Five to five from one punch

Chapter 110 Outlaw Humans?

Chapter 110 Outlaw Humans?

"Actually, I'm not too clear about the name of that organization." Mace Head pondered for a while and continued: "But regarding this organization, they have used many different names, such as Machine Emperor, Machine Emperor, neo, etc. organization name."

"Then what else do you know about this organization, such as whether there are any masters in them or what their real purpose is?" Bai Yu asked towards the hammer head.

"Masters. I really don't know about this, but I know that their organization is very powerful. According to rumors, this organization has the strength to deal with dragon-level monsters. As for their real purpose, this has been discussed more than once in our industry." Questions, but there are answers in various forms, but I think their organization seems to advocate mechanization, maybe they want to replace all human beings with mechanization one day?" The hammer head became more and more excited, and even said to Bai Yu one's own thoughts.

Robots replacing all humans?

How does Bai Yu feel that this so-called mysterious organization is somehow similar to Skynet in Terminator?

"By the way, you probably heard all these news from the so-called industry?" Bai Yu said suspiciously.

Hammerhead felt that Bai Yu was very easy-going, so he said without hesitation: "Yes, that's a saying that we bounty hunters use to trade information. You can understand it as the dark net, and I'm not afraid to tell you, this There’s another great name in the industry, it’s called the League of Evil.”

What a vulgar name
Bai Yu groaned frantically in his heart, and then he asked the hammerhead the question he cared most about: "Then do you know what machine emperor organization this is? Where is its headquarters?"

Mace Head replied honestly, "I don't know!"

After hearing this concise and clear answer, Bai Yudan raised the mace and said in a serious tone: "Are you kidding me? You stole this combat uniform from this organization, how could you not know that this organization Where is your headquarters!"

Hammerhead anxiously defended himself, "I really don't know where the headquarters of this organization is!"

"But this organization has many strongholds, and this battle suit was also stolen from a certain stronghold, but after I stole it, that stronghold turned on the automatic destruction mode, you can only see it now even if you go there It was barren."

Bai Yu felt that the hammerhead was not lying, so he let him go, but after listening to this guy's explanation, Bai Yu became curious about this organization.
Just having a battle suit stolen, he decisively and automatically blows up one of his own strongholds, and if what Macehammer said is true, then there is only one thing to prove. That is, this organization is not only powerful And the plot is huge, not to mention rich and powerful!

For the rest of the time, Bai Yu continued to press Mace with some questions, and when the task reminder was completed, he waved his hand to the armored bald man and said, "Take off your armor and give it to me, and then you can gone!"

Mace turned pale in shock, he said to Bai Yu timidly, " you really want to take it off?"

"Nonsense, I'm very interested in this dress on you, hurry up and don't smudge!" Bai Yu responded dissatisfied.

In fact, Bai Yu felt that this combat uniform looked quite valuable, and with his collection habit, anyway, it might come in handy in the future.


Bai Yu picked up the armor of the hammer head, and skillfully stuffed it into the convenience capsule. "You look tough, but I didn't expect you to not even wear underwear. It's really immoral!"

"Damn it, it's none of your business whether I wear it or not, you pervert, you don't even let go of my combat uniform!" Mace was weeping, holding weeds to cover his vital parts.

"Well, the ghost knows you are so tough, forget it. There will be a period later!" Bai Yu left here in a cool manner.

Naked with a mace, watching Bai Yu's back gradually leaving, he said angrily: "The ghost will meet with you later, I don't want to meet you bastard again."

Sonic closed his legs tightly, pointed at Saitama trembling slightly and said, "From assassin to bodyguard, I am the strongest ninja who can do everything perfectly. Remember my name, Sonic of Sonic!"

"But I won't accept any job in the future. When I meet Bai Yu and you, I must train myself until I beat you two!"

"Saitama!! And when your roommate Baiyu meets next time, it will be the time when you two will die. My sonic Sonic will definitely use the ultimate ninjutsu to kill you two guys, just wait and see !"

Saitama looked at Sonic with a guilty conscience. He could hardly even stand up. He asked kindly: "That. I didn't stop my fist just now. I'm really sorry, and your testicles are okay?"

late at night.

"Oh, Baiyu, have you also met that ninja named Sonic Sonic?" Saitama picked up a piece of beef and put it in his bowl.

"That's right, I suspect that guy is actually a psychopath who attacked me more than once for no apparent reason, and his smile is so perverted!" After Bai Yu finished speaking, he took a mouthful of Sprite.

"Well, it's really embarrassing. He seemed to say that he must use the ultimate ninjutsu to deal with the two of us next time, and he asked you to be careful."

"No way, come again." Bai Yu reluctantly took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, he said indifferently, "Well, forget it, he can come if he wants, next time I must continue to slap his ass hard Come on a few more feet."

Just as the two were discussing with enthusiasm, there was a sound of opening the door.

"Teachers, I'm back!" Genos walked in with a confident face, and while he was sitting on the tatami, he put a bank card on the table, "The instruments at the House of Evolution are all Let Dr. Kunos buy it, these are the funds that the doctor used to purchase the equipment, please accept it, teacher!"

This relationship is good, Bai Yu is very happy to put this card away, as expected, money is the root of all evil, and such evils should be left to him for safekeeping!
After Genos was silent for a while, he continued: "Teachers, I have received an invitation from the Hero Association. They hope that I will take on the responsibility and position of an S-class hero in the past. What do you two think about this? Did you tell me?"

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, Genos, and the association immediately made you an S-class hero." Bai Yu said happily.

"Teacher, please compete with me tomorrow, I want to see how far away I am from you!" Genos said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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