Five to five from one punch

Chapter 134 Vest Venerable

Chapter 134 Vest Venerable

"What's wrong? Don't you have anything to say?" Bai Yu stared at the two half-kneeling vest brothers with more indifference in his eyes, "Have you been living this kind of heroic career that eats human blood?"

"You have been doing this kind of thing for a long time, and it should make many bottom-level people who are really passionate about becoming heroes feel desperate. Public opinion and pressure have become the last straw that crushed them, making them have to give up this road. .”

Bai Yu's words pierced the hearts of the two brothers in the vests like a sharp knife. They are so powerless to resist now, so they can only keep silent, but they don't think there is anything wrong with their actions. .It seems to be very beautiful and lofty, but in fact it is a career that is worked out with one's life.

Maybe one day you are unlucky and you will die at the hands of weird people. They just want to stand as high as possible and live a more comfortable life. Is it wrong?
"Damn. How can a guy like you understand that we have been struggling in the hero profession. You don't understand how much pressure those A-level heroes or even S-level heroes put on you. We can't see it at all. Where is the hope for tomorrow? In the final analysis, this is just a cannibalism industry, and if we do this, we are just giving in!!" The black hole in the vest roared at Bai Yu.

"Absurd! What do you mean you can't see the hope of tomorrow? Is someone holding a gun to force you to be promoted to A-level or even S-level?" Hair asked: "You just want to live a superior life and enjoy the right of admiration and praise that heroes should have. Since you want to be a high-level hero so much, give me a good training to become stronger. Don't tell me anything here. A high-sounding reason, and then be a moth that keeps sucking blood from the heroes at the bottom!"


The arms of the tiger in the vest and the black hole in the vest were directly twisted by Bai Yu, "Go to hell and regret it!"

"That's enough! Stop it!" the Venerable Vest rushed into the gymnasium and shouted.

Bai Yu turned his head to look at this muscular man in a vest, and said slowly, "I've been thinking about a question since just now, how long do you want to eavesdrop outside, and I can't hold back anymore. By?"

The Venerable in the vest walked in with a stern expression, and the depressing aura on his body even made the surrounding crowd instinctively make way for him.
"I'm so disappointed in you guys. I remember that when I accepted you, you didn't look like the ghosts you are now. Those two big boys who cried and yelled at me, said they wanted to be heroes in the hearts of the people. Where did the idiot go??" The Venerable in the vest roared angrily, and this huge sound even echoed in the entire gymnasium
"Brother." The black hole in the vest and the tiger in the vest, with tears in their eyes, compared with the physical pain, they are now more uncomfortable in their hearts. They know that they have done something wrong, but the benefits obtained through crooked ways There are too many of them, they are like addicts, going deeper and deeper on this road, and when you want to turn back, you find that you can no longer turn back!

The two brothers just didn't want the elder brother to see such an ugly thing about themselves, they failed the elder brother's expectations of themselves!
Thinking of the tiger in the vest and the black hole in the vest, the tears couldn't stop dripping down. They cried loudly on the spot like children who did something wrong.

The eyes of the Venerable in the vest were also red, and he said to Bai Yu: "I know they did something very wrong to you, but... they have been hurt like this by you, please hold your hands high and let them go!"

Bai Yu combed his red hair to look like he was beating someone, he raised his head and said to the Venerable in the vest, "Let them go?"

"Are you kidding? If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. If an apology is useful, then what do you need a hero for?"

"They have to go to the intensive care unit of the hospital today. Whether it's your venerable vest, the entire Heroes Association, or God is here, it won't work." Bai Yu stretched out his thumb and pointed at himself, "I, Bai Yu Said!"

The pupils of the Venerable Vest shrank slightly, and he responded with a long sigh, "So, I understand, even though they did something wrong, I can't forgive them, but they are my favorite little brothers after all, I can't stand by To see them being treated in such inhumane way."

"So, I'm sorry, B-level hero Bai Yu, I'm going to do it!"

At this time, Asura Unicorn Immortal came out of some corner with a box of popcorn, and he happily asked the vaccine man, "This stupid guy in a vest is an idiot, and he actually wants to fight with Brother Baiyu?"

After the vaccine man glanced at it, he said speechlessly, "He is indeed a bit stupid, and he will lose badly!"

But before that, the Vaccine Man and the Unicorn Fairy captured the Deep Sea King who was about to escape behind him, and beat him up crazily, making him lie on the ground a lot more honestly.
"Let me go. I will never go ashore again, please let me go back to be a carefree king of the deep sea!" A certain fish with a bruised nose and a swollen face cried out pleadingly.

After the Unicorn Immortal patted the fat and swollen face of the King of the Deep Sea, he jokingly said, "From the moment you landed, your fate has been sealed, and you have nowhere to escape now!"

After hearing this, the Deep Sea King cried even more sadly.
The atmosphere in the gymnasium became more and more uncomfortable.

The melon eaters in the crowd also began to notice something was wrong.

"No way, is there a war between heroes?"

"It's very possible. The hostility between heroes goes to war, but it's a rare thing. I didn't expect to see it today."

"Hmph, that's an S-rank vest venerable. How could that red-haired B-rank hero be an opponent?"

This kind of statement was refuted and disagreed by many women. They quickly united and formed a support fan group for handsome knights. They immediately lined up with this group of passers-by who could only talk about sour grapes when they couldn’t eat grapes. .

In short, your vested venerable will be hanged and beaten by the handsome knight!
As for B-level and S-level?


Beauty is justice!
Mission objective: beat up the vest group

Mission introduction: A small group established by the Venerable Vest. Many of them have become blood-sucking moths who have become heroes. The Overlord will teach this group of vests a heavy lesson.
Mission Reward: Attribute Point*2, Lucky Draw Chance*1
(End of this chapter)

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