming knows about the mission, they will have nothing to do."

"Alas..." Knowing that her husband and Ye Ming had a close relationship, Fang Lingshan mourned cooperatively.

The two adjusted their expressions, and the waiter opened the door of Da Ting for them. A group of people in military uniforms were already standing inside, and the leader stretched out his hand to greet them: "Long time no see, General Li."

Both are from the military background, Li Junhao held the man's hand sincerely: "You don't need these honorifics, Ye Ming, this is my wife, I don't think you have seen it yet."

"Welcome." Fang Lingshan nodded and shook hands with Ye Ming. At the same time, she turned to the girl next to Ye Ming. She was also wearing a military uniform, but she was very young. She was by no means an ordinary person. Maybe she was Ye Ming's niece. In that shadowy...

Sure enough, Ye Ming quickly introduced: "This is my niece, Ye Yuecheng, who is here to discuss this mission on behalf of Shuanghe Base."

Lin Yuecheng, no, it's already Ye Yuecheng. The girl tasted the complicated sweet and sour mood, and then she returned to the state and showed a faint smile. Her temperament was friendly and soft, and her voice was not inferior to Fang Lingshan's sweet voice, "It's a pleasure to meet General Li and Mrs. Li."

(End of this chapter)

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