Chapter 172

"Go and help me take a look, and return quickly after reading."

Ye Feifan let Qingdai out of the window, and as he wished, he watched the unobstructed road scenery jump out in front of him like a TV spot.

Flapping its wings against the wind, Qing Dai was in a good mood, following the direction of the sound, it flew to the roof of another car, and its little paws hopped proudly on top of it.

Qing Dai noticed that there were many delicious zombies around. Obviously, the movement of the car attracted the group of zombies, which distracted Qing Dai a little, but Ye Feifan told it in her head that she would not use cages on the way back. Putting it on, Qingdai obediently drilled a hole in the roof of the car, put her head close to the hole, and listened to the information Ye Feifan wanted.

The vision and sense of smell of birds are beyond imagination, and Ye Feifan can immediately distinguish six people in the car, three of whom are her childhood acquaintances.

It was Ye Jiaqi who was driving, and the second uncle Ye Zhong and Ye Manjuan were in the back seat. She didn't know the other three supernatural beings, but she could hear clearly from Qingdai's ears, and she also understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Ye Zirong took advantage of Ye Ming's departure and colluded with Evergreen to seize power. The second uncle and the other three were used to fooling around, and originally wanted to go directly to Ye Zirong, but found that Ye Zirong was paralyzed by the forced mental treatment and did not trust her at all. None of the Ye family, even his younger brother Ye Yuean, couldn't listen to him.

In fact, she hated the Ye family so much, hated Master Ye who stood by and watched, and even more hated Ye Ming who locked her up like a lunatic, so the first thing she did when she gained power was to imprison Master Ye, and resolutely Changed her surname to Maternity, now she should be called Xiao Zirong.

After discovering that Xiao Zirong had murderous intentions towards them, the second uncle could only turn to Ye Yuean, who was quite normal, and Ye Yuean hid them in the supernatural team that was searching for Pan Yuhai, so that they could at least escape Fuxing smoothly, and their life and death afterwards would be the same. Only God can decide.

I didn't expect to meet these three people. My childhood memory was stabbed several times, and I was more emotional than knowing the news of my biological parents. I heard that they were also going to escape to God, Ye Feifan thought for a while, and finally Ask Qingdai to deal with the zombies that are climbing up the roof of the car, so as to increase the chances of survival.

Anxious to get rid of the stinky Pan Yuhai, Xia Tanqing raced all the way, and it took less than three hours to return to the outskirts of Tianyou, where the towering defensive walls of the base could already be seen.

In order to wait for Qingdai to come back, Ye Feifan didn't close the window, and everyone inside was blown disheveled and messy, until a touch of blue flashed into the window, Ye Feifan felt two little claws on his shoulders, and then closed the window.

Before the car arrived at the gate, the gate of the base had already been opened for them, and they didn't know if it was to come to meet them, or if it was Xia Tanqing's supernatural ability.

As soon as the off-road vehicle rushed into the entrance of the base, it turned a beautiful roundabout, and the friction force instantly reduced the speed of the vehicle to zero, but Pan Yuhai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, almost vomited while covering his mouth; Ye Feifan, who was sitting in the back seat, was alright, she quickly lowered her body and hugged two dogs and a cat to avoid turning around with the car.

When the three of them got out of the car, another car rushed in before the door closed, and the soldiers stationed by the door hurried forward to find out the situation.Ye Feifan got out of the car and listened carefully. It turned out that Ye Yuean had already contacted Tianyou to send Ye's family over for refuge. The door that was opened just now was for their convenience first.

Sure enough, after the people in the other car clarified the situation with the soldiers, a tall and hot woman rushed over, apparently to come to Xingshi to question her.

Ye Manjuan's chest rose and fell, she was still in shock, when she thought that the door of the base was closing slowly just now, but their car was still some distance away, just a little bit away, and might be caught in a pile of scrap iron and minced meat , she was out of breath.

Then the soldiers told them that it was the off-road vehicle in front who took the lead, and Ye Manjuan turned all her fright into anger, and rushed towards Ye Feifan and the others.

"You..." Ye Manjuan was about to curse, but when she saw Ye Feifan's face, she couldn't help being stunned.

Compared with the weak and deceitful when she was a child, Ye Feifan now has a different appearance, with a dangerous indifference all over her body. Thanks to the liberation of the end of the world, she no longer needs to pretend, she just smiles and nods when she thinks she can. If you can't, just turn your face and draw your sword.

Ye Manjuan was quite clever. She had a hunch that the girl was not easy to mess with, but she also felt that the girl looked like someone she knew. She didn't know whether to step forward and scold her, or follow her intuition to avoid it until she saw the two girls behind her. The behemoth turned pale in an instant, and ran back screaming.

"Feifan? Is it okay?" Xia Tanqing, Pan Yuhai and the others were already walking ahead. They thought there was something wrong when they saw Ye Feifan's movement, but seeing that the person had been scared away, they urged her to follow quickly .

As soon as Xia Tanqing got the manuscript from Pan Yuhai, Xia Tanqing immediately turned his face, threw Pan Yuhai to the passing soldiers, and took Ye Feifan to Tianyou's research building to claim credit.

But before leaving, he kindly threw a sentence: "The good sister you miss so much, Pan Yurong, is here in the Eastern District. Find a way to get in by yourself—"

Ye Feifan was speechless, but he just stinked him for three hours. Is it necessary to dislike him in all kinds of ways?

(End of this chapter)

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