Five to five from one punch

Chapter 130 Feathering

Chapter 130 Feathering
"Who the hell are you?" Stinger coughed up a mouthful of blood, he was unwilling to look at the monster that was holding him high!

This huge monster with a red cloak, a crown on his head and green skin all over shook the human being in his hand a few times, and said dissatisfiedly, "My name is King of the Deep Sea."

"It turns out that human beings are really weak creatures. Your territory should be occupied by our deep sea clan!"

The headquarters of the British Association, the combat conference room.

"The situation has changed. The A-level hero Stinger has been defeated, and the disaster level has risen to a ghost again!" The bearded man gave an order to the cute black-haired girl in front of the computer, "Hurry up and send orders to City J, so that all the people hurry up!" Go to the refuge and ask nearby A-level and above heroes to attack this monster!"

Unexpectedly, this "Sunman" comic is quite good, Saitama commented on this comic with relish.

But soon Saitama found that the manga in his hand was suddenly unscientifically suspended above, and the tatami under him was shaking constantly.

"What's the matter?" Saitama asked curiously, then he put aside the manga, looked at Baiyu who was not far away from him, and saw that the latter was shaking slightly at this time, and some small objects around him began to float unnaturally. Floating around his body, what's more important is the sound that Bai Yu's mouth makes from time to time when he is muttering about pain
What's wrong with Bai Yu?
Saitama fell into deep thought. He found that Baiyu seemed to have this strange moth phenomenon from time to time, which made him mentally prepared now.

"Mr. Saitama, the Heroes Association sent a notice. It seems that a ghost-level weird creature appeared in J City and asked us to go to support it. Are we going?" Genos asked from the kitchen at this time. .

At this time, Saitama also took out the remote control and turned on the TV, and it was indeed broadcasting the news about the weird "deep sea clan" in J City.

"Ganos, go there first, and when you find this weirdo, send me a location message with your mobile phone." Saitama said to Genos after turning off the TV.

"Won't Mr. Saitama go with me?" Genos asked curiously.

"I'll go there later, but there seems to be something wrong with Baiyu, I'll take a look here first." After Saitama finished speaking, he waved his hand to Genos, signaling Genos not to worry too much here.

"Okay, Saitama-sensei, then I'll take a step first."

The rain began to irrigate the land.
Just now, thanks to the blessing of the sexy prisoner, Sonic escaped from prison, but at the same time, he also met this strange man named Deep Sea King.

After showing his "naked mode", the sexy prisoner was beaten up by the monster of the deep sea king and knocked down to the ground.

"What's the matter with this weirdo?" Sonic's slender figure twirled and jumped frantically in mid-air.

With a snap, Sonic landed safely on the roof of a tall building.

Is it because of the rain?
Therefore, the strength and speed of this monster named Deep Sea King have increased by leaps and bounds. Although he still can't surpass himself in terms of speed, if he gets punched by it, he may not be able to bear the result of the damage.

"I found you!" The Deep Sea King, strengthened under the rain, appeared behind Sonic, and its larger body quickly rushed towards the latter.

Sonic fled crazily on the slippery ground. In the series of fights just now, he found that without a weapon, he had no way to cause damage to this tough monster.

Let's retreat. Go back to get weapons and various equipment, and then come back and slaughter this disgusting aquatic product!
Bang, the King of the Deep Sea caught Sonic's body, but was slipped away by the opponent's "Golden Cicada Escape Shell".

The naked Sonic spoke condescendingly to King Deep Sea, "Just wait and see, I'll go back to get the equipment now, the next time we meet, it will be your death date."

As soon as the voice fell, Sonic disappeared without a trace in the same place with a whoosh.

In an apartment in no man's land.

Bai Yu is still fighting fiercely in his mind.

Saitama stared at Baiyu attentively, and he found that the latter's face seemed to be getting more and more ugly, and Baiyu's red hair began to ignore gravity, and began to gradually swing upwards.
A vague sense of oppression began to spread in Saitama's room, which made Saitama feel distressed for a while. He was afraid that Baiyu would not pay attention and released his own power to directly smash his room into pieces. .

So, should I remind Bai Yu?

But Saitama saw Bai Yu's appearance of being in the last moment, so he let go of this idea and chose to continue to wait and see.

The sense of oppression on Baiyu's body became stronger and stronger, and the slight tremors on his body seemed more and more illusory, and even in Saitama's eyes, the illusion that his body position was constantly vibrating at a high speed appeared.

Boom. Boom. Boom.
Saitama looked at the ceiling with those salty fish eyes, and he said helplessly: "It's over, did the movement here start to affect this building?"

If it goes on like this, let alone this room, I'm afraid the whole building will be directly shattered.
What on earth is Bai Yu fantasizing about in his mind to make such a big commotion.

Saitama began to calmly think about judging the pros and cons, and finally made up his mind that he planned to move Baiyu out of the building first, which was the correct approach.

Saitama intends to continue to keep Bai Yu in this special state, and then he stretches out his hands towards Bai Yu's body, and he intends to move out without disturbing the other party.
But at this moment, Bai Yu's fluttering red hair gradually fell down, and his tense and uncomfortable expression gradually eased, and finally turned into a calm look.

He seemed to have touched some threshold and figured out something.

At the same time, Saitama is about to put his hands on Baiyu's body, but it is also an instant change, and Baiyu disappears in front of Saitama's eyes.
"Hey, didn't you come across it?" Saitama looked at his empty tatami in surprise.

How did this happen, Saitama suddenly felt that it was very interesting, as if he encountered something that interested him and was extremely novel.

Bai Yu just disappeared in front of his eyes, but he didn't react, even now he didn't sense Bai Yu's breath.

Although he couldn't perceive Baiyu's movements and breath, Saitama was very sure of one thing, that is, Baiyu must be waiting for him outside the door at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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