Five to five from one punch

Chapter 106 What an Uneasy Disciple

Chapter 106 What an Uneasy Disciple

"Huhe. Huhe" the hungry wolf supported his ground with his hands, his body was telling himself that he should stop his current behavior.

But how can it fall here?
The hungry wolf spat out a mouthful of blood, then he continued to stand up unsteadily, squinting his eyes and looking at Bai Yu in front of him. "It's really strong." No matter how he attacked, he couldn't hurt Bai Yu. With all the strength of the whole body and the martial arts he knows, even the breathing method that just touched the threshold was unreservedly displayed.

But no matter how hard he tried, he was beaten in front of Bai Yu and had no power to fight back.

Unwillingly, he rushed towards Bai Yu.

With a plop, the hungry wolf was kicked by Bai Yu again and fell to the ground, buzzing tinnitus rang in his ears continuously, but after a few seconds, the hungry wolf stood up again like a tumbler.

"Are you kidding me?" Bai Yu said looking at the hungry wolf that was about to fall down in a second.

Why is this guy named Hungry Wolf like the template of the protagonist who upgrades, evolves and locks blood in Hot Blood Man? Is the real protagonist of this world the guy in front of him?

Although I have controlled the level of strength very well, normally speaking, if I were another opponent, I should have been knocked unconscious by him long ago, but this hungry wolf is like a cockroach. No matter how many times I hit him , he just was able to stand up.

"Baiyu! I have a reason to defeat you. This is my goal of survival." After the hungry wolf roared, he charged at Baiyu again.

The hungry wolf soared into the air, spun around at high speed in the air, and then swung several attacks, like stars falling from the starry sky.

Bai Yu stretched out one hand, as precise as picking a star, and quickly blocked the attack from the hungry wolf. The hungry wolf with one hand was still unyielding. The whole person seemed to have fallen into madness, regardless of the injuries to his arms and legs. , just like an out-of-control attack machine, tirelessly attacking the locked target.

Bai Yu began to notice Hungry Wolf's eyes, this guy has lost consciousness?
Good guy, even if you lose consciousness, your body is still maintaining this high-intensity offensive mode?

Moreover, Bai Yu could clearly feel the progress of Hungry Wolf, his fist speed became faster and faster, and his strength and accuracy began to increase by leaps and bounds.
Difficulties escalate during the battle, this is the template only the protagonist has, this hungry wolf is definitely not a small role in the original work!

It's a pity, it's a pity that this hungry wolf met me. Although you are strong and unyielding, I am stronger than you!
For the first time in this unequal battle, Bai Yu activated the mimicry mode. Gale.

With the blessing of True. Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist's talent passive and Mimic Gale, Bai Yu's original agility of 50 points has been directly increased to 30.00% of the blessing of five, jumping directly to 68-69 points of agility, or even a little bit Break through the 70 mark.

At this moment, Bai Yu can even feel the unreality of his own speed so fast that things around him start to slow down.

All martial arts in the world are invincible, only fast is invincible!
A precise hand knife slashed the hungry wolf's neck.

The world fell silent, the hungry wolf stopped attacking, and finally fell to the ground unable to bleed again.
Bai Yu looked at the hungry wolf who was sleeping on the ground, looked at him expectantly and said, "What a terrifying talent, you will definitely become a powerful martial artist in the future, and I look forward to fighting you again in the future, not like Today's overwhelming battle without any suspense."

Slip away, it's time to go home and eat hot pot, Bai Yu happily returns to City Z.
A few minutes later Banggu came out from behind the corner.
He walked to the side of the hungry wolf who was unconscious on the ground and said, "What a worry-free disciple."

After finishing speaking, Banggu didn't dislike the filthy blood on Hungry Wolf's body, and helped him up
City Z..No man's land..In a certain a room.
Saitama sneakily and excitedly opened a packing box.

Excitedly, he took out a bottle of heavy liquid from the box. On the surface of this bottle of liquid was wrapped a piece of plastic paper that was cheap but felt great.

Printed on the paper is Magical Girl Cute P Powerful Hair Growth Agent! !

Saitama stared at this bottle with eyes shining brightly. This was the lucky prize he just drew from the supermarket auction, and it was also the hair restorer he needed most at the moment.

Magical girl cute p Saitama has often seen it on TV. It is a very popular cartoon. He didn't expect to endorse hair restorer now. This really surprised him.

"I hope this brand of hair restorer has some effect." After Saitama murmured, he took the bottle of hair restorer and ran to the bathroom in a panic.

Before Bai Yu came back, hurry up to try the effect.

Looking at the bald head in the mirror, Saitama made up his mind, opened the bottle of hair restorer, and then worked delicately on his marinated egg
After a few minutes, Saitama looked at his still bald and gleaming head and fell into deep thought.
Sure enough, the hair restorer should not work so quickly, right?
Maybe when I wake up tomorrow morning, I may grow beautiful hair.

The door was opened, and Baiyu saw Saitama who was looking in the mirror, he said curiously: "Saitama, why do you keep looking at the mirror so engrossed?"

Saitama put aside his own braised eggs with a guilty conscience and said slowly, "It's nothing, I just want to look in the mirror occasionally."

"Really. It's quite strange. By the way, where is Genos?" Bai Yu asked suspiciously.

Saitama lay down with the manga, and while reading it, he responded: "Jacs seems to be going back to that doctor, it seems that he wants to repair the damage on his body, and he will sell the instruments of the House of Evolution."

After hearing this, Bai Yu said lightly, "Oh that's it."

Saitama didn't say anything, he forgot that Genos was almost torn apart by the guy Ashura Unicorn.

The bald-headed demon king moved away his comic book, looked at Bai Yu with weird eyes and asked, "I you really want to accept that artificial human as a disciple?"

"Let me tell you in advance. I think my method of strengthening should not work on artificial humans," and I don't think I can teach him anything useful. "

Bai Yu took a sip of water and said slowly, "Actually, Genos's attitude is very firm. Even if we reject him, we probably won't make him give up on this idea, and I think you will be a good teacher, so I accept it." It's not a bad thing to be a disciple, and isn't there me?"

"Is that be it, it sounds pretty good." After getting the answer, Saitama once again focused on the manga.

 Thank you book friends Ran Xiaolei, book friend Chu Mo nono, and book friend Ailan Yongye for their monthly votes, and thank you book friends Night Sky on the Stars, Raising an Alpaca, and Infinity Haoyu for their rewards, and thank you again for your recommendation votes, thank you everyone
(End of this chapter)

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