Chapter 171

Before the two of them could move, Qing Dai took a step ahead and swooped in, circling around a zombie.

It was extremely fast, and it acted like a woodpecker at once, and drilled into the zombie's head with its thin beak, and it didn't take long for the zombie to fall down.Xia Tanqing watched from a distance, a little shuddering, if it was not a zombie, but a human...

Like the mutated zombies, the mutated animals were also strengthened by electric current, but their hearts and brains accidentally withstood the electric current, so they did not turn into dead bodies.But for the zombies, their flesh and blood are of no help at all, and the magnetic field is not compatible, which may hinder subsequent mutations.Therefore, when Duoduo and Bubu rushed forward, the zombies only resisted with their hands and feet, but did not bite. Ye Feifan took the opportunity to cut off their heads, and did not let the dog bite directly.

Subtle smells and even sweat will attract the zombies' attention, so Ye Feifan doesn't move much, mostly following behind his friends, occasionally making up a knife or digging out the missing crystal nucleus.

Xia Tanqing didn't bring any weapons, and obviously didn't want to be stained with flesh and blood. Yueguang looked just like him, with his chin held high, and he followed carelessly, occasionally frowning in disgust when he passed by zombies.

After clearing a road, Ye Feifan stopped in front of an overturned red truck and said to the inside: "We are sent by God, come out."

There was no sound inside, but the slight change in breathing caught Ye Feifan's attention. She stepped back and signaled Xia Tanqing to step forward.

Xia Tanqing immediately heard the message that the person wanted, and read it directly: "I didn't lie to you, the mission code is 7502, and the start date of cooperation is August [-]th. Have you stolen the original manuscript?"

Sure enough, a dirty hand clings to the car window, and then reveals a face with no facial features.Xia Tanqing couldn't help raising his eyebrows. In order to avoid the ears and noses of the mutated zombies, this man actually smeared carrion and black blood on his body. Although it looked horrible, it managed to keep him alive for a while.

"You, you..." The man immediately realized that something was wrong. He looked at the corpses scattered all over the ground. There were at least a dozen of them. Animals are not just....

"That's her ability." Xia Tanqing immediately answered the man's doubts and fears: "She raised the mutant dog, so don't worry."

The man didn't understand what was going on for the time being, but the past few days of chasing and killing had made him exhausted, so he still stretched out his hand to the girl who was obviously the leader: "Pan Yuhai"

"Xia Tanqing." Xia Tanqing pushed away the girl's hand, and took the man's dirty hand first.But seeing that Pan Yuhai was still staring at the girl intently, he was a little displeased: "I don't think this is a good time to introduce myself, can you come with us?"

Pan Yuhai climbed out of the truck carefully, and couldn't help shaking when he saw the scattered mutant zombies nearby. Obviously, they had been tormented by them for the past few days.

When he climbed out, he accidentally brought out a rotten and smelly corpse. Xia Tanqing was suspicious, so he glanced at it calmly, and found that it was a rotten mutant zombie. Obviously, the man successfully killed it, and used Its smell masks itself.Judging from the maggots breeding on the corpse, several hours have passed. The person who can be so vicious shouldn't be an ordinary supernatural being, but more like... a soldier?
Xia Tanqing secretly guessed, thinking about getting in the car for a while before making a test.

"The car is in front." Sensing the man's spirit on the verge of collapse, Ye Feifan kindly reminded him, and the three of them turned back the same way.

In the middle of walking, Ye Feifan suddenly said to them: "Run!"

Before Pan Yuhai could ask a question, Xia Tanqing had already slammed him with a sentence: "Just do what she says!"

The three of them ran wildly, Pan Yuhai didn't want to cooperate at first, but following the back of the girl running, two mutant dogs suspected to be her pets chased after him excitedly. I can run with the two of them.

"What's going on?" Xia Tanqing approached Ye Feifan and asked the parked car in sight.

Ye Feifan didn't stop: "Three ordinary people and three supernatural beings, I'm not sure if that's a revival."

"Oh my God!" Pan Yuhai was obviously terrified of Fuxing, and when he heard such a name, he quickened his pace and passed the two of them immediately.

The three of them got into the car quickly, and Ye Feifan kindly gave up the passenger seat to Pan Yuhai, while she took the dog to the back seat, Xia Tanqing could only put on a bad face and start the engine.

Regardless of any complicated emotional factors, please!One is a girl with a fragrance in her hair, and the other is a man who smells like a dead body. Even Moonlight wisely chooses to squeeze into the back seat. Although Xia Tanqing wanted to kick Pan Yuhai off, in the end Taking care of the overall situation, he stopped his feet.

Ye Feifan opened the window of the back seat, and Qingdai jumped in. Watching it tidy up its tiny wings, a thought came to her.

She softly blew a piece of whistle that she used for practice before, and sure enough, Qing Dai bent her little head, and slowly blew along with the rhythm.

Snap it, and it's connected in one go.

There is nothing in the thrush's small head, only the vision and direction of its flight.

(End of this chapter)

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