Chapter 162

"Ye Ming! Sit down first!" Li Junhao and the others took Ye Ming back to their seats, and the medical soldiers rushed over quickly, and took a special small flashlight to shine on Ye Ming's eyes to confirm Whether he was conscious or not, but Ye Ming just slumped on the chair like that, shaking and twitching all over his body, the situation looked quite pessimistic.

"Ms. Ye!" Li Junhao's expression was difficult to distinguish. He lowered his head and gave a few instructions to the soldiers beside him. He looked at Ye Feifan with a slightly cautious look: "Could you please leave with this soldier first."

His hostility towards Ye Feifan was too obvious, and the two dogs outside the door couldn't help barking. Ye Feifan was about to explain the relationship between the two directly, and at the same time Fang Lingshan and Ye Yuecheng rushed over after hearing the news.

When Ye Yuecheng saw Ye Ming like this, he couldn't help screaming: "How could this happen!!?"

Ye Ming was lying on the chair, unconscious. Ye Yuecheng was holding his face beside him, and seemed to be crying anxiously. Li Junhao's face became more and more ugly, and the hostility towards Ye Feifan became more and more obvious. Directly ask the soldiers to take people away.

At this time, Fang Lingshan suddenly said: "Wait, Fei Fan, what is your relationship with General Ye? It seems that your surname is Ye!"

Ye Feifan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally found a chance to speak: "My uncle."



As if not noticing the astonishment of the crowd, Ye Feifan shrugged and continued to speak calmly: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, he probably thinks I'm dead, right? Seeing me suddenly, it's inevitable that he was excited for a while, and it still makes him gasp Tone, he will be able to explain when he wakes up."

The Red Scorpions standing behind couldn't help being taken aback when they heard this. They never thought about the connection, who would have nothing to play with the surname Lianliankan?It can only be said that Fang Lingshan is worthy of her delicate thoughts, and she can see the inside story at once.

Li Junhao was stunned for a second before he realized: Yes, both of them are named Ye!And Ye Feifan's skills are superb, so it's not surprising that he is from the Ye family.

Ye Yuecheng turned her head suddenly when she heard this, and looked at Ye Feifan who was standing not far away, wondering in her heart when the Ye family would have another daughter, and immediately questioned: "Impossible! I have never seen Over you! Who is your father?"

Ye Feifan said bluntly, "Yecheng."

No matter how good-tempered Ye Yuecheng was, he couldn't help feeling angry when he heard this, and said with a sarcastic smile on his face, "Hehe... there must be a limit to lying, when will my father have more of your daughter? When will I have more of you?" Out of your sister!?"

Just when everyone was suspicious, Ye Ming finally woke up, and the first thing he said was to speak for Ye Feifan: "She...she didn't lie...."

Ye Yuecheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Ming puzzled, as if the other party was a stranger pretending to be, but Ye Ming ignored her and continued: "She is the child of my third brother Ye Cheng and his ex-wife Lin Yihan, because her eyesight is not good enough. , so she was sent to a nursing home a long time ago, and it is normal for outsiders not to know."

Without waiting for everyone to exclaim, Ye Yuecheng stared at Ye Cheng to make sure that he was not lying. Although the word "outsider" slightly pricked her sensitive nerves, it was more puzzled and surprised.

She stood up slowly and looked at Ye Feifan, half-believing and half-doubting: "How, how is it possible? are my half-sister!?"

Ye Feifan took a few seconds to sort it out, and soon came to important information. I think this Ye Yuecheng is another sister that Xia Tanqing told her about. It seems that she was lucky to escape Ye Zirong's clutches.

Thinking of this, Ye Feifan's first thought was not a big reunion hug, but to open the aperture and carefully scan the opponent's body structure - this is naturally due to the fact that the other "sister" casts too much shadow on her. What are the "sisters" who popped up halfway thinking?
But this Ye Yuecheng is obviously not as good as Ye Zirong.She is very good, very ordinary and strong, she doesn't need to worry about anything.Ye Feifan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and did not hesitate to smile at her.

Seeing her smile, Ye Yuecheng blinked. It seemed that there were lights and shadows, as if overlapping with herself in the mirror, and as if her mother occasionally looked back and smiled. The familiar charm made her instantly confirm Ye Feifan's identity.

On the other hand, Ye Ming obviously hadn't recovered from the shock of memory recovery, so he raised his head and looked at Ye Feifan for a few times, then slipped his hand holding the chair handle, and then lost consciousness again, and the whole person got out of the chair. He fell to the ground with a plop, and passed out completely.

The medical soldiers quickly sent more support, and everyone rushed to carry Ye Ming to the special military hospital a few streets away on a stretcher, leaving Li Junhao with one head and two big ones, and they didn't know whether to deal with it first Ye Ming, we still need to deal with Ye Feifan first... Oh!By the way, we have to add Evergreen and Corpse Tide!

Li Junhao, who was on the verge of a knot, scratched his hair, and gave Fang Lingshan the look of asking for help.

Fang Lingshan showed him a comforting smile, turned around and said to Ye Feifan and Ye Yuecheng: "General Ye may need to rest more, you two might as well wait with me in the lounge next door, do you want to join us this time? You must be exhausted from the task, right?"

Wu Liluo glanced at Li Junhao's expression that was about to lose control, and nodded: "There's no need to bother the general's wife, I'll take them there."

(End of this chapter)

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