Chapter 165

After the crocodile gave birth, it just wandered on the shore for a while, and returned to the bottom of the water not long after.Ye Feifan nodded to Wu Liluo, and then Wu Liluo braved up and started to set up the electric lights.

The shallow cave has already been stuffed with white and smooth eggs, each oval in shape, about the size of an adult's palm.Wu Liluo, who suffers from trysophobia, trembled subconsciously, but she was still agile and set up the equipment in a short while.

When the two were about to go through the back door of the empty house, there was the sound of splashing water behind them. It was obvious that the mother crocodile had been waiting in the water for them to finish their work, and she couldn't wait to rush back to the baby.Wu Liluo sneaked a glance at Ye Feifan. Although the other party was still expressionless, she still had an intuition that Xiaolong's cooperation must be related to this person.

"Help me find an incubator." Ye Feifan stretched out her hands. At some point, she had already taken two crocodile eggs. Wu Liluo immediately jumped back in shock, but then realized that she was making a fuss and touched them. Touch your head and hurry to do it.

According to Wang Xiaomei's suggestion, Ye Feifan spread the soil from the bank of the pond in the incubator, and took some reeds to fill the gap, so as not to affect the immature baby due to the vibration during transportation.Wang Xiaomei told her that the baby crocodile would have to wait three months before breaking its shell, but she didn't know if the mutant crocodile was any different.

Ye Feifan said that she was very relieved, the aperture was monitored 24 hours a day, and she even chose the name: Shasha, Bibi, what a convenient name!
Because it was already dark, Tianyou, considering safety considerations, stipulated that flying vehicles were not allowed at night, so Wu Liluo drove away a group of people watching the excitement, and took Ye Feifan back to Hongxie's apartment to rest; that is, Ye Feifan former apartment.

"Nothing has been touched. Someone regularly cleans it every day. Water and electricity are connected. Just don't use too many appliances at once, or the whole building will trip." Wu Liluo opened the door for Ye Feifan.

As soon as the door opened, two dogs squeezed in first. They sniffed and sniffed everywhere, and finally confirmed that it was the place in their memory, so they squeezed onto the sofa freely.

The position of the furniture did not move at all. Ye Feifan stood in place and scanned it with the aperture for a while, then turned around and smiled at Wu Liluo: "Thanks for your hard work."

The girl's smile was still pure and contagious, Wu Liluo turned her head embarrassedly: "It's okay! Come down tomorrow morning and have breakfast with us! Everyone still has a lot to say to you!"

After Wu Liluo left, Ye Feifan released Qing Dai from the iron cage. Qing Dai was very happy to be free again, and immediately flew to the bird cage by the window, where a few previous crystal nuclei seemed to be missing.

Ye Feifan found the bathroom by familiar means, and immediately called the two dogs over.The two dogs ran in excitedly, but when they heard the door close, they turned around and saw their master approaching them with a shower head. "a feeling of.

Even though he was bathing his own dogs, Ye Feifan did not forget to be frugal. He trimmed the fur of the two dogs first, and then washed them with a little water.

As soon as the door was opened after washing, the two dogs fled out as if they were being pardoned. Ye Feifan hurriedly threw the only two large towels on them, and she took a small towel and dipped it in water for simple cleaning. up and down.

She touched her hair, and it became a bit long, almost reaching her shoulders, and the ends were still uneven, but Ye Feifan's hands were too tired to lift them up, so she finally gave up.

After traveling around for a whole year, she ate and slept with her friends. Ye Feifan was not used to going back to the bedroom to sleep alone, so she took out the sheets and pillows and spread them under the sofa to make a temporary bed.

Seeing this, Duoduo immediately got off the sofa and huddled with Ye Feifan, so that Boubo could monopolize the entire sofa, feeling satisfied.

Too tired, Ye Feifan started yawning as soon as he lay down, and soon fell asleep.

When a person is sleeping, thoughts are floating, and the shallow consciousness starts to move around, trying to stir up all the secrets and feelings deep in the heart.Occasionally, it is too deep, and the passage is accidentally opened, and there is communication with the consciousness outside.

The sky is white, the floor is black. Ye Feifan floated in his black and white space for a while, and soon he smelled a damp smell, as if he had come to the river.

There was darkness everywhere, and Ye Feifan couldn't see his fingers. Ye Feifan tried to explore, but only felt grass tips and fish tails brushing his cheeks lightly.

Before Ye Feifan had time to wonder, a familiar voice answered for her: "I'm rough! You still come! Is it not enough to take my two children!? Please, I'm tired of giving birth! I need a good sleep Feel! Don’t bring in those nasty human thoughts, okay?”

Ye Feifan silently apologized from the bottom of his heart, then shook his head vigorously, trying to break free from the other party's world. After a while, the scene and smell changed again.

Ye Feifan blinked, the bright and spacious world, people coming and going, seems to be the sight of a certain human being, it should be a woman, with eyes still visible.

Ye Feifan stood there for a long time, watching many people pushing large baskets full of items, until she heard the beeping of the cash register, and she realized that this place was called a "supermarket".

"Miss Ye, you are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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