Chapter 160

"Yes," Xia Tanqing, who was standing far behind, rushed to chuckle, one hand was running along a black and white cat, and her slender fingers were gently stroking. Not interested, but congratulations to you, happy son?"

With a livid face, Feng Pingting tried not to think about miscellaneous swear words, and pulled Ye Feifan to the path next to one of the empty wooden houses: "Follow me." The others followed behind them.

The crowd soon came to a wide reservoir. It was excavated by the mountain. Although the water surface was a bit cloudy, it contained quite a lot of water. If you looked carefully, you could find that there were no pipes to collect water from here.

Duoduo and Bubu stuck their heads out from under the cloth, sniffed the damp air, and then barked at the muddy pool.

"We fed the food last month, but it didn't go back into the water. I wanted to do a routine inspection while it was full and fell asleep. Zhiyao first found out that something was wrong. After that, it spent less time in the water and more and more time to go ashore. More and more, we invited a few more female veterinarians, who also said that it might be pregnant, but everyone still wants to ask Fei Fan to confirm."

While she was talking, Ye Feifan's circle of light had swept across the entire pond.Different from previous setbacks, the powerful aperture easily penetrated the armor of the underwater monster, and visualized layers of organs and muscle tissues in Ye Feifan's mind one by one.

Ye Feifan frowned and nodded slightly: "It has 23 eggs in its stomach."

The women opened their mouths wide when they heard this, and Cheng Qiaoen couldn't help but swear: "I'm rough! It's too much for the neighbors!"

Feng Pingting bit her finger: "Otherwise, keep two or three, and burn or boil the rest!"

But when everyone was talking nonsense and talking about it, Wang Xiaomei was calmer. She trembled and said: "Fei Fan, besides this one, do you think there are other male crocodiles nearby?"

"No." Ye Feifan still frowned. Compared with the astonishing amount of eggs laid by the crocodiles, this was what caught her special attention.


At some point, the boy had already stood behind Ye Feifan, and said leisurely: "It usually happens to plants or invertebrates, but there are also some reptiles that have this phenomenon. This is the first time I've heard of crocodiles, maybe Is it the effect of mutation? Congratulations."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Xia Tanqing, who was holding the cat. They saw the young man stroking the cat with an old look on his face, as if he hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, but his arrogance and contempt He couldn't hide it at all, he just ordered a cup of coffee and sat down to show off his knowledge to everyone, no matter how you look at it, he hates it!
Just as the girls were gearing up and trying to restrain their killing intent, Ye Feifan suddenly said: "Don't worry, only ten have a heartbeat."

"Oh! You should have said it earlier!" Feng Pingting patted her chest vigorously, and the others started asking around Ye Feifan:
"As expected of a veteran!"

"I smoke a lot, and I don't know what's wrong with my lungs. Can seniors take a look for me?"

"Sister, can you help me with constipation?"

"Fei Fan is still as good as ever!"

"It's better than an X-ray machine..."

Xia Tanqing stood on the spot holding the moonlight, a gust of cold wind swept across his back.

Is this what you call sexism?Forget it, he'd better go and cool off, I don't know what the hell his parents are up to.

With fewer suspicious guys, the girls became much more comfortable, chatting around Ye Feifan, and didn't care about the two mutant dogs, a mutant crocodile and ten unborn baby crocodiles in the water.


Suddenly, several female soldiers hurried in from the other side of the path.

"Didn't you say don't enter the forbidden area casually?" Feng Pingting turned around and said displeased.

"I'm very sorry, but General Na sent a message, hoping to invite Ms. Ye Feifan to attend the meeting on behalf of Red Scorpion."

Several members of the Red Scorpion couldn't help frowning, what's the Central Committee's idea?Feng Pingting glanced at Ye Feifan, always feeling uneasy: "What about Captain Wu and Sergeant Yi?"

"Report, they are also waiting for Miss Ye to attend."

"Pingting, this is...." Wang Xiaomei was not at ease.

"It's okay to go and have a look." Feng Pingting explained to Ye Feifan: "General Li just wants to see you, there is no malicious intention."

Ye Feifan didn't understand generals or meetings at all, but he always felt that it was troublesome and subconsciously wanted to push it away.

Shen Anxin also echoed: "Senior represents our Red Scorpion, if he wants to do anything, he will be an enemy of tens of thousands of people in our western district!"

Cheng Qiaoen stuck out her tongue, mercilessly dragging her back: "How dare you say that! Who told you that you spoke of my sister so godlike before, and there are still people in the western district who worship my sister as a god. Finally, you can see a real person. General I want to meet the legendary "Magic Scorpion Empress"!"

Feng Pingting and Wang Xiaomei looked at each other and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Li Zhiyao suddenly said: "Since the captain is not enough to meet the representative of Red Scorpion, then we should also go as a whole team!"

Ye Feifan was blinded by what they said, but he nodded simply: "Then go and have a look, I'm leaving after I'm done!"

She thought for a while and said: "But then the shield... no, can you give me one or two shields after Xiaolong lays eggs?"

Feng Pingting patted her on the shoulder apologetically, and said proudly, "Souvenir? Of course it's no problem, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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