Five to five from one punch

Chapter 108 Innocent Sonic

Chapter 108 Innocent Sonic

"Hmph, what a ninja who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I think you don't understand what power is at all!" After Hammerhead finished speaking, he waved his hand. "Brothers, go to me and kill this bastard."

Sonic reached out and took off his mask, showing his handsome face, and said, "I thought that if you surrendered, you would be spared, but I didn't expect that someone would be so anxious to die!"

The breeze blew the purple scarf on Sonic's shoulders, he showed a "quiet" smile, and looked at the group of bald heads rushing towards him with the eyes of the dead.

Sonic's ghostly figure began to jump and move continuously in the gaps between the bald heads. At the same time, in this place, there was a crisp sound of the knife and the scabbard being separated, and bright purple lights were shining in the Taoyuan group. waved in.
In the eyes of Mace Head, one after another, bald heads began to fly in mid-air. The speed of this ninja was so fast that it was difficult for Mace Head's naked eyes to catch him. He could only see a purple whirlwind in his own The little brothers were raging crazily in their heads... and took their lives away at the same time!
"What...what the hell happened?" Mace Head began to look at everything that happened in front of him with cold sweat on his face.

The mace head panicked and used his hands to protect the vital parts of his head, but the sharpness of this ninja's blade was beyond his imagination, and even left a few deep knife marks on his black armor!
If it's over, if I don't do something else, I must be finished.

"Damn it!" The nail hammer head raised his hands high, and at the same time, after using his body's strength, he hammered fiercely on the ground! !

"The organization's combat uniform was stolen by a guy named Hammerhead, and now this guy seems to be destroying everywhere in F City."

"So are we going to recycle the battle suit, or should we dispose of this bold mouse by the way?"

An artificial human who is composed of machines, with a transparent brain on his head, and several robotic arms rotating each other on his limbs pondered for a while: "Let him be free for a while, just as we need to test this prototype. What is the level of the power of the battle suit? Only when we have more data can we continue to study it conveniently."

"Really. Then let him go for a while, I hope this mace can bring us more useful data!"

"The organization intends to collect the title, what do you think of the battle data of the strongest man on the surface?"

After the robot with weird shape heard it, the tentacles on its two limbs turned more quickly, and finally it said slowly: "This is a very risky thing. According to rumors, no one has seen the man named king eliminate him. The whole process of going through the strange man, that is to say, his strength may have reached an unimaginable level, so he was able to solve one strange man after another in a few seconds, which led us to have not collected a single trace of him so far. battle data."

"If we really want to make a move, then we must make a decision to tear our skins off with the most powerful man on the surface. My suggestion is to keep this plan first and wait for the results of our experiments to come out before making any plans! "



"It's so fast. The speed of this guy is so fast that I can't catch it. But, it doesn't matter!" After the hammer head roared, he grabbed the whole big tree with one hand and thrust it into the tree with force. Where the figure I saw was on the road surrounded by boulders, this damned ninja had nowhere to escape!

"Hahaha, even if you regret it in hell, why did you fight against me, stupid ninja!"

Right behind Mace Head's excitement, Sonic took out a handful of kunai in a dull manner, and then threw it at the back of Mace Head's head
From the moment he swung Kunai, the hammer head was already a dead man!
But at this time, a hand that was as white as jade was tightly holding the kunai, and at the same time a red-haired man asked behind the mace: "Are you the boss of the Taoyuan group, mace?" ?”

"Ah!" Mace jumped a few steps in a palpitation. He looked at the red-haired man who suddenly appeared vigilantly, and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"My name is Bai Yu. I'm here to ask you some questions."

But just when the nail hammer head was about to say something, a bright knife light slashed at Bai Yu.

And the latter naturally discovered this too simple attack, Bai Yu casually turned around to dodge, then reached out to the sharp knife with his right hand at a faster speed, and flicked it.
The famous knife in Sonic's hand was instantly knocked out, and he stood there dumbfounded, looking at his shaking right hand in disbelief.
What kind of power is this?
Actually flicked the sharp blade in my hand away easily?
"Are you sick?" Bai Yu said dissatisfiedly to Sonic: "Suddenly ran to the back of someone and stabbed someone? Did you just escape from X Mountain Hospital?"

Just when Bai Yu wanted to continue looking for Hammerhead to ask about the situation, he discovered that this guy had slipped away from here at some point
"How dare you run away, I don't believe you can escape from my Bai Yu's palm!"

A sharp leg kicked towards the back of Bai Yu's head, but Bai Yu passively caught this beautiful leg that was sculpted by black tights!
"Damn it, you're sick. Not only did you throw dangerous things at people, but you even stabbed them with a knife, and now you're still kicking me?" Bai Yu asked helplessly.

After Sonic's hit was fruitless, he quickly spun back and landed at a high speed 360 degrees, and said to Bai Yu in an excited tone: "The point is not this, but you actually dispelled my moves one after another... this is the real thing. The real point!"

"I was born in a ninja village, and I have studied ninjutsu since I was a child, but you easily saw through it. You did something you shouldn't do! My self-esteem does not allow me to let you go. No matter where you escape, it is useless The ↑white↓jade!"

"I seem to understand the truth, but why do you show such an innocent smile?" Bai Yu said to Sonic with eyes looking at the pervert.

The "innocent" Sonic suddenly covered his happy smile in embarrassment, and whispered, "It's too bad, I almost couldn't help it."

Now Bai Yu is 100% sure that this guy is a pervert, it's better to leave him alone, and find the hammer head as soon as possible!

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(End of this chapter)

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