Five to five from one punch

Chapter 104 The Hungry Wolf's Determination

Chapter 104 The Hungry Wolf's Determination

Bai Yu resolutely added the newly obtained attribute points to her panel.

personal attributes

Power: 52
Defense: 52
Agility: 51

With only two chances to draw, there will be 10 lucky draws, which quickly fulfills the requirement of one white female ticket. This is the last dignity of his white female ticket party.

But what makes Baiyu even more curious is the props from this new reward, the convenient universal portable capsule*1
He took it in his hand and studied it for a while, until finally Bai Yu sighed, "Isn't this the weakened version of the universal capsule in Dragon Ball?"

Convenience Universal Portable Capsule: There is a certain built-in space, which can be used to store food and items.

Although it can't improve his combat effectiveness, it is a very good usage to store food and cooperate with the skill of Big Eater.

Bai Yu silently put the capsule back into the backpack in the system.

That man is back!
Hungry wolf was walking in the dojo with a full face. Some new students on the practice field all stepped aside after seeing this beast-like brother, so as not to bump into the opponent's brow.

"It's finally your turn, Bai Yu!"

Hungry Wolf smiled as if he had seen delicious food. He had waited for too long. Today, he had to challenge Bai Yu personally, to test the level of this bad-tempered bastard.

Why would someone as strong as him pretend to be a weak chicken and trick the old man to help him polish his body at Houshan?
According to the old man's eyesight, there is no reason why he couldn't see that Bai Yu was hiding his strength!
What is the reason?
Is it possible that the old man is really old and dizzy?

But at this moment, several figures stood in front of the hungry wolf.

Buck, Suta, Beiji! ! !
That's right, it's the three of them again!

Buck said to the hungry wolf with a ferocious expression: "Damn guy, you didn't expect the three of us to appear in front of you again, did you?"

Suta also showed a crooked smile and taunted: "Hungry wolf, when I think of what you did to the three of us, my heart becomes more and more angry. Now the three of us have returned from hell!"

As soon as the words fell, several big men came out from behind the three of them and stood behind them.

The information about the number of bullies keeps stimulating Hungry Wolf's unbearable past, but now he has more important things to do, instead of wasting time with these trash, he roared dissatisfied: "Go away, I don't have time to chat with you bastards here now!"

"Garbage should have the awareness of garbage, get out of the way for me!"

Hungry Wolf's arrogant words simply added fuel to the flames, this time the trio didn't beep with him, and waved their hands directly, and a group of people rushed towards this ignorant guy.

"Jenos and the others should move all the furniture back into the apartment, right?" Bai Yu said to herself, "Speaking of which, do you want the three of us to go out to eat out tonight?"

I believe that after selling the instruments of Genos, he should have a long period of time without worrying about food and drink. Sure enough, it would be a good thing to have more money-giving boys like Genos.

"Huh?" Just as Bai Yu came to the martial arts training ground, the scene in front of him surprised him.

Several bodies were lying on the ground, and the red liquid was talking about what kind of overwhelming battle happened here just now!
not dead.
Bai Yu thought that these people were all killed, but all of them just fainted from injuries.

"You're finally here!" Hungry Wolf raised his head and stared fiercely at Bai Yu.

Hungry Wolf's hands were covered with blood, and even he didn't realize that the black tights on his body had unknowingly torn a big crack, revealing his strong and hard chest muscles.

Except for the man with the horn-like hairstyle, Baiyu was the only one left in the lively training ground. It seemed that everyone here was scared away by the fierce battle that happened here just now.

"Did you do it?" After Bai Yu finished speaking, he suddenly felt that this question was stupid. Combined with the scene, the tone of the other party and the marks on his hands, it was obvious that this guy did it. He immediately changed his words and said: " Are you being too aggressive? After all, they are all fellow brothers of yours!"

Hungry Wolf wiped the corner of his mouth dissatisfied, "They provoked you first, I was just defending myself, if some people don't teach them a serious lesson, they will stick to you like dog skin ointment! "

"Also...they are bullies, they are not worthy to be my fellow disciples at all!"

"You should be my senior brother, right? I seem to have seen you on the day I was apprenticed to the teacher." Bai Yu asked curiously.

The hungry wolf slowly widened his eyes, and he said in disbelief: "You didn't remember my name? Did you forget that after I challenged you that day, you knocked me unconscious without talking about Wude Thing of the past?"

Bai Yu:? ? ?
Hungry Wolf tried to think about all the scenarios when he challenged Bai Yu, but he never thought about the situation where the other party didn't even remember who he was.
Anger, of course there is, anger, naturally filled Hungry Wolf's heart, but at this time he was more unwilling, he regarded Bai Yu as a strong enemy, but the other party didn't even remember his name?
Needless to say, the hungry wolf at this time has only one idea, and that is to defeat this extremely bad guy through martial arts!
"Come on, I, Hungry Wolf, officially challenge you, Baiyu!" After Hungry Wolf finished speaking, he made a gesture of waiting for an opportunity, as if he would transform into a beast and attack Baiyu in no time.

"What?" Bai Yu was stunned, obviously they hadn't talked before, when did he stun him by not talking about martial arts?
And why did it suddenly become about challenging myself again?

Bai Yu suddenly wanted to rush back to eat hot pot. But when he saw Hungry Wolf's serious eyes full of fighting intent, the blood of Fan Ma in his body continued to arouse infinite fighting intent.
"Okay, let me, my junior, accompany you through a few tricks!" Bai Yu accepted the challenge of the hungry wolf, and at the same time put his hands into his pockets.

Although the Black Flowing Water Ju He Fist has been assimilated, it doesn't mean that Bai Yu has forgotten its principle, it's just that he doesn't have the powerful "later strike" state when using it.

But even if he didn't have that state, the move itself, which evolved from Long Shuwen's years of experience in underground duels, still had its bright spots.

Speed ​​and weird and changeable suppression are the highlights of this set of dark fists.

This set of moves was just right for Bai Yu to use to tease this combative senior brother a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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