Five to five from one punch

Chapter 120 Black Sperm

Chapter 120 Black Sperm
Saitama secretly took out the kelp and stuffed them all into the boiling hot water. Stir and continue to stir vigorously.

Speaking of which, these seaweeds seem to be a little harder than the ones I usually buy.

At this moment, Janos came out of the bathroom wearing an apron. After he saw the kelp in the pot, "Although the teacher said that people often say that eating kelp is good for hair growth, it is actually without scientific basis." It is said that kelp does not have the effect of stimulating hair growth."

When Saitama heard this, his face turned dark. Genos still listed all kinds of data from the website to prove his point of view.

After Bai Yu saw it, she sighed to Genos in her heart. After all, you boy paid the wrong amount!
The Vaccine Man and the Unicorn Fairy were still flying forward in the air. At this time, the two of them were already approaching a certain forest at the junction of Z City and N City.

"Hey, is there really a suitable partner for us here?" The vaccine man asked doubtfully to the unicorn fairy under him.

"Ah, it should be. After all, my unicorn sense is not omnipotent. In short, I am detecting, but the sense is telling me that there is a powerful monster in this mountain forest at this time. Maybe we can try it. Solicit it at once!" Asura Unicorn Immortal closed her eyes while sensing the movement below.

When the vaccine man saw it, he gave a "tsk", everything is fine. In short, don't have such a bad personality like you bastard.

Suddenly, the unicorn opened its eyes, pointed its thick fingers to the northeast and said, "Vaccine man, look over there, I feel a strong vitality moving, maybe That's going to be the little guy we're going to join."

"Hmph, I see." The Vaccine Man followed the instructions of the Unicorn Immortal, and began to change direction and rush towards the northeast direction.
Numerous trees and landforms were destroyed by the Unicorn Immortal and the Vaccine Man who fell from the sky. After looking at the surrounding environment, they blamed each other maliciously, "It's all your fault!"

"My fault? It's not that you fly too high, otherwise how could you make it like this when you landed?" The Unicorn Immortal retorted stiffly.

"Damn it, you're still spitting blood? It's obvious that you, the unicorn, are too big. It's like a hill. It must be because of you!" The vaccine man accused the unicorn not to be outdone.

When the Asura Unicorn Immortal was about to say something, its eyes suddenly noticed that there were many corpses of various creatures in the soil turned out by the vibration caused by the two of them landing here.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many corpses of creatures around here, and the death is so terrible, as if the essence has been sucked dry?" The vaccine man said, looking at these things on the ground with disgust.

"Indeed, these death conditions are too strange. However, I used to know a mosquito monster at the House of Evolution. Her way of killing is also inexplicably similar to this one, but if I insist on saying the same thing, I can't help it." It's not the same, but there is a certain difference between the two, but I won't be able to tell the difference for a while." The Unicorn Immortal rubbed her head and racked her brains to recall.

But at this moment, Asura Unicorn Immortal suddenly opened its eyes, it squeezed its thick arms and began to turn around to face a certain direction behind it, and smashed down hard!
"Unicorn Immortal Shock Attack!"

Two powerful force fluctuations directly rolled up the soil on the ground and the remains of creatures, forming two visible spiral impacts and rushing towards a certain place in a straight line.

Under the power of the Unicorn Immortal's concussion strike, everywhere it went was crushed mercilessly, and even a certain huge rock in front of it was instantly split into several pieces of rubble that floated in the air.

But Ashura Unicorn Immortal didn't let down his vigilance, and at the moment when his concussion hit hit the huge rock, a black figure with extremely fast jb flashed past in the air.

Although the Vaccine Man doesn't have such a useful sense as the Unicorn Immortal, its dynamic capture ability naturally allows him to see unidentified objects that suddenly fly out of the rocks.

"There are enemies, be careful." After the vaccine man finished speaking, he also assumed a fighting posture.

"The speed of this thing is very fast. I suspect that my induction is pointing to this thing." After Asura's unicorn finished speaking, his eyes locked tightly on a dusty place.

Slowly... After the dust cleared, a small black creature with a simple painting style appeared on the spot. Its face with a very distinctive painting style gave the Unicorn Fairy a lot of shock.

After all, it lives in the Master Ball these days, and is often influenced by other worlds, and it just happened to be surprised and murmured: "Teletubbies + Faceless Man?"

The Vaccine Man really wanted to give the Unicorn Immortal such a hard slap at this time, what the hell is it, and he is still saying such inexplicable crazy words.

"Stupid guy, I feel extraordinary life energy from this black creature, it must be an extremely powerful monster, cheer me up!" the Vaccine Man kindly reminded the Unicorn Fairy .

The Unicorn Fairy took a deep breath, "I understand, don't teach me how to do things."

"Hey, what the hell are you two guys? Don't you know that this is the usual hunting ground for my black sperm?" This weird guy with a simple painting style asked angrily at the unicorn and the vaccine man.

Speaking of it, it also finds it strange, like the two powerful monsters in front of me, which are rarely seen at ordinary times, but today they came here out of nowhere for no reason.
What the hell is today?

"It turns out that your name is Black Sperm, my uncle is called Unicorn Fairy, and the stuffy oil bottle next door to me is called Vaccine Man. From your body, I can feel an extremely powerful vitality. You are definitely qualified to be our two companions. How about... Do you want to join our two Avengers and contribute to the great cause!"

The Avengers?
The black sperm fell into doubt, thinking about what it was, but it should be a weirdo organization. Speaking of the weirdo organization, it remembered one thing. It is said that recently there is a weirdo named Hero who is attracting those powerful The eccentrics of the time joined a certain eccentric association.

Could it be that this Avengers Alliance is the Weird Association that is gradually becoming famous in the weird world?

If that's the case, you're on the right track. After all, only the Monster Association can have such powerful monsters.

The black sperm pouted its small mouth, and said to Asura Unicorn Immortal and the Vaccine Man, "Hmph, don't underestimate me, if you want me to join, what kind of sincerity can you show?"

 Thanks to book friends Wisdom Walker, book friends Xiaoriyue Riyue, and book friends Kong Xiaye for the monthly tickets, thank you book friends 202012072216211726, book friends I have no rewards. By the way, I would like to ask for a wave of collections, and thank you for recommending tickets
(End of this chapter)

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