Five to five from one punch

Chapter 119 Kelp...

Chapter 119 Kelp
"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect the peace of the world, and to carry out love and true evil, the cute and charming justice monster characters, Ashura Unicorn and Vaccine Man will participate again!"

"The two of us are about to implement the name of this planet, the Avengers!"

After the Unicorn Immortal finished speaking, she was very happy and kept posing in some bodybuilding poses in front of Spring Beard, showing all the huge muscles on her body in front of this stupefied human being.

That scene, not to mention the hot eyes, caused a ton of damage to the spring beard with a pure heart. He now extremely doubts whether this strange man named Unicorn has some mental problems.

In fact, even the Vaccine Man feels that there is something wrong with the Unicorn recently. It seems to be particularly obsessed with the superhero movies on TV, and invites itself to form an "Avengers" weirdo organization with it from time to time.

The purpose is to prevent the world from being destroyed, and to protect the peaceful life of everyday neighbors.
In this regard, the vaccine man rejected this fool who was deeply poisoned by the movie without hesitation.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, we still have to find a powerful partner!" The vaccine man said dissatisfiedly to the Asura unicorn.

"Okay, I see." After the unicorn fairy responded to the vaccine man, he turned his head and waved his hand at the spring beard, "Oh, bearded man, my uncle is leaving, you should leave this place as soon as possible for such a weak person a place."

"Wait! Are you leaving like this?" Spring Beard stopped Asura Unicorn Immortal in confusion, he raised his head vigorously and asked, "You are a weirdo, shouldn't you treat me like this?" Is the hero murdering you? Why let me go?"

"Hey, my lord has said it all. We are weird people and we can't attack innocent humans. After all, this is what the lord taught me." After Asura finished explaining, he also began to vibrate his own two pairs of wings. He began to follow the vaccine man in the sky, but in the end the vaccine man still disliked the unicorn flying too slowly, so he flew behind it, and after holding it with both hands, a burst of purple energy was emitted from his whole body, wrapping both sides. After the person, he quickly moved in a certain direction.

Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, Spring Beard felt that what happened today was too fake.

Not to mention that I actually encountered such a powerful and terrifying monster, and they were not hostile to humans, and even saved myself when I was about to die in the hands of the kelp monster! !
"Damn it, what's going on here, why does such a thing happen inside the weirdo?" Springbeard cursed incomprehensibly, and who was "that lord" in the last mouth of the unicorn monster?
Could it be that my guess was right, in this no-man's land of city Z, there really is a monster king, and it is the leader of those two powerful monsters just now?
But...if that's the case, why...this king of weirdos would preach such absurd remarks about helping human beings and maintaining peace?
No matter how much Springbeard guessed, he was farther and farther away from the truth, because he had entered into a misunderstanding from the very beginning.

"I'm so tired." Springbeard couldn't bear the double blow of body and mind any longer, fell to the ground and fell into a coma.
10 minute later.

The scorched kelp monster lying in front of the spring beard slowly stretched its kelp threads. Then it opened its eyes and looked around.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, the situation on my body is a bit special, so I didn't just die like this." The kelp monster supported his body with his kelp.

"What are those two powerful monsters just now? I haven't even felt that powerful force and sense of oppression from "Wang"." The kelp monster said to himself.

Soon, it found that the damage on its body was very serious. But after all, it almost died, and it seems to be understandable. Fortunately, the two weirdos did not come to make up the knife
The kelp monster looked at the two humans lying around him, thinking that after finishing them off, he should leave here.

The no-man's land in City Z is indeed not in vain.

At this moment, a stewed egg with shining brilliance appeared in front of the kelp monster, and he kept chanting words like "hot pot. hot pot cabbage cabbage".

Saitama is now walking back to the apartment with a bag of Chinese cabbage and sauces in hand. Originally, he, Bai Yu and Genos had a good hot pot at home, but found that the cabbage was gone. A hot pot without Chinese cabbage has no soul. .

So Saitama went to the supermarket in the city center to buy some back. Chinese cabbage is the perfect combination only with hot pot, at least he thinks so.


A scorched kelp monster appeared in front of Saitama
This made him suddenly recall the Magical Girl Cute P hair restorer he secretly used before. It didn't seem to have any effect. Up to now, his head is still bald, and it doesn't seem to have any effect at all.

So since the hair growth agent is useless, what if it is a natural ingredient?

After all, some natural ingredients contain unimaginable nutrients.
For example, kelp! !
Saitama once saw it on a TV gourmet show, kelp seems to have the function of hair growth?

Maybe you can try it yourself?

After seeing this marinated egg, the kelp monster said suspiciously: "What, it turned out to be an ordinary person. I didn't expect that there are ordinary humans living here in this place."

"Oh, sure enough. Anyway, sooner or later, he will die at the hands of other weirdos. Why don't you let me kill him!"

Several pieces of scorched kelp flew towards Saitama's forehead in a surrounding posture.

Then, boom! ! !

"You're back, Saitama." Bai Yu said to the stewed egg that just came back while cutting the beef in the kitchen.

"Well, today's Chinese cabbage in the city center is 7% off. It's really lucky, and the sauce is almost gone, so I bought some back." Saitama happily placed the things on the table.

"Well, that's good." Bai Yu said indifferently, since they bought Genos's property, it is estimated that they will be able to live a good life for a long time.

As for what to do when the money runs out in the future?
Bai Yu has already figured out a way to get rich. There is no shortage of ambitious organizations in this world, and he only needs to go to these organizations to spread the idea of ​​peace and friendship, and these organizations will naturally entrust their sinful wealth to Here it is, let him deal with the source of these evils.

(End of this chapter)

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