Five to five from one punch

Chapter 133 You Come Here

Chapter 133 You Come Here
"Er brother, isn't this handsome red-haired guy the same as the B-level hero Bai Yu who was reported by us?" The tiger in the vest asked anxiously.

"Idiot, do you think I'm blind?" The black hole in the vest patted his younger brother's head in dissatisfaction, and then said in Bai Yu's direction: "It's true, it is indeed the B-level hero Bai Yu!"

"Brother, he seems to say that he wants to teach us a lesson. What should we do? Should we run now?" The tiger in the vest suggested sincerely.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? He's just a B-level hero who can only take advantage of tricks and sneak around. Not to mention how much water is in his B-level." Said: "You say yes, the man with the vest and the crew cut, haven't you seen him before?"

After hearing this, the crew-cut man in a vest wiped the cold sweat off his face, and then pretended to explain calmly, "Oh, I've seen it before, don't worry. He's just a little boy who betrayed his body, it won't be much Great heroes, don't worry about it."

In fact, the man with the crew cut found that Bai Yu's aura is completely different from when they met for the first time, as absurd as transforming from an ant into a dinosaur. The gap makes him feel horrified
But up to now, it is impossible for him to tell the two brothers in the vest to know such a thing, after all, their elder brother Venerable in the vest is on his way here.

With an S-rank hero backed by a vested venerable, what else do they have to be afraid of?

The short-haired man in the vest with inexplicable confidence raised his fist and yelled at Bai Yu, "Come here!"

That's right, I don't need to be afraid at all. With so many vest brothers on my side, how could there be any reason for failure?


Not long after the man in the vest and the crew cut said these words, he was kicked and flew out. He still didn't react when he slammed into the wall. How did Bai Yu rush over, and what happened to him? Feet!
"Hahahaha." After Ashura Unicorn Immortal finished speaking, it kept patting its thigh with its right hand, bent down and stretched its waist, and laughed wildly, just like Tom in Tom and Jerry.

"Brother Baiyu is going to beat him up. It's fine if he doesn't beg for mercy, but he's still yelling loudly, come here!" Ashura Unicorn Fairy laughed so hard that his tears were about to burst into tears. On the shoulder, "I have never seen such a stupid person, even TV dramas dare not act like this, oh my god... I laughed so hard!"

The vaccine man pushed away the big hand of the unicorn fairy, and he responded lightly, "It's really a stupid thing."

When Black Hole in the vest saw his brother being kicked into the wall, his eyes were red, and he waved his hand, "Brothers, hit me, hack this bastard to death!"

With an order, many brothers wearing vests all rushed forward, and all launched an attack on Bai Yu, intending to use crowd tactics to beat this handsome guy.

But the next scene made Black Hole in the vest feel his scalp numb. Many brothers rushed up, while the opponent punched a child, and then his brothers in the vest repeated the fate of the man in the vest and the crew cut one after another.

Seeing that the timing was wrong, the tiger in the vest pulled his brother's vest and said, "Brother, let's run away, that guy is too scary, this is not what a B-level hero should have at all!"

How could the black hole in the vest agree with his younger brother's statement? He turned his head and explained to the tiger in the vest, "Hehe, the most important thing in life is peace. Let's let him go today." , and I suddenly remembered that the gas didn’t seem to be turned off in the house, let’s go back and have a look first.”

As soon as the words fell, when the two brothers in the vests were about to run away without any morale, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and then they felt severe pain in their legs.

"Wow!!" Both the tiger in the vest and the black hole in the vest had their legs broken by Bai Yu's kick, and they knelt down in pain. The severe pain even made their minds feel dizzy.

The two crisp slaps instantly refreshed the two brothers, and Bai Yu said indifferently to the two brothers, "Are you sober?"

"Just wanting to faint like this, isn't it too natural?"

From just now until now, but only a short period of one or two minutes has passed. At this time, the crowd in the gymnasium finally realized what is going on.

"What's the matter. Why are they fighting?"

"I don't know, isn't the vest group a professional hero team? Why was it beaten so badly by that handsome red-haired guy alone?"

"Wow, that seems to be the B-level hero Bai Yu, nicknamed Handsome Knight!" A certain woman shouted loudly with her eyes shining.

The woman's words, like a domino effect, instantly exploded in the crowd, especially the women in the crowd, they all shouted loudly, "Yes, it is indeed the handsome knight himself."

"My God, the real person is more handsome than the work photo."

"That must be. This morning, the handsome knight has surpassed the S-class hero Flash in the list of male charms, and he is about to tie for the first place with the No.1 sweetheart mask."

Compared to the crazy star chasing effect of women, the male group is much more rational. Some of them shouted dissatisfiedly, "Hey, since they are all heroes, why did he attack the vest group?"

"Yeah, and it looks like he's with those two weirdos?"

"Hmph, I see, this handsome knight is actually an undercover agent sent by weirdos!"

After saying this, the female fans were not unhappy, and they began to refute some false statements without evidence, "You are the undercover agent, and your whole family is an undercover agent!"

"That's right, that's right, obviously those two weirdos saved everyone just now, even if the handsome knight is with them, that's the good side."

In contrast, quarrels in the crowd.

Bai Yu didn't care at all, he turned to the two brothers in the vest, and slowly asked: "Okay, tell me, why did you maliciously report me and Saitama?"

"Let's not talk about malicious reports, but also to slander my two pets. Are you all thinking about how to opportunistically so that you can become famous?"

Faced with Bai Yu's naked question, the tiger in the vest and the black hole in the vest were sweating coldly after hearing this, because that's what they did, they used dirty means to attack competing heroes and opponents, and then let themselves stand on the righteous side and get benefits
(End of this chapter)

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