Five to five from one punch

Chapter 103 Suspected hero?

Chapter 103 Suspected hero?

"People will die if they are killed. Human beings will die if their hearts are pierced, their necks are broken, and their heads are chopped off. I am no exception." Banggu sat up, patted Baiyu's shoulder and said, "This boxing technique is really strong, very good, what's its name!"

Bai Yu said with a guilty conscience, "True. Flowing water smashing rock fist, imitation gust of wind form, gust of endless wind formation."

The teacup that Banggu had just taken out was crushed again. He complained bitterly to his beloved apprentice: "Rebel, you did it on purpose. You actually added a word "true" in front of it, you made me lose face. Where will it be stored in the future?"

"And I suggest that the name of your moves in the future should be shorter. If it is too long, it will give people a sense of ritual that you are clamoring for the crowd."

Bai Yu was very helpless. He didn't want to do this either, but the system automatically added the word "true" in front of it, and the name of the move was not so long on purpose, because it was originally so long!

"Forget it, you young people just like this kind of fancy things, and it's rare for me to say that." Banggu took out a teacup again this time, and then quickly filled it up, and then poured it into his own. In his mouth, "Oh, yes, I will go out for the next two days. When I come back, you will go to Houshan. Although I can't teach you anything in terms of boxing and other aspects, there are some students of this genre. You still have to learn the special skills.”

Bai Yu froze for a moment, then he suddenly remembered the miraculous airflow kung fu that Master Banggu used in the back mountain that day.
That state is very similar to some kind of magical method of breathing. Bai Yu is also looking forward to learning it in a few days.

"Master Banggu, are you going out at this time because of a mission sent by the Heroes Association?" Bai Yu asked talkatively.

Bang Gu sighed, and he slowly explained: "That's not the case, but I have received some rumors from the martial arts world, and because of the request of a friend, I can only go there for an invitation."

Bai Yu murmured suspiciously: "Spoofed news? What does that mean?"

Seeing the interested look on his lover's face, Banggu continued to speak, "This is some old news in the martial arts world. You have never been in contact with this circle before, so naturally you don't know some of the secrets in it. In fact, There will be some martial arts conferences held in the martial arts circle from time to time, and the news this time is related to the champion of the first conference officially organized by the martial arts world!"

"The champion of the first martial arts competition?" Bai Yu continued to ask Banggu with interest, "Master Banggu, is it the champion of the martial arts competition who invited you to exchange experiences?"

"Exchange experience?" Bang Gu smiled, "If you are a senior, the old man has more weight than him, and when he saw the old man before, he would call me senior, but this time I am not Why exchange ideas, but something more serious!"

"In fact, the man who won the first martial arts championship was called Haojie. After he won the championship of that martial arts championship, many people thought that the martial arts world would get another martial arts champion in the future. The rise of the grand master, but strange things happened, the hero disappeared inexplicably, and there has been no news since then.

At that time, I still remember that the Wushu official once invited me to look for the trace of this hero together, but the result was very regrettable and nothing was found. A martial arts master with outstanding talent, if he is still alive at this time, he must also be a martial arts master who can create a genre. "

After Baiyu heard this, he also realized that things were not as simple as they appeared, "Master Banggu, does that mean that this man named Haojie suddenly reappeared in the martial arts world?"

"Yes and no!" Banggu walked to the gate with his hands behind his back, looked at the scenery outside the gate and said, "Just the night before in a park in U City, an incredible battle took place. Some people found that the battle marks in the park were very similar to those produced by the champion of the first martial arts conference back then, a hero who used hand boxing. And this time I also went to the official side to verify the situation.”

"Could it be because this heroic senior needs to learn some advanced martial arts, so he suddenly disappeared and went to a certain deep mountain. He didn't leave the customs until recently." Bai Yu made a guess.

Banggu shook his head, "It's hard to say, the battle marks are not necessarily caused by the hero's special boxing skills, maybe this is indeed a coincidence."

"That's it, I feel so boring." Bai Yu stood up, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and handed a letter to Banggu, "If this is the case, I still have things to do, so I will Let's go first, Master Banggu."

Just when Banggu caught the envelope in his hand, the system task that Bai Yu had been pressing for a long time finally sounded the completion sound.

Mission: Bump's expectation, completed.

Obtain mission rewards: attribute points*5, lucky draw chance*1, portable universal portable capsule*1
Banggu took the envelope and said speechlessly, "Did my brother give it to me?"

Obviously he just needs to make a phone call. I asked Bai Yu to deliver the letter, just to find an excuse to let him go there to study, but why did my brother deliberately reply a letter, and let Bai Yu give it to me?
The sound of envelopes being opened resounds in this house
[Bang Pu's letter: My stupid brother, when you read this letter, I already guessed that Bai Yu has returned to your dojo, and I have to say that your new disciple is indeed very good Ah, not only is the talent in martial arts amazing, but also his body is as enviable as having endless potential. More importantly, he speaks very nicely, which is very appetizing to the old man. My extremely stupid good brother, you have done it in your life The most stupid thing is to let this disciple appear in front of my eyes. Let me tell you a secret. Bai Yu is also my disciple. Strictly speaking, I am also his master. Hahaha, did you expect that? 】

Banggu looked at the letter with dull eyes. He suddenly felt thirsty again, but he gradually realized how terrible it was. "Damn it, brother bastard, I'm going to fight with you!!"

In extreme anger, Banggu tore up the letter directly, and then crazily scolded his brother on the spot.
In a certain dojo in a certain city, Bangpu was sitting in his room with a peaceful mind. He drank hot tea and said slowly, "I don't know why, but I always feel that today's tea is very delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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