Five to five from one punch

Chapter 107 The Mysterious Ninja

Chapter 107 The Mysterious Ninja


"Genos, the frequency of your injuries recently is a bit frequent..." Dr. Kunos said distressedly while adjusting the data of the instrument.

"Well, doctor... I'm sorry, the enemy I encountered this time is much stronger than the mosquito monster last time, and I am no match for it at all." Genos closed his eyes when he said this.

"Haha, it's okay, this time I prepared new parts and attack accessories for you." Dr. Kunos showed a box of brand new parts, "Since you said that your two teachers are very strong, Then after replacing those parts, maybe you can also catch up with your two teachers, and even surpass them is not impossible!"

"What. Surpassing Teacher Baiyu and Saitama?" Genos sat up in shock. He suddenly remembered the picture of Teacher Baiyu defeating the berserk Asura lightly, and the picture printed on the back of Teacher Baiyu that seemed to be like Devil's Cry Textures...

"After changing the parts, can I become so strong." Genos looked at the parts in the box on the wall and thought.

On a certain street in F city.

"Why do people have to work? Why can't they eat without paying?"

"The rich eat and clothe themselves warmly, and the poor starve to death and freeze to death. There is no freedom in this world. Everyone is bound by labor!"

A bald man in a bloated black armor raised his fist on the street and shouted, "We will never work, and we will never work in this life, so we have to change, and I will hammer all of this The Taoyuan group led by the head will change this decadent world!"

"Wuhu! Long live the boss, we support you." Behind Mace Head, several bald men in black armor were loudly protecting him.

"Then boss, what should we do in the first step?" A younger brother A asked a question.

"Huh, let's go, first go and tear down the house of Zenier, the richest man in this city, and let the world see that we are not joking!" Mace Hammerhead raised his head and roared to the sky to issue an order.

And all of this was seen by the melon-eaters passing by, and at the same time, this matter was spreading at an incredible speed.

"Thank you, big brother who rides a bicycle." A primary school student thanked the undocumented rider with a red balloon in his hand.

The undocumented knight looked at the elementary school student, and at the same time stretched out his thumb, grinning brightly at him!
At this time, he received a text message from the association on his mobile phone. After taking it out and opening it, the unlicensed rider immediately got on his bicycle and continued to move forward in a certain direction.

In an apartment in no man's land.

Holding a cup of instant noodles, Saitama pressed the remote control to turn on the TV, and started watching today's news.

A beautiful girl news commentator is speaking seriously in the picture: "The terrorists who caused riots in City F, they call themselves the Taoyuan Group, they have already destroyed a high-rise building in City F, they are very dangerous guys, At present, the identity of the leader of the organization has been clarified. The B-level reward is for the wanted criminal, Mace Head. In addition, according to the reports of the citizens, all the members of the organization who follow the Mace Head are all bald. Citizens, if you encounter a bald head outside, you must quickly Stay away from them!"

Saitama let go of the fork in his hand. His whole marinated egg was covered with sweat, "What the hell. Isn't this just like me?"

"Damn it, it's not okay, I finally became a hero, I can't let them ruin my reputation!"

Just when Saitama was about to change his clothes, he suddenly thought of Bai Yu who went out in the morning.
It seems that Bai Yu accidentally mentioned this guy named Hammerhead when he went out. Could it be that Bai Yu had known about the Taoyuan Group for a long time, and then chose to go out and arrest them early in the morning in order not to insult his reputation?
Damn~ You are so gentle, Bai Yu!

But, how could I let you face it alone? Bai Yu, you have to wait for me.

Bai Yu was walking on the streets of City F, he was looking for a guy named Hammerhead.

Because in the morning, the system has shaken out a task for a long time,

Mission Objective: Mysterious Organization
Mission introduction: A certain organization that has been lurking for a long time has been active in the dark side of this world. They have amazing technology and various personnel. At this time, a man named "Hammerhead" risked his life from After this organization stole the battle uniform, and set up an organization called Taoyuan Group, perhaps this is one of the leaks that uncovered the mystery of this organization
Mission rewards: lucky draw opportunity*1, chance to ask questions from God of Wisdom*1, attribute points*4
This mission is very strange, just let me find the man Macehammer and pry his mouth open to get information about this mysterious organization.

Is it possible that this organization is important?
But the most important thing now is to find the hammer head first.

At the same time, because of the noise made by the Taoyuan group nearby, and because they didn't hide their goal at all, Bai Yu finally saw the place they were going to on the TV.

At this time, on the other side, the undocumented rider stopped his bicycle, he got off, stood in front of the Taoyuan group and said: "The righteous cyclist, the undocumented rider, comes on stage!"

"I will absolutely not tolerate you continuing to do evil!"

A few seconds later, the undocumented knight fell to the ground with blood on his head.
Hammerhead left here, laughing and said: "Wu. Hahaha. Hero? It's really more than one mention."

"Zenier's home is in the middle of this vast forest. As long as you pass through it, you will be able to reach your destination this time."

Mace looked into the distance, and in the middle of the woods stood this extremely tall building, and the top of the building was a piece of poop made of pure gold. "This is the Golden Poop Building!"

Ten minutes later, when Hammerhead and his group came to a remote mountain forest, the upside-down shadow of a shrine building in front of them suddenly changed. At the same time, a crisp male voice came out: "Bright Created shadows, and shadows approached darkness!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Hammerhead!" A ninja wearing a silver armor and black full-body suit appeared in front of the Taoyuan group, and he said in a slightly funny tone: "I am Zenier's bodyguard, and I am also the Harvest the death gods of you people!"

"Oh, by the way, I'll give you another warm reminder. None of the people I've fought with so far have been able to go back alive!"

 Thank you book friend Caterpillar 1993 for voting for the monthly ticket, and by the way, please ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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