Chapter 161

Before leaving the East District, Feng Pingting took a look at Ye Feifan's attire, and on a whim, took a thorny jacket and wanted to change it for her, but Cheng Qiaoen said that it looked more like a gangster's head, so she had to give up wearing it in the end. on himself.

They met many residents of the Eastern District on the way, and Feng Pingting and others enthusiastically introduced Ye Feifan's identity, so that in the end, everyone was stuck in the crowd who came to observe.

Everyone wanted to see what the elder who established the East District looked like, but Ye Feifan still fit their imagination.Delicate and clean, with a well-proportioned and slender figure, with an unusually simple appearance, but it is this kind of too natural harmlessness that makes people feel unfathomable and strong, so the crowd is also in high spirits, shouting Ye Feifan's name from time to time, Wish she could catch a glimpse of herself.

A gust of wind will expose the heads of the two mutant dogs. The iconic blood eyes and elongated fangs immediately caused many people to scream, but fortunately everyone knows that this is the powerful psychic ability of the elder.However, after the commotion, the crowd became less crowded, and they automatically leaned to the sides to make way for the girls to leave with the two mutant dogs.

The base is only that big, and everyone whispered to each other. In less than half a day, the news of the return of the Red Scorpion veteran spread throughout the community, so when the guards saw Ye Feifan and the others and the two mutant dogs behind her, they immediately He didn't seem so surprised, and let them go directly, and there was a waiter to help guide the way as soon as they entered.

The way to the conference hall is a corridor with people coming and going. Along the way, I met many officers. When they saw Duoduo and Bubu, they reflexively wanted to turn around and run. Some of them were brave enough to raise their hands and prepare to shoot. .

But Ye Feifan reacted faster, kicked the gun away with a kick, and then Feng Pingting and others cleaned up the mess. The number of times in the end was so frequent that Feng Pingting even wanted to simply raise a post after Ye Feifan. Bearing the sign "Red Scorpion Boss, the ability is to control mutant animals, please don't shoot and run away"
"Here, please." There was a guard standing by at the door, and he opened the door cautiously after checking his identity.

As soon as I entered, I saw the projector on the long conference table in operation. The projector projected a terrifying aerial image on the white wall. Except for Ye Feifan who couldn't see the flat image, Feng Pingting and Wang Xiaomei and the others couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw it.

The shot was taken from a high altitude. At a glance, you might think it is densely packed black spots, but if you look closely, it turns out that there are thousands of zombies, with distorted heads grinning.

They were chasing the cars in front, and their speed was obviously not too slow. Not long after, a few zombies jumped on the roof of the car, smashed the windows, and caught the people inside to share their food. The speed displayed during the process The power and strength are astonishing and terrifying. In the end, all the cars were not spared, and were annihilated by the huge tide of corpses. The scene of thousands of insects drilling holes made people feel sick, but the screen skipped for a second and played again, ready to repeat Tortured everyone's visual nerves.

When the button was pressed, the screen stopped at the horrifying scene of the corpse wave operation. Li Junhao heard someone coming in, and explained again tirelessly: "This is the corpse wave, which combines the infected people from the north and the south, and moves along the highway. Go north."

Wu Liluo and Yi Qin were sitting on the same side as Li Junhao. When they saw other members coming, they couldn't help but waved their hands.

Li Junhao looked towards the door, and found a strange face, nodded and smiled, "Hello, you are Ye Feifan, Miss Ye, right? I have heard your name for a long time, I am Li Junhao, the person in charge of Tianyou, and Fuxing is over there. The person in charge of the base, Ye Ming."

"Fei... Feifan?" The officer sitting in the corner was stunned for a while, then suddenly jumped up.

He bypassed the conference table and looked straight at the door. The strange yet familiar face immediately pierced his eyes, and the false memories were also pierced, symbolizing the reconnection of the real nerve currents.

"Ah... Ah..." Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ye Ming supported the table with one hand and covered his head with the other hand. A large number of memories suddenly flooded into his brain, causing unimaginable pain. parefull.

Seeing this, Li Junhao hurriedly asked someone to call for medical soldiers. Wu Liluo ran out to find someone first, while Hong Xie and others were left in place, completely unaware of what happened.

Ye Feifan was stunned for a while before she figured out the current situation. She had all of Xia Tanqing's memories, so she naturally knew that the other party's memory was recovering and her head couldn't bear the load.But she didn't intend to run away, it wasn't suitable right now, and there were other companions beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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