Chapter 166

Ye Feifan turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a middle-aged woman affectionately holding the hand of a slender girl, and the girl was holding a big dog with the other hand. Is that... me?
Different from Xia Tanqing's vision before, this time her figure seemed a little erratic to her, and she occasionally flashed, like a phantom refracted by a mirror, which could easily penetrate even sunlight.

"Aunt Chen is gone, and my parents have also lost contact. Fei Fan will not stay by my side forever, I must be strong!"

Ye Feifan knew who it was when she heard this sentence, she sighed softly, then she settled down and shifted her mind, before the other party found out that she was an unexpected guest, she left the other party's thoughts.

Opening her eyes again, it was a white world. The familiar sight made Ye Feifan think that she had returned for a moment. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she sighed again when she saw the girl opposite.

It was me again, but her face looked very attractive, as if she had a faint pearly radiance, and there was a gentle and submissive smile on the corner of her light pink mouth, Ye Feifan almost couldn't hold back for a second, and wanted to kiss her cheek .


"Hey! How did you come in! Get out!!" A certain young man soon found out that Ye Feifan was an unexpected visitor.

Ye Feifan's eyebrows twitched wildly, but she still tried her best to calm down and said, "Are you dreaming of me?"

"That's not it!!" The young man suddenly became anxious: "I'm just, just reminiscing!! Reminiscing about the time when Wan'an was almost killed by you! Can't you??"

Hearing this, Ye Feifan immediately looked around, and finally looked at himself with a pure smile on his face: "Then why didn't I take the sword?"

"……go out."

"Did I smile at that time?" Ye Feifan frowned. Isn't his own smile on the other side too weird?But maybe it was a very pleasant thing for him to kill Xia Tanqing at that time.

"Get out!!" A certain young man became angry with embarrassment, and his powerful mental power immediately turned into a black water flow, destroying the entire white space at once, and the aftermath of the impact carried Ye Feifan to the next place again.

Ye Feifan floated and sank in the current, a little uncomfortable, and could not help praying secretly: Please, I am not interested in probing other people's privacy, let me go back.

Ye Feifan opened his eyes again with a cautious mood. It was pitch black, was it his dream?
She stretched out her hand slowly, and seemed to climb to an exit. There was the sound of birdsong outside. She stepped on a stone and found that she seemed to be in a cave.

Well, anyone, please not some mutant bear.

Ye Feifan climbed out of the cave with anticipation and fear of being hurt. There were birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere, lush greenery, and a stream winding down. She sneaked in, wanting to confirm her dream by taking a look at the water surface.

A fallen leaf lightly fell, causing ripples on the surface of the water, and at the same time wrinkled that face, Ye Feifan couldn't help frowning, she was in her body?Then how could she still see it?

"Hello!" The unfamiliar voice was arrogant and thin.

Ye Feifan raised his head, and all he could see was the shade of green trees. He could only hear the chirping of birds and the sound of the breeze, but he couldn't see any traces of creatures. Everything was too beautiful to be true.

She looked around for a while, until the voice said again: "Here it is, idiot!"

Ye Feifan finally caught the direction: "Moonlight?"

The black and white cat is wagging its tail on a high treetop, overlooking the girl. Its eyes are really beautiful, and the light mint color emits a cool light under the shade of the tree. It is still beautiful in the background of the daytime. Than the stars and moonlight.

"En——" Yueguang wagged his tail casually: "It seems that I accidentally connected me with your dream—meow—"

Ye Feifan stared at its beautiful fur, and naturally stretched out his hand and said, "Come down and hug me."

"Hmph!" Yue Guang looked very disdainful, but moved his hind legs suspiciously, and said in a very arrogant tone: "Do you think I'm like those stupid dogs, what kind of hugs and kisses do you need—meow— —?”

"Hug." Ye Feifan did not give up.

As if irritated, Moonlight narrowed her pupils and slowly got up. Standing on a tall treetop, it was elegant and arrogant, overlooking the girl from above, and then...showed a weird smile.

Then, starting from the tail, its figure gradually faded away, then the limbs, torso, and all the way to the head. The black and white cat disappeared quietly like this, and finally, only the lingering smile remained in the air.

"...." Ye Feifan frowned. Who is he copying this sense of sight?
"It's fine if you don't hug me." She turned to leave, and the smile on her face immediately shattered.

Moonlight jumped down from the top and threw herself into the girl's arms. She said coquettishly, "I want to comb my hair!! That idiot ignored me. Go pick me up from him tomorrow. I'm too lazy to go—meow—."

Ye Feifan hugged its petite body, and gently followed the black lines on Moonlight's back.

However, within a few seconds of relaxing, something happened suddenly, black lines spread everywhere in an instant, tentacles stretched out in the darkness and grabbed Ye Feifan back forcefully.

Ye Feifan suddenly opened her eyes, it was dark, she was a little uncertain, until Duoduo came up and licked her cheek.

"Feifan, are you awake? Come down for breakfast!" There was a knock on the door and Wang Xiaomei's gentle tone from outside

Ye Feifan couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, sleepwalking or something sucks.

(End of this chapter)

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