Chapter 44

Because he wasn't sure what was on the mountain, Ye Feifan decided to take two big dogs with him.

Duoduo was obedient and easy, and followed her naturally, but Bubu was too excited to see a living person, so Ye Feifan had to keep him with an iron chain.Although Bubu obeyed Ye Feifan's instructions, it still didn't prevent it from drooling at the other three girls who smelled delicious, causing the three of them to walk in a panic all the way, so they could only keep a certain safe distance as much as possible.

Walking out of the apartment door, you can see many similar apartments and houses around. The shapes and colors of the outer walls and roofs are consistent with the old people’s preference for simplicity and elegance. Surrounded by green mountains and white clouds, not to mention anything else, the natural sky and mountains alone make the whole community beautiful and picturesque.

When the community was built, it was because of its beautiful scenery and secluded location. It was also close to the mountainside, so it was convenient for the elderly who like sports to go up the mountain for outings. In addition, there are some wild animals inhabiting the mountain, which can be said to be a natural hunting ground, so Ye Feifan They also found some good shotguns in some households.

With sufficient food and weapons, the three of them summoned up their courage and followed Ye Feifan to the path opened up the mountain.

Ye Feifan has been paying attention to the movements of the mutated crocodile. To her surprise, the crocodile is not as fierce and aggressive as the mutated mammals. In fact, the crocodile does not move at all. Its heartbeat is soft and weak, not as manic as Duoduo and the others, and now it is just dragging its tail as long as a shooting star, basking lazily in the sun in the open-air swimming pool outside.

The four of them stopped before the signboard leading to the mountain road.

Wu Liluo was nervous: "How is it?"

Ye Feifan said in a low voice: "It's sleeping, we are far away from there, a few villas and woods away, so be careful and you won't be found."

After finishing speaking, she restored the elongated aperture to its original shape, and projected it forcefully into the forest in front of her.

Just like the original guess; the mountains and forests are full of vegetation, and the mutated animals that eat flesh and blood are naturally difficult to attract. Most of them are still gnawing on the scattered corpses in the community. The mountainous area above has become a rare quiet place. earth.

Ye Feifan noticed that there were many ordinary animals inside, so while scanning, he pointed out to the three people behind.

Wu Liluo licked her lips, imagining the beauty of the naked pheasant being roasted on the fire until it was golden, crispy and overflowing with fat, she was suddenly full of energy, and her hand holding the iron bar was eager to try.

Wang Xiaomei and Feng Pingting glanced at each other, and also clenched the samurai sword in their hands, which was given to them by Wu Liluo.Wu Liluo's decisive handsomeness in throwing the knife and smashing the zombie's head completely captured the uneasy hearts of the two little girls. Regardless of the other's protest, they automatically called her Sister Lolita, as if treating her like the eldest sister.

The four set foot on the mountain with great enthusiasm.

The path to the inside is paved with stone slabs, but few people have come here for several months after the end of the world. The mountain is rainy and humid, and moss and weeds almost cover the entire stone slab. The four of them can only change to the fallen leaves. Stack to avoid slipping.

Going deeper, the shade of green trees began to cover the sky, and the beautiful pointed corners and roofs of the villa slowly disappeared behind the dense vegetation. Wu Liluo didn't feel scared at all. Just hit it with a stick.

Leaning against the aperture, Ye Feifan casually pointed at the bushes and said, "Rabbit."

Wu Liluo's eyes burst out with murderous aura, Wang Xiaorong and Wang Xiaorong didn't dare to compete with her.

There is still a gap between imagination and reality. The animals in the mountains are extremely fast. Wu Liluo just rushed up to scare the snakes. She beat around like this, without even touching a rabbit's butt hair.

In the end, it was Ye Feifan who let out a lot, and successfully brought back three hares. Wu Liluo was unwilling to lose to the dogs, so she ran away and caught three fat and fat pheasants.

Wu Liluo looked at the wild game in her hands and was anxious to have a picnic on the spot. Ye Feifan was afraid that the smell would attract bad things, so she stopped her immediately.

Feng Pingting made a quicker move. She had specially prepared pet cages, and put a male and a female hare and pheasant into them respectively.Feng Pingting thought very well, the rabbits are good at fecundity, and the pheasants can lay eggs, so they can be brought down for animal husbandry and raised in captivity, so they don't have to go to the mountains to catch them in the future.

In addition to the bouncing wild animals, there are also many unknown vegetables and fruit bushes growing along the road. Naturally, the work of identifying these is all entrusted to Wang Xiaomei from Xunongke.But the taciturn Wang Xiaomei turned into a chatterbox when she talked about her profession, and began to talk about the classics of wild vegetables.

She fiddled with the grass leaves with one hand, while explaining to the people behind: "Wild vegetables are bitter and are not suitable for eating raw. The best cooking methods are blanching and frying. We only eat the tender stems and leaves of wild vegetables. The fruit is rare, but the berries of these black nightshade are sweet and can be eaten as snacks. I recommend frying the leaves with eggs and shredded pork, and the other stems and leaves are also used as medicine... "

Feng Pingting rolled her eyes. She is familiar with Wang Xiaomei's temperament. She doesn't like to make noise on weekdays. In fact, she is a hidden academic bully. When it comes to majors, she can hold your ear and talk all night, so she doesn't care about it. Interrupted mercilessly: "Then take off the whole one, Dr. Wang, we are just here to explore the way."

Wang Xiaomei's expression immediately turned cold, and she refused to accept it: "I was just talking and remembering that I was afraid of picking poisonous ones. There are also equatorial primroses and salty fengcao..."

"Okay, okay, pick everything!" Feng Pingting was afraid that she would make a fuss, so she insisted on pushing her forward.

Although they tried their best to walk along the artificially created path, many bushes and branches beside the path grew wildly when there was no one there, and they were scratched by leaves and branches after walking for a long time.

Wu Liluo took out the machete from her backpack and handed it to Ye Feifan who was walking in front, but Ye Feifan didn't pick it up.


"There are living people."

Ye Feifan's words instantly set off a huge wave, and at the same time, Boubo, who was tightly bound, bared his teeth in excitement.

The three of them froze for a moment, then came to their senses.

Wu Liluo looked around: "Where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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