Chapter 45

"Male or female?" Feng Pingting was uneasy, and Wang Xiaomei was also worried. The two of them have seen the madness and disorder outside, and they have no expectations for human nature. Sometimes you even hope that what you meet is a zombie with an empty head rather than malicious humans.

"Two women, very weak, go east." Ye Feifan didn't have too many scruples, and led a few people off the path to the east bushes to chop the road with a machete.

"Crack!" The branches and leaves were scattered all over the ground, and the machete was broken by the falling sun fragments to give off a compelling light.

Wu Liluo called out cautiously: "We are survivors from the Shanxia Community, is anyone there?"

After a long time, a woman's weak voice came from not far away: "Help! We are here! We are here!"

Ye Feifan stopped the hacking of the people behind him, and pushed the bushes away with his bare hands.

Behind the grove is a clearing occupied by big trees. The trunks and branches of the trees break through the ground and spread in all directions.

Under the tree umbrella were two women in distress. Their clothes were ragged, their cheeks were sunken, and their faces were also weak. There were fire ash and some small animal bones on the ground. It seemed that the two had been hunting in the mountains for a living.

The two dogs beside Ye Feifan smelled a strange smell, and growled in a low voice, half angry and half excited, scaring the two women under the tree into pale faces, and desperately tried to climb to the tree trunk.

It was inconvenient for Ye Feifan to come forward with two big dogs. Wu Liluo glanced at Ye Feifan and saw that she had no intention of leaving, so she stepped forward to express that she had no malice.

Ye Feifan was a little stunned when he heard the strange voice, but he quickly reacted and tied two big, vicious dogs to the tree trunk behind him.

Knowing that the survivors who called for help were not men, Wang Xiaomei and the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing the two women were weak and helpless, they immediately felt sympathy. Can't help.

After confirming that Ye Feifan and his group had no malicious intentions, the two women calmed down and stopped climbing the tree. Wu Liluo handed them bread and water, and they had no time to be grateful, and they started to gobble it up.

Tasting the long-lost feeling of satiety, the two couldn't help crying, and immediately explained everything about their wealth in Ye Feifan's gentle voice.

It turned out that these two were special caregivers hired by the elderly in the villa area. The one with slender hair and fair skin was called Li Zhiyao, and the other with short hair looked very young named Fang Lingshan. Soon he found out that something was wrong in the community, and fled to the mountain in a hurry, and luckily escaped the fate of being bitten to death by the mutated animals down the mountain.

In the past few months, the two have been afraid to go down the mountain. They can only survive by relying on the nearby streams and the occasional hares they hunt. moon.

In exchange, Ye Feifan also told them all about the situation under the mountain and outside.

Her voice is beautiful and has a magical persuasive power, as if the breeze caresses the wind chimes, knocking into the hearts of everyone present.

The two were still stunned and unable to recover after listening to it, and finally shook their heads and called it impossible.

Wu Liluo frowned, pointed at Duoduo and Bubu and said helplessly: "I didn't lie to you, there are either refugees or zombies outside, but there are a lot of infected animals in our community, should you look carefully."

Leaving aside how monstrous Duoduo with the golden hair and red eyes looks, just looking at Boubu's protruding jaw, licking his fangs, and his twisted and weird appearance, the two women were frightened and absent-minded after just one glance.

Li Zhiyao cried out first, and the tears washed away a lot of dirt, revealing a teary pear face: " could this be...."

Fang Lingshan's short hair made her look less than 20 years old, but she calmed down the fastest: "Isn't there a base? Are you going to the base? Can you take us with you?"

Ye Feifan shook his head and said: "It may be more dangerous outside. The nearest base is across Ketagalan City, which is a severely disaster-stricken area. We plan to stay in the community temporarily and wait for the situation outside to improve before taking action."

Li Zhiyao continued to cry, Fang Lingshan was obviously in hesitation, she could see that she didn't want to stay in a neighborhood with man-eating animals at all.

Seeing this, Feng Pingting also stepped forward to agree: "I am a survivor from outside. It is better to advise you not to act rashly. The outside world is already in chaos. Women and children without power can trade and discard goods at will. I believe I, you would never want to be treated like that."

Probably remembering some unbearable memories, Feng Pingting bit her lips, and looked away uncomfortably, and Wang Xiaomei's face darkened a lot behind her.

Fang Lingshan saw that the two young women were depressed, and she couldn't help turning pale when she thought about it a little bit. She could only suppress her fear and said: "We are medical students, and we have some experience in surgery and internal medicine. Can you take us in?"

Fang Lingshan's appearance does not match her age. She has a lot of experience in dealing with things and knows how to put herself in the most favorable position in various situations.

Perhaps Wu Liluo's appraising gaze was too obvious. Fang Lingshan was afraid that they would find it troublesome, so she hurriedly pointed down the mountain and said, "There are many special medicines for wounds in clinics and hospitals, but they should all be written in foreign languages. Only we can understand the curative effects and uses. It is absolutely possible. Help in an emergency!"

Ye Feifan scanned the two of them inside and out while they were talking, and there was no strange fluctuation. It seems that they are not the same supernatural beings as Wang Xiaomei, but the two are studying medicine, and there is a good chance that they will be able to do so in the future. It comes in handy, but the supplies may be a little tighter.

Wu Liluo couldn't wait for Ye Feifan's hint, so she could only put pressure on the two with her eyes to test their determination to follow.

After a long time, Ye Feifan said softly: "Leaving this mountain, not only will we have to face the problem of food, but also the life safety that is threatened all the time. Is it okay?"

"Yeah!" Fang Lingshan pulled Li Zhiyao, who was crying and out of shape, and nodded desperately, fearing that Ye Feifan and his group would turn around and leave if they didn't pay attention.

Ye Feifan didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly smiled lightly and said, "Then let's go."

Fang Lingshan, who had regained some energy, couldn't help but look at the girl in front of her. The blue sportswear set off her black hair and snow-skinned, clean and soft skin. It was those eyes...

Hey, is she blind?Why does it seem to be the leader of these four people?
(End of this chapter)

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