Five to five from one punch

Chapter 125 Disaster Dragon

Chapter 125 Disaster Dragon

"The two A-level heroes are not in danger, are they?"

The reporter opened the investigation data and responded with satisfaction, "The two A-level heroes are not lost, but they are currently in a coma in the hospital, but the monster who attacked them has also disappeared. It is very likely that the monster is currently inhabiting In the uninhabited area of ​​City Z."

"The more important thing is that according to the rumors, there seem to be more powerful weirdos in that site."

At this time, the gate was violently knocked open, and a legal loli rushed in dissatisfied, and complained to the important cadres of the British Association here, especially the vicissitudes of the bearded man
"Let me tell you! Wouldn't it be better if I was allowed to go?" Tornado complained dissatisfiedly to the bearded man, "I just need to wave my hand lightly, no matter what kind of weirdo it is, it will be destroyed in front of me It must be wiped out!"

The bearded man responded helplessly at this time, "But this time it seems a little different, even Miss Tornado may not be able to defeat this weird person so easily."

After finishing speaking, the bearded man raised the tablet computer in his hand at this time, and then showed the post-war scene of that place in the eyes of Tornado, and said weakly, "From the perspective of this tragic situation, , even you must be struggling."

Tornado's pupils shrank slightly. What is this?
A huge hole pierced through several tall buildings?

Why is it so like a fist print?

However, she can also do this kind of destructive expressiveness. Tornado turned her head and gave a cold "hum" in dissatisfaction, and then turned her proud head to the bearded man, "It's just a piece of cake for me. It's a bunch of idiots!"

After finishing speaking, the tornado flew out of the Heroes' Association. She was full of anger now. Not only did Yu'er not find it, but she even had no chance to vent her anger. She is so angry.

The post-war incident of the monsters in Z City was gradually known in the Heroes Association and some weirdos groups, and soon some terrible rumors began to spread from this place in the no-man's land.
In City Z, there are many powerful weirdos in the uninhabited land, and those weirdos are plotting some kind of plan there. Even some weirdo groups are discussing the matter in the uninhabited land. After all, it is too scary there. The area has truly become a ghost town where weirdos and people are afraid.

Bai Yu looked at the website news on his laptop, and he happily said to Saitama: "Your hero ranking has risen, congratulations, Saitama."

"Really? Maybe it's the effect of fighting those criminals before." Saitama responded a little happily. After all, it is indeed a good thing that the hero ranking has improved.

"Mine has also been improved, but although Genos joined the Heroes Association, he still seems to be at the bottom of the list now, without any change." Bai Yu looked at the column of S-level heroes and said to himself.

Genos didn't explain any excuses, just said: "Teacher, I will work hard in the future, but in the weekly popularity rankings selected by ordinary people, I am actually sixth."

When Saitama heard this, he spit out the green tea in his mouth, he patted the table and said to Genos, "Why!"

Genos began to read the information of the website, "Became an S-level genius at the age of 19, promising, handsome, unwilling to appear in front of the camera... very cool, the reformed prince has never been expressionless and steel The body exudes a hazy illusory beauty, roughly all of these are written."

Saitama whispered sourly: "These words are really enviable."

Genos's beating is not over yet, he continued to click on the next webpage and said: "There is also a male hero appearance ranking website made by this blogger. I am currently the sixth place. By the way, it is in Teacher Bai Yu is also on the rankings on this website, and is still in the third place. Even the fans are very motivated, I believe that the flashing flash that will surpass the second place will soon be as famous as Masked Sweetheart."

Cough. Cough. Saitama's head was blushing, jealousy made him lose his mind, he shook the table in distress and shouted at Genos, "Enough. Stop talking!"

Bai Yu always felt that this android apprentice had no intention of putting a knife in Saitama's heart. If this continues, you will be finished sooner or later, "Prince Reinvention.

The sun goes down.

An astronomical research office somewhere on the surface.

The bearded man and several members, in front of the computer, were stunned to see the horrific picture.
Even the special departments related to satellites have discovered dangers from beyond the earth at this time.

"The Doolin hazard index has been raised from level 6 to level 9."

After hearing the latest observation results, all the international members of the conference platform fell into silence, as if they were desperate and helpless about the status quo.

At this time, it is at the headquarters of the association in City A.

"What. Did it suddenly go off track?" Xi Qi responded to the other party with a steady tone while holding the mobile phone: "Okay, we know here, then we will work hard to study countermeasures, please rest assured."

Genos took off his apron, and he picked up his cell phone to answer it.


"I understand. Are you sure we should go now?" Genos pressed the hang up button. He walked to the hall and looked at Mr. Bai Yu and Mr. Saitama who were still sleeping. He thought for a while. It should be just some For things that don't matter, let's go and see what the Heroes Association is doing alone.

At the same time, because Bai Yu has been honing his skills intentionally or unintentionally recently, this period of time is his rare rest and sleep time, but at this moment, the mobile phone beside him vibrated, as if he had received a call from someone. Short message.

Disaster rating, dragons!

"People in City Z, please evacuate the city as soon as possible, the meteorite impact will destroy the entire city or more." The surrounding sirens are constantly sounding warnings, reminding the people to evacuate the city as soon as possible, and there are still 21 minutes left before the meteorite disaster falls About time.

In City Z, the passers-by looked at the huge meteorite in the sky, and they all fell into despair. They sighed and said, "It's too big, it's really hopeless now."

On a certain rooftop, Metal Knight finished testing his new weapon, but the effect was not satisfactory, because the attack did not have any impact on the falling meteorite, so he quickly evacuated his robot, intending to give up this weapon. a temporary test.

Genos looked at the metal knight who was away, and he didn't say much. After all, it seemed that he didn't have the position to criticize like this.

But he could escape, but he couldn't. At this time, the teachers were still sleeping at home, how could he escape like this?

Thinking of this, Genos opened the confinement on his chest, stuffed a luminous single sphere into the mechanism of his left arm, and a powerful energy exploded around him.
(End of this chapter)

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