Chapter 164

Ever since she discovered that the crocodile was suspected to be pregnant, Wu Liluo sent people to patrol nearby regularly. This time, it was the female soldier who discovered that the crocodile stayed on the shore for too long. Looking through the binoculars, she suddenly found that the crocodile had already dug a hole on the shore, with its tail raised He was about to lay eggs in it, so he hurriedly used the communicator to notify Wu Liluo.

When they arrived, the streets near the bank of the pool had been cleared, and several female soldiers were standing guard in front of the empty house, and when they saw Wu Liluo, they immediately stepped forward to report.More than an hour has passed, and behind the empty house is a ferocious pregnant female crocodile. They are sweating and appear very nervous.

Wu Liluo patted Ye Feifan on the shoulder, and Ye Feifan understood the live broadcast: "It has already laid No. 12 eggs, and it is in good condition."

Wang Xiaomei, who had been silent all this time, poked her head out from behind and said: "The sex of crocodiles changes with the temperature. We can make it warmer there and increase the number of male crocodiles, so that we don't have to worry about overbreeding in the future."

She used to study agriculture and was more or less exposed to biology, so she spoke with certainty.

After hearing this, everyone thought the idea was good, but Wang Xiaomei immediately showed a difficult expression: "The problem is that the female crocodile will linger around after laying eggs until the baby is born. I'm afraid we can't find time to intervene."

For a while, everyone was silent.Wu Liluo took a deep breath. She was the one who pulled the hungry and exhausted crocodile down the mountain with her bare hands. Now she just installed a small lamp and intervened in the crocodile's birth. It doesn't matter if she does it again.

Before she volunteered, Ye Feifan said first: "I'll go and get the eggs by the way, I don't want to wait until after they are born."

Wu Liluo frowned: "Is that okay? Why don't I go with you, at least I'm strong, and if something goes wrong, I can punch Xiaolong unconscious."

Ye Feifan remained silent, as if he was thinking about something, Wu Liluo took her acquiescence, and immediately sent someone to prepare generators, extension cords, light bulbs and other sundries.

Because it was close to the water, the mutated crocodiles had an advantage, so Ye Feifan didn't plan to take a lot of them, so he and Wu Liluo slipped through the back door of the empty house.

Suddenly there was a strange smell approaching, the mother crocodile was busy laying eggs, so she just shook her tail threateningly, Ye Feifan signaled Wu Liluo to wait by, the aperture locked the position of the crocodile not far away, and slowly lowered her body.

She sensed the brain waves from the crocodile, and imagined the crocodile's mood at the moment, which was a peaceful and stable fluctuation, but occasionally jumped to a tense beat: joyful but cautious.Ye Feifan savored it for a few seconds, and immediately responded to a few colorful and old pictures in her mind, and she quickly entered the situation.

At that time, the eyes were still barely able to see. The second uncle smiled and said that he would give her a gift, and led her to the gate, where a small yellow figure dangled behind the gate.

She couldn't help squinting her eyes, trying to see clearly, the door was only opened a crack, and the little guy had already squeezed in eagerly, it flew towards the strange girl, and jumped into her arms.

The girl understood what it was, and felt joyful and nervous at the same time. She wanted to pick up the puppy and kiss it, but her eyesight was not good, and she didn't know where to put her hands. She was afraid of hurting the puppy.Is this how you feel about welcoming a new life?


Right on!She closed her eyes, and immediately flashed many memories that did not belong to her,

A man who loves adventure takes a newborn baby crocodile as a souvenir of his trip. He generously gives the crocodile enough living space, feeds it with raw meat every day, brushes its back regularly, and loves the crocodile quite a lot. The crocodile only needs to snore every day Just wait for the food.

Until one day, the man was old and unwell, so he decided to go out to see a doctor, and he never came back.

The crocodile did not wait for raw meat, but waited for several mice that did not know how to live or die. It quickly swallowed the mice to satisfy its hunger, but the mouse that was as big as a basketball made it uncomfortable. When it woke up, the surroundings seemed to change. getting crowded...

Suddenly, a soft and magnetic voice interrupted her peeping:
"Get out, I can't get distracted, I'm having a baby."

"..." Wow.

As if aware of something, the tone of the voice rose, obviously displeased: "Hey! I remember you, you are with those people, right? Get out, don't swallow you and your dog."

It seemed that she had been thinking about it very early, so she simply confessed: "Only ten of your children will survive, but it is still too much for them. I plan to take two away."

The voice was very stubborn: "I will eat anyone who gets close to my child, whether it is you or any human being."

"They just need to lock you up here and starve for ten days and eight nights, and when you pass out, there won't be any of your children left."

"..." This time it was the voice's turn to be quiet. When the other party invaded her thoughts, she also saw the other party's thoughts, including those human beings' plans for the crocodile eggs.

"You can take my children, but I have one condition." The voice conceded: "The two you took away, one of them must be a female! The others don't matter, only the two you took away , must become a mother!"

Wow, is it the reproductive instinct of animals?She doesn't know for sure, but if she can get two mobile armors without losing an arm, she is naturally very happy.

"Thank you, Xiaolong."

(End of this chapter)

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