Five to five from one punch

Chapter 124 The True God of Wisdom

Chapter 124 The True God of Wisdom

Akuya was directly thrown away by this big robot hand
A huge man wearing an iron mask appeared in front of Baiyu's eyes. His right half was equipped with a prosthetic hand and foot, and the right half of his face was also equipped with a prosthetic brain and prosthetic eye. The stone eye shell-like life support device seems to be able to replace some kind of ability by visual inspection, but Bai Yu's first impression is that it is some kind of instrument that can forcefully extend the life of the body.

"Young man, hello, I am the God of Wisdom here. What happened just now was just a farce." The God of Wisdom began to wave his mechanical prosthetic hand, inputting data on the precision instrument that Akua played with just now. What are you talking about. "I have already understood your question. Although Akua is a fool, she was indeed fooled this time. There is a very powerful energy in your body. You seem to be being controlled by a force like fate It’s like being blessed by something, it should be this kind of protection that made you come here to ask me questions.”

After speaking, God of Wisdom began to operate on the machine.
"It's really scary. I can't answer the thing that blesses you and protects you, but I can peep into one or two of the questions you asked about the secret technique called body-following on your body, although not all of them. answer." The God of Wisdom explained to Bai Yu while manipulating the precision instrument.

Immediately afterwards, this delicate instrument underwent an unprecedented change. It began to change its appearance and become another real instrument.
And all of this is challenging Bai Yu's rationality.
While the instrument was scanning Baiyu's body after the change, the God of Wisdom's expression became more serious. He began to answer to Baiyu: "Perhaps. Akuya and I got it wrong. Maybe it's not something that doesn't belong to you. , There are three powerful and wonderful energies in your body that are forming a triangle with each other, which is a good balance, young man. You are lucky."

"But the problem also arises here. One of them is an incomplete form, or it is because of you that it is incomplete. Perhaps it is because you obtained this power through abnormal means that it causes you The sequelae mentioned in the mouth are very serious. "

"The reason why you are lucky is also here. On the side of this incomplete form, there is a wonderful energy composition that I have never seen before. Maybe it is because this wonderful energy is used every time you use the incomplete form. Your life can be guaranteed only when you have energy, young man, would you mind telling me, what is the function of these two strands of energy?"

The amount of information is a bit too much, but Bai Yu has not concealed anything until now, and told the God of Wisdom about the special abilities corresponding to these three energies.
After a while, God of Wisdom tapped some buttons on the instrument, as if he was simulating some kind of simulation test, "I see, I understand, it's really a remarkable ability, it seems that this is also a gift from the fate that protects you." .”

"Fortunately... I have roughly understood what's going on. Listen up young man, there are only three ways you can solve the sequelae now.

"The first way is, don't use it casually. If you want to use this ability called Zizi Jiyi, at this time, the target of your [-]-[-] ability must be a very strong opponent. It's also because your [-]-[-] ability is forcibly improving your combat power, and the high energy it allows you to maintain pays the price of this freedom. I've said it very simply, if you still don't understand If so, then it can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the stronger the opponent, the smaller your side effects, on the contrary, the weaker the opponent, the more serious the consequences will be, and the result of death cannot be ruled out.

The second method is that because the energy called Freedom of Ultimate Intention is incomplete, it has been in an unstable state of ups and downs, because every time you activate this ability, it is maintained at a passing level, but it requires corresponding The price you pay is not what you can afford to obtain this ability through abnormal means, and finally it becomes the first situation, so my suggestion is that when you can find a way to activate this ability, you will Keep this level as low as possible. Lower it to the critical point where your body can accept the price. In layman's terms, give up the upper limit and pass line, and reach the lower limit of this ability, which is the point you can accept at present.

As for the last solution, that is. This ability is not a mighty force that can appear on my side of the universe, so I can't really solve it, but the one that surrounds you is like the shelter of fate, since you, an outsider, can come to me to ask questions , then it will definitely allow you to go to the great world where this ability is located. If you have this opportunity in the future, you might as well go to this world to learn from the great master who is proficient in this ability, and master it through the truly normal way , I believe that you have this special basis in your body. When you really meet the requirements and study formally, incredible qualitative changes will definitely occur, allowing this ability to evolve. "

Great is really great.

After listening to these instructions, Bai Yu was completely dumbfounded. So this is the real card of the God of Wisdom?

It turned out that the clown turned out to be the girl who was thrown away!
No matter which method is used, Bai Yu's heart can be calmed temporarily.
"Thank you." Bai Yu sincerely thanked the God of Wisdom.

The God of Wisdom raised his big robot hand and greeted Bai Yu, "Then goodbye, young man, I hope to have a chance to meet again in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, the screen light curtain disappeared.

The time for questioning also ended, but Bai Yu didn't feel sorry for it. Instead, he looked satisfied. He lay down on the tatami and fell into a deep sleep.

The God of Wisdom looked at the "God's Terrace" which had fallen into the cold again, and he said melancholy, "It's been a long time since I have answered people's doubts so comfortably. This feeling is not bad."

He turned his head and looked at an empty bowl beside him. "It seems that Akuya has stolen my noodles." Forget that she is mentally handicapped, so I don't care about her.

The God of Wisdom waved it on the bowl, and then a brand new bowl of noodles reappeared in place.

Top of the Heroes Association,

Inside a combat conference room where elites gather.

"What's the result of the investigation in City Z?" A cadre asked a question.

"There is nothing to report in the commercial area and residential area, but this time we encountered a very ferocious monster in the no-man's land, but the last two A-level heroes did not succeed in annihilating the monster."

 Thanks to book friends Yi Chui Chicken Drumstick, Book Friends Heart Will Not Grow Old, Book Friends Zixiao Dragon Sword Qi, Book Friends Wisdom Walker for voting monthly, thanks to book friends Dao Dao Zhi Dao, book friends 20201207221621726, book friends I have nothing to reward , By the way, I would like to ask for recommendation tickets and collections, and there are other things that will be put on the shelves tomorrow. Thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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