Five to five from one punch

Chapter 139 Bai Yu's Teachings

Chapter 139 Bai Yu's Teachings

"Janos, are you alright?" Bai Yu looked worriedly at this Janos whose body was mutilated and even started to smoke.

"Teacher Bai Yu, don't worry, every time I get hurt like this, just go back and let the doctor fix it, after all, I'm an artificial human." Genos responded with sparks in his throat.

"Well, shall we go back first?"

"it is good."

Just when Baiyu was carrying Genos on his back and was about to leave here, a large group of female fans rushed up and surrounded Baiyu. You gave birth to monkeys and other irresponsible remarks."

Bai Yu directly filtered out this kind of remarks. Although he has the attributes of LSP in his heart, he has not forgotten how these people blindly followed suit in the gymnasium just now, and even threw cosmetics at the unicorn fairy and vaccine who had just rescued them on people.

"Handsome knight, please sign for me!" A cute black-haired girl forced her in front of Bai Yu and said excitedly.

"Get out!" Bai Yu ruthlessly responded, and pushed the cute girl away with his hands.

After walking a few steps, Bai Yu said to Genos who was behind him: "Good apprentice, you have to remember that there is no woman in your heart, and fight against the God of Nature. Only in this way can you quickly become stronger!"

what! ?

He was so enlightened that even though Janos was in a very bad state, when he heard the private guidance from Teacher Baiyu, he was completely dumbfounded.

So this is Teacher Bai Yu, why is it so strong?

Damn it, I really want to take out my notebook and record it, but my body doesn't allow it! !
The cute girl who was ruthlessly rejected by Bai Yu was stunned, and then a perverted smile gradually appeared on her face. She was not worried but happy, and even happily said in small steps: "I can't stand it, so handsome!" , This kind of tough and indifferent character is really unbearable!"

This indifferent response made the female fans around them even more crazy, but at this moment, Saitama walked up to them, pointed at himself and asked, "Are there any fans of mine?"

The same girl with dark hair. She froze for a moment, then stared at Saitama's bald head
After a few seconds, she said mercilessly, "Who are you?"

Saitama's cheeks twitched. He pointed at himself with widened lifeless eyes and said, "I am the fifth hero of C-level, the bald man in the cloak."

"It's also one of the heroes who solved the meteorite incident in City Z with the handsome knight, Bai Yu, a few days ago. Don't you have any impression?"

"I have no impression." After the black-haired cute girl finished speaking, she left the place without any regrets.
Saitama was left standing in self-doubt.

"Impossible! Four consecutive S-level heroes have been defeated?" Xi Qi patted the machine with sweat on his face, and asked the intelligence girl with earphones, "How is this possible, the four S-level heroes are also defeated?" Can't solve a ghost-level disaster?"

"Yes, the intelligence shows that there is no mistake. Under the circumstances of the accident, the vested venerable, the metal bat, the sexy prisoner and even the super alloy black light, they all gathered at the place where the ghost-level disaster occurred." With The girl in the headset began to check the site survey report and continued: "However, the one who defeated them was not a ghost-level disaster, but a B-level hero named Baiyu, nicknamed Handsome Knight."

"And the reason why this handsome knight collided with their four S-level heroes seems to be related to a group called vests!"

After finishing speaking, the earphone girl called out a video that had been widely circulated on the Internet.

In the video, a handsome red-haired guy is ruthlessly beating many S-class heroes.
After Xiqi saw it, the cold sweat on his face never stopped. In the end, he sat weakly on the sofa chair and said to the bearded man: "What do you think of this matter!"

The bearded man moved his lips a few times, and then responded to his friend Xiqi, "Very strong, this B-level hero handsome knight is really strong. The super alloy black light is already a very high level among the S-level heroes of our association." One of the top heroes, and there is a metal bat to help out, plus the sexy prisoner and the vest venerable, they couldn't do anything to get this B-level hero."

The bearded man paused at this point, and then he said helplessly: "It seems that the B-level hero who solved the meteorite disaster before was indeed good, but our association listened to those rumors, and even once suspected that he had nothing to do with Bang Master Gu and the devil transforming the relationship between people. To be honest, I feel very guilty now, very guilty that I didn't personally investigate the authenticity of this matter."

Xiqi patted his friend on the shoulder and said, "It's not your fault. After all, the Association has too many things to deal with recently, but the most important thing right now is how to arrange and deal with this matter."

"Not to mention the internal struggles of the heroes of the association, and a B-level hero who has the strength to defeat many S-level heroes in a row. Now many people in the outside world think that the S-level level of our association is a vain name, and some people even begin to doubt us. There are huge holes in the inner workings of the

"Are we going to break the rules and promote this handsome knight as a new S-class hero, or should we deal with the disturbance caused by this incident in a low-key manner?" At this point, Xi Qi turned to look at the bearded man, he really wanted to hear about the latter Views.

"My personal proposal is to apologize to him, and then make an exception to promote him to S-class hero, but... this is just my personal opinion, after all, the Heroes Association is not an organization led by me alone, I'm afraid. In the end, we still have to hold a meeting to discuss and decide How to deal with this matter." The bearded man responded to Xiqi with a sigh.

Xi Qi pondered for a few seconds, then pressed a switch, and said to the microphone: "Notify all departments to go to Operation Conference Room No. [-], and start an important voting discussion meeting!"

As a B-level hero, the incident of Bai Yu defeating four S-level heroes in a row is spreading rapidly on the Internet. On the contrary, the fact that the Unicorn Immortal and the Vaccine Man defeated the King of the Deep Sea can only be regarded as a small wave, not even an incident. How to make people notice.

At this time, Tong Di looked at the video on the tablet and fell into deep thought.
He didn't expect that even the super alloy black light would be defeated so simply. This really made him unexpected. Could it be that this man named Baiyu is already strong enough to compete with Mr. King?
The zombie man held a glass of orange juice and put it in front of Tong Di and said, "Stop researching, no matter how many times you look at it, it's the same. This man's movements can no longer be judged by common sense. I think you also understand that it has surpassed the level that humans should reach, but even so, it is still not the single-handed enemy of this red-haired man, and it is conceivable that this red-haired man cannot use common sense to judge."

(End of this chapter)

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