Five to five from one punch

Chapter 131 The Confused King of the Deep Sea

Chapter 131 The Confused King of the Deep Sea

"Brother, it's terrible, there seems to be a ghost-level monster in J City, who claims to be the king of the deep sea!" The tiger in the vest shouted anxiously at his brother holding a tablet computer.

My younger brother has noticed the situation, so why didn't the black hole in his brother's vest notice this situation, "Brother, don't worry, ghost-level disasters are not something our group of C-level and B-level heroes can participate in." , we can leave it to those capable high-level heroes with peace of mind!"

But at this moment, the man with a crew cut and a vest on the side suggested, "Actually, we can go to City J and wait and see. If there are really many S-level heroes coming to join the battle, we can join in and paddle together. In the end, we can also emulate that C-level bald caped man and the B-level handsome knight."

"That's right, what you said makes sense." The black hole in the vest suddenly realized and patted the shoulder of the short-haired man in the vest to express his agreement.

"Of course, no one knows how to fish in troubled waters better than me!" The man in the vest and crew cut stretched out his index finger and thumb to make a "C" gesture and said.

"Then let's go quickly, there is still time to rush there!" the tiger in the vest said excitedly, patting down the table.

In the blink of an eye, all these guys in vests rushed out of the tea restaurant.

But a beautiful girl in a vest was fidgeting and worrying.
The girl in the vest looked at this group of companions who were too utilitarian and didn't know what to say. Obviously, the Venerable in the vest had told them a long time ago that they could not participate in disaster operations of tiger level and above. Why didn't they listen?
It's better to contact Venerable Vest quickly and let him deal with this out of control situation!

Thinking of this, the girl in the vest took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

In the gymnasium, Genos stood in front of a huge hole and said to the people behind him: "Is this the last enemy?"

Just when the crowd behind him was about to cheer, a dark figure reappeared behind Genos, a powerful arm directly grabbed Genos' right hand and fixed him in place, and then it was like a punching machine. The powerful fist sent Genos flying with a single punch.

The King of the Deep Sea shook his right arm that was emitting electric current and said, "So that's it, it's a robot!"

Genos, who fell on the wall, murmured distressedly, "I'm careless again. Damn, no matter how many times, why can't I learn it?"

"I'm going to drive all of you humans to extinction!" After the Deep Sea King finished speaking, the big hole on his face that was pierced by Genos' sneak attack instantly returned to its original state, and then it rushed towards the crowd of humans in a ghostly posture. .

"Don't even think about succeeding." Relying on the firepower of the jet cannon under his feet, Genos quickly rushed to the position of the King of the Deep Sea, and fought fiercely with him in an instant.

In the gymnasium, a group of unknown C-level heroes stared at this wonderful battle scene with stunned eyes, "So this is the battle scene between a ghost-level monster and an S-level hero?"

In the beginning, Genos could still rely on his own firepower and kinetic energy to gain the upper hand, and even kicked the Deep Sea King out of the gymnasium at one point. He relied on the continuous combination of "Thunder Eye" and "Machine Gun Shooting Fist", Make it difficult for the King of the Deep Sea to resist.

But Genos found that although his attack was fierce and strong, he still did not cause actual damage to the Deep Sea King.

Just outside the gymnasium in the greenery, a group of guys in vests were quietly peeping at the battle scene inside the stadium with binoculars.

"Brother, how do I see that the devil's reformer is about to fail? He seems to have rushed over to help the little girl block the saliva of that strange man, and now he is about to be beaten to pieces by that strange man!" The tiger in the vest was excited. Live broadcast of the battle.

"Damn, I didn't expect this ghost-level monster to be so powerful. Even this S-level hero can't do anything about it." The black hole in the vest said unwillingly.

inside the gym.

The Deep Sea King grabbed Genos's withered body that was about to dissolve, and it threw him into the solid wall, and then it started to rush towards Genos, who had no ability to fight back, like a baboon. forward.

The broken Genos was punched and flew out of the gymnasium by the King of the Deep Sea. This heavy punch made Genos' injury worse.

I'm afraid that Genos wants to blew himself up at this time, and it may be difficult to achieve.

"Brother, what should we do?" The tiger in the vest looked at the devil who had no resistance not far away and asked, "Shall we go out and help him?"

"Go to the peat!" Black Hole in the vest was dumbfounded, and now his brain was buzzing, "This is his catastrophe, it is the ordeal he is destined to endure, let's not join in the fun, Obediently watch here."

The King of the Deep Sea walked out of the gymnasium like a king descending, and it slowly walked towards the tattered robot, planning to end his life like this.

Wearing a big silver cloak and a hat, the Asura Unicorn Immortal suddenly appeared behind the King of the Deep Sea, and said dissatisfiedly, "Oh, you, a seafood, dare to do such a thing to Brother Baiyu's apprentice, Aren't you deliberately trying to embarrass me in front of Brother Baiyu?"

what! ?

The King of the Deep Sea looked back in fright, and a unicorn monster slightly bigger than himself appeared in front of his eyes. The vague sense of oppression emanating from it made the muscles on its body start to tremble slightly. with.

Are you afraid?

Impossible, I am the king in the sea, how can I be afraid?

Asura Unicorn Immortal doesn't want to beep with you about whether you are afraid or not. It directly punched the King of the Deep Sea and smashed it into the stone wall outside the gymnasium.

"Are you okay?" Asura Unicorn walked up to the broken Janos and said worriedly, "Why do I look like you are about to fall apart every time I see you fighting? The last time I fought with you It was like this at the time, but I didn’t expect it to become more serious this time.”

Genos said speechlessly, "It's just that I was careless, otherwise it would never have happened."

Asura Unicorn Immortal expressed doubts and disbelief.

But forget it, this time I finally got something to gain, this seafood monster is decided to be the unlucky little guy who is destined to be bullied!

The Deep Sea King jumped out of the stone wall angrily, feeling the pain coming from his body, "Damn it, this power is not at the same level as that robot, what kind of monster is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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