Five to five from one punch

Chapter 126 Leave it to me

Chapter 126 Leave it to me
Powerful power accumulated around Genos, and the blue electric arc of Perak Bala flashed around his body with high frequency. At this moment, Banggu came to the back of Genos.

He praised Janos for his desperate appearance, "It's great, I haven't seen such an aggressive junior for a long time, but I advise you to take it easy, your willpower has begun to waver, after all, you You are young, you don’t need to think about the result of failure now, and no matter what, the final result cannot be changed.”

"The more critical the moment, the more casual it is. This is the best choice."

Banggu's words, like a hammer, hit Janos hard on the forehead, and he quickly saw Saitama's always careless egg face in his mind
"Casual is the best?"

So it turned out to be the case, since no matter what you do, you might as well go all out, don't think about the result after failure, and don't care about the secondary disaster after the meteorite is smashed, and the troublesome things that happen later!
"This blow, I bet everything on me!"

After thinking about Genos, the accumulation of energy on his body became more and more frightening. After Banggu saw it, he also smiled. It seemed that his advice finally made this distressed new S-class hero let go of his knots. .

But does it really work? ?
boom! ! !
Genos raised his left hand upwards, a huge flame erupted into the sky, and the scorching burning sensation even made Banggu feel uncomfortable.
The flame impact collided with the meteorite in an instant, and fell into a contest.

However, although the firepower was very fierce, in fact, it still did not cause any obstruction when the meteorite landed.

But Genos still unyieldingly exploded with energy all over his body, trying to make the speed of the meteorite fall even a little slower!
"Damn it, is it still useless?" Genos said unwillingly,

At this time, Banggu said very nicely, "The meteorite seems to have stepped back a little."

Genos asked happily, "Really? Did the meteorite really recede!?"

Banggu responded to Janos helplessly, "I'm sorry, I must have misread it."

Genos swears, at this moment, he really seems to crush this stinky old man to death!

Banggu looked at Genos who was in despair, and he couldn't bear to say, "I said, don't be so desperate, in fact, I have already shaken people, and he will come here soon, in fact, you too Don't hold on so hard, I look at the parts in your chest as if they are about to catch fire, why don't you stop for a while?"

As soon as Banggu finished speaking, Genos' energy was exhausted, and he knelt down weakly
At the same time, the door of the rooftop was kicked open, "Hey, Master Banggu, I'm not late!" At this time, a handsome red-haired guy came here leisurely.

Immediately behind the handsome red-haired guy was Saitama with a confused face. He scratched his shiny bald head and looked at Genos who was kneeling on the ground and said helplessly, "Why does it look like it's about to fall apart again?"

But it didn't end. Behind Saitama, a purple vaccine man in a black suit came out. He walked up to everyone with a blank expression on his face. Shura Unicorn Immortal, at first it couldn't get into the door frame of the roof because of its size, then it smashed the entire wall and walked in.

Recently, Asura Unicorn Immortal seems to be obsessed with a certain "Three Kingdoms" general, Lu Meng. Therefore, it imitated this general, took a big cloak to cover itself, and even carried a cloak made of bamboo leaves on its back. hat.

When Banggu saw the strange man behind his beloved apprentice, he was stunned. After all, he just came back here not long ago, and he received this difficult task, so he didn't have time to communicate with Baiyu about the recent situation.

But this time is not the time to care about this issue, but the key lies in the meteorite block that is about to land above, "Rebel, a huge meteorite block like this is simply the natural enemy of our martial arts practitioners, no matter how sophisticated martial arts are, it is difficult to deal with it." For an opponent of this size, this is a very real issue of compatibility, so I called you here. If the two of us work together, plus the strength of your little brother Saitama next door, we should be able to successfully stop this land that is about to land. Meteorite block."

After Bai Yu heard this, he waved his hands and said to Bang Gu, "No, master, you old man, after all, you just came back, so let's take a rest first, this big guy, just leave it to me."

After Banggu heard this, he fell into doubt. He knew this apprentice, and he would not joke at such a critical moment. Could it be that Bai Yu really had a good way to deal with this exaggerated meteorite?

Bai Yu said to Saitama and the two weirdo brothers: "Wait a minute, I will go up and split this meteorite that is about to fall, you take this opportunity to destroy these split rocks, or don't let it fall into the sky." on the ground, so as not to cause secondary damage."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu directly added the remaining 4 points of attributes to strength, but it was only an instant thing, and his strength attribute reached a base of 56 points.

After Bai Yu stretched his body for a while, he turned on the transformation mode of "ghost haunted" without hesitation. The veins of the tattoo of the devil crying were covered by a layer of unknown substance on his back, wrapped in two unknown auras of red and black. His body, the terrifying ghost mask covered his handsome face.

When Banggu saw Baiyu's appearance, he was unavoidably surprised. Because he looked so weird, like a kind of "weird transformation", but Baiyu's behavior seemed to be sane. Control. Monster transformation.

Evil Baiyu!

Brother Bangpu mentioned this to himself a few days ago, but he didn't expect to feel such a terrifying sense of oppression when he felt it at close range
"Okay, it's time to go!" Bai Yu's hands burned with silver flames, and huge broken cracks appeared under his feet. With a "bang", his entire figure crashed into the sky like a shooting star.

At this time, Asura Unicorn Immortal and Vaccine Man also flew into the sky, closely following Baiyu, and Saitama also fixed his eyes on the impending collision above.

The bgm skill is activated, the random song is successfully generated, One Punch Man, THE HERO!!
Absolute power of fate, locked skill target, God's hand!
At the moment when the evil ghost Baiyu was about to collide with the meteorite, the hand of God's trigger probability became [-]% due to the absolute power of fate, and what he needed was another passive effect of the Hand of God.

His next attack will cause double damage to the enemy target. This damage result is affected by the current strength of the host. This double damage result is affected by the real result, ignoring all defense methods, elementalization and evasion methods, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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