Chapter 168

He stretched out his hand just to catch the warmth, and at the same time, a clear and windy laughter sounded in his ears: "You seem to be in trouble?"

Ye Feifan blinked, obviously he was still dreaming about himself the night before, and he couldn't wait to come this morning, this person really...has no shame at all.

So she said coldly: "Did you sleep well last night?"

The young boy originally wanted to pretend nothing happened, as if nothing had happened, but when he heard this sentence, he immediately couldn't stand up, and his whole body trembled like a cat with fried fur. He gritted his teeth and said, "It was fine until now. A thief ran over in the middle of the night!!"

"So what are you doing here?" Ye Feifan couldn't help laughing jokingly, could it be that she wanted to have a heart-to-heart chat with the protagonist of her dream?

"...." Xia Tanqing was blushed by her smile, and her ears were burning hot, so she could only say in a bad mood: "Minghe meowed early in the morning, and was kicked out by my parents at the end. I just want to say give it back to you first."

Oops!Forgot to say good words to Moonlight in the dream.

Ye Feifan licked his mouth guiltily, and sure enough, the hand holding the cat hurt immediately, and the moonlight was biting his finger unceremoniously, with the ruthlessness of venting like biting a plastic toy: I want you to forget!Told you to forget to pick me up!
Xia Tanqing watched the green and white fingers being trampled by the cat's mouth, and couldn't help frowning. He flicked his knuckles, signaling to a certain cat that enough was enough. After Ye Feifan regained his attention, he whispered: "I heard what I just said."

"My mother gave me a mission to go outside the base. Do you want to go together? By the way, avoid the limelight." Xia Tanqing said vaguely, but in fact, he knew everything, including Ye Feifan's pair of parents who were comparable to his own. parents, and Ye Feifan's distraught at the moment.

Ye Feifan frowned, Liu Qingyu?Thinking of the woman who looked a bit like Xia Tanqing, she subconsciously shook her head, her intuition told her that it would definitely not be a good thing.

Xia Tanqing also understood that she would not agree immediately, so she explained casually: "It's to meet the God Bless spy who escaped from Fuxing. My father is busy researching vaccines, so my mother will deal with the corpse tide. The sound wave expelling auditory mutant animal transmitter was improved. But the original draft and prototype were not brought by Bosch. After Fuxing received Bosch, everything was moved to Fuxing, so my mother asked God to be a spy in Fuxing. Steal the machine manuscript back. I got the news that I have already got it, but it has also been revealed, and now the spies are on the way to escape.”

"Why didn't you send the army to pick it up?"

"Because according to estimates, the road from Fuxing to Tianyou will pass through the route of the corpse tide. Tianyou is not sure and does not plan to send people out to take risks."

"That's why I asked you to take risks?" Ye Feifan became less and less fond of Liu Qingyu.

Xia Tanqing heard the faint concern in her words, and couldn't help feeling overjoyed. He suppressed his emotions and said, "You don't have confidence in me?"

Ye Feifan couldn't see him, but he knew exactly what he was talking about. Apart from having a heartbeat, he was no different from those mutated zombies. To put it bluntly, even if he was dancing in the zombie tide, there wouldn't be any zombies Take an interest in him.

She paused, without changing her face, said: "Why are you looking for me?"

"I thought you wanted to take a breath." Xia Tanqing pointedly: "You can think about it, but don't take more than a minute. The hypnotic suggestion I gave to your sister is almost lifted."

Ye Feifan thought about what he said seriously, piles of mutated corpses, piles of cute crystal nuclei, and two tiny hearts that will be starved for food in three months...

"Okay." Ye Feifan said bluntly, she was also very confident, the aperture had been fully restored, although she could not be as casual as Xia Tanqing, it was still quite easy to fool the zombies.

Xia Tanqing stared at her expressionless side face, her desire to listen to her heart grew stronger: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." She half-closed the door, planning to clean it up immediately.

Xia Tanqing nodded, and said contentedly, "I'll wait for you downstairs."

As soon as he left, Ye Feifan opened the aperture and zoomed out several miles away. As expected, he caught Ye Yuecheng's figure at once. Well, the other party had already started to move, leaving the east area and heading towards the west area.

Seeing this, Ye Feifan quickly put down Moonlight, tied herself a neat ponytail, and started to move.

She found the small iron cage and called Qingdai to go in, tied the sword firmly around her waist, and prepared a small backpack to put a water bottle on her body. After everything was ready, she turned her head and whispered to the two dogs: "We Go for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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