Five to five from one punch

Chapter 109 The Organization

Chapter 109 The Organization
"Don't even try to run away, Bai Yu!" Sonic opened his hands and jumped vigorously under his feet. The whole figure jumped wildly in this empty place, "Hahaha, did you see that, this is my speed, you heard me?" There is no continuous air explosion, this is the proof that I am accelerating, can you still catch my whereabouts now?"

It's over, I seem to have encountered a psychopath. Not only does he have violent tendencies, but he also likes to be around other people, scurrying around like a flea
Bai Yu's attention has been focused on Sonic who is scurrying around him. The super-only perception passive given to him by Zhen. Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist allows him to obtain a 360-degree full-range vision, plus his own 51 points of agility Under the attribute, this ninja has always been within his locked target.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Baiyu, are you helpless?" Sonic's figure became faster and faster, and even gradually formed a small hurricane around him.

And Sonic also realized that the play should be almost done, he seized an opportunity and flashed to the back of Baiyu's head, "Die, Baiyu, Fengshen legs!"

But just when Sonic was about to get his feet, the white jade in his eyes disappeared without a trace like a phantom in an instant.

But Sonic suddenly smirked, "It's useless, everything about you is within my calculations, including the prediction that you can dodge my Fengshen legs."

Sonic, who lost his footing, also swayed for a while. When Baiyu dodged Fengshen's legs and came behind Sonic, Sonic also predicted Baiyu's movements and appeared behind him again.

"Baiyu! This time, you really have nowhere to escape." Sonic looked at Baiyu's unsuspecting back, and he inserted the poisonous dragon drill into the target's heart.

It succeeded. Sonic finally got his wish and penetrated Baiyu's body, but the feeling was obviously wrong, as if he had penetrated into the air.
"Are you an idiot?" Bai Yu's sullen voice came from behind Sonic.

I predicted his prediction, and he predicted my prediction? ?

Then a force that made Sonic unable to resist erupted from his buttocks, and he was kicked out by Bai Yu directly.
After taking care of the psychopath casually, Bai Yu left the place unhappily, and continued to search for the mace head in black armor.

A few minutes later, Sonic in the weeds slowly opened his eyes.
what happened?
How am I here?

For a moment, Sonic's mind suddenly woke up, and he remembered what happened just now.

I was kicked away by that bastard Bai Yu!

After Sonic realized the seriousness of the problem, his body was like a cannonball, and he rushed back to the place where the two fought just now. But the Baiyu who defeated him had long since disappeared.

"Damn... are you leaving?" Sonic said unwillingly.

Just when Sonic was feeling uncomfortable, a marinated egg appeared in front of his eyes.

"Oh, hello, have you ever seen a big bald guy named Hammerhead?" Saitama asked friendly.

Sonic glanced at Saitama's bald head, and lost interest in him for a while, now he only has the red-haired man in his eyes, Baiyu!
Just when Sonic chose to ignore this corned egg and was about to leave here, the corned egg behind him changed his tone and continued to ask: "Then have you ever seen a handsome man with red hair? He It's my roommate."

Hearing this, Sonic stopped his footsteps instantly. He showed an "innocent" smile, and turned his head to stare at Saitama!

Damn, it's terrible!

What happened to that ninja and that red-haired man just now?

Are people this scary now?
Hammerhead frantically ran towards the outside of the forest. Now there is only one thought in his mind, that is to leave this forest early, and then hide for a while. After the limelight passes, he will continue to come out to reorganize the Taoyuan group!
The sound of snapping fingers kept coming from behind Mace Head, he turned his head curiously to look behind him, and a handsome red-haired guy appeared in front of his eyes, "Wow, it's you!"

The head of the mace tripped and fell to the ground in a panic. He raised his hand and kept waving, saying, "Damn it, why are you here again? What exactly do you want?"

Bai Yu thought for a while, and then said to the flustered hammer head: "Did you steal this armor suit from an organization, can you tell me the whole situation about this organization?"

After Hammerhead heard this, his pupils obviously shrank a few times, and he swallowed his saliva: "You bastard, aren't you a member of that organization?"

Bai Yu frantically waved his hands: "No, no, I'm very interested in this organization, so I asked you about it!"

"Bastard, you don't want to lie to me! Only people from that organization know that I stole their battle uniforms, how can you, an outsider, know about this?" The nail hammer stood up angrily, and shouted at Bai Yu.

Hammerhead has already determined that Bai Yu is a member of that terrorist organization at this time. Thinking of the cruel style of that organization and the fact that he stole their combat uniforms has already been revealed, how could they let themselves go?

As soon as he thought of the mace head here, infinite power surged out of his body. He wanted to resist, and only by resisting would he have a chance to survive!
"Oh, look at my infinite strength!" The black armor suit of Mace Head began to expand continuously, slowly forming the outline of strong muscles, and at the same time, the flame pattern on the waist of the armor suit shone more and more, " Look at Lao Tzu's ultimate move, wheel attack!"

The hands of the hammer head kept telling Baiyu to spin up and down. The latter looked at the bald man rushing towards him with a helpless expression and said, "You are actually an idiot!"

There was a loud bang, and a huge bump bulged high on Mace Head's head, and at the same time he was lying on the ground with tears of regret
"Hey, I've done it too, so it's time to tell me, what is that organization?" Bai Yu said, looking at the mace head under his feet.

Wearing a mace head with a huge bag, it seems that his IQ has also improved a lot. He seems to have discovered the blind spot. There should be no normal creatures in that organization. It seems that he has made a mistake. Maybe this red-haired man named Baiyu is not that members of the organization.
"It's okay to tell you, just don't kill me!" Macehead resigned himself to sitting up from the ground, and then slowly explained: "I did risk my life to steal this battle suit from that organization. "

 Thanks to book friend Dixue, Vote, and book friend 20190305005742642 for the monthly votes. By the way, I would like to ask for a recommendation ticket. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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