Chapter 167

The apartment Ye Feifan lives in is a landmark in the Eastern District, and the people from Red Scorpion are stationed in it; Wu Liluo lives downstairs from Ye Feifan, while Wang Xiaomei and Feng Pingting still live in the old neighbor's house next door, and Li Zhiyao and Cheng Qiaoen The others also found vacant rooms in the apartment.

The management room on the first floor was converted into a kitchen, where Feng Pingting cooked everyone's breakfast early in the morning.

Feng Pingting made a large plate of fresh mashed taro salad with freshly picked fruits and vegetables in the East District, added a large glass of orange juice, and put them all on the plates, and handed them to everyone one by one.At this time, simple and convenient Western food is generally popular in the market, and Chinese food that requires seasoning and cooking has become a special food for the upper class. Red Scorpion is much more friendly to the people in many ways.

Everyone at the dinner table was chattering, and the topic centered around Ye Feifan. Ye Feifan was also willing to share the experience of being away for a year. Everyone was terrified to hear it. Even Wu Liluo, who knew most of them, was also very focused. Who would have imagined A slender girl took a few mutated animals to the barren world outside the base, and traveled for a whole year!
"It's a miracle that you're still alive." After recovering from the trauma, Cheng Qiao'en revealed his chattering personality at the same time.

Misunderstood the other party's words, Ye Feifan was rarely proud: "I've always been used to being independent, it's not difficult to take care of myself and Duoduo."

"No, I mean..." Cheng Qiaoen finally stopped silently, and it was obvious that the other party trusted his pet quite a lot.

Red Scorpion has regular patrols and drills in the morning, so the group dispersed quickly after dinner, but under the strong comfort of Wu Liluo and the others, Ye Feifan decided to leave tomorrow morning, and tonight to catch up with a few people, Talk about heart.

However, this kind of comfort didn't last long. Just as Ye Feifan was lying in her apartment, hugging her dog in the sun, stretching lazily and trying to doze off, a sudden knock on the door interrupted her.

"Sister! Sister! Open the door!"

Duoduo and Bubu raised their heads vigilantly.this is……?
Ye Feifan opened the inner door, but did not open the outer door to let the other party in. He just asked with concern through the screen window: "What's wrong?"

Ye Yuecheng stood anxiously at the door. When he saw Ye Feifan, he hurriedly stepped forward to pat the door panel and said, "Papa and Mom have an accident!! Sister, let me in first!"

"If you have anything to say, talk outside." Ye Feifan didn't mean anything malicious, but subconsciously remained vigilant.

Ye Yuecheng gasped slightly, feeling hurt by his sister's distrust, but quickly recovered and said: "Our meeting with Tianyou was supposed to end that day, but Uncle has been unconscious, so I want to postpone the time to go back. But for some reason, the news spread to the Fuxing base that the uncle was attacked in Tianyou, and he is now seriously injured and almost died! It is obviously a ridiculous rumor, but the people in Fuxing actually believed it! Evergreen also united with Fuxing and other base leaders Ask God to give an explanation..."

Ye Yuecheng seemed to have not been relieved from the news, took a breath, and continued: "Just now, my parents were escorted here, and they also sent news that Fuxing was taken over by that Ye Zirong!! She must be in collusion Evergreen! Evergreen is her mother's natal family!! It must be!!"

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Feifan also felt that the situation was serious, but his first thought was to worry about the red scorpion. The red scorpion is under the protection of God, and God will never fail.

So she went on to ask: "What countermeasures does Tianyou have? Has the Shuanghe Base you represent made a statement?"

"Ah!" Ye Yuecheng knocked on the door anxiously: "What are you still asking at this time! Let's go and see my parents! They heard that you are here, and they are very anxious to see you! Come on I come!"

"...No need." Before Ye Yuecheng could show surprise and heartache, Ye Feifan closed the door directly.When she heard the news of the arrival of her biological parents, she only had a bad feeling, always feeling that there would be a series of unstoppable explanations after that.

She bothers to explain.

"It's okay! I'll call my parents over!"

Ye Feifan opened the door suddenly, only to hear the sound of going downstairs, she hesitated for a few seconds, considering whether to go downstairs and knock Ye Yuecheng unconscious.However, within a few minutes, the sound of going downstairs stopped, and suddenly turned into the sound of stepping upstairs, probably because Ye Yuecheng ran back again.

Ye Feifan probed the aperture, couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly opened the outer door.


(End of this chapter)

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