Chapter 140

"It seems that the rumor that the master of this B-level hero is Master Banggu is probably true." After the zombie man sat down, he suggested to Tongdi with a serious face, "So should we ask about it? Maybe we can learn more about this hero named Bai Yu."

Facing the zombie man's proposal, Tong Di looked up at him a few times, "Why do I always feel that today, Mr. Zombie Man, you seem to be a little enthusiastic, especially for this matter?"

After the zombie man heard this, his pupils constricted slightly, but he quickly hid his emotions, "It's nothing, it's just a sudden interest, after all, he can easily defeat four S-class heroes in one fell swoop. Monster, knowing a little bit is not a bad thing."

This is of course a lie
In fact, the zombie man's gaze has been lingering on a certain stop segment of the video, where the unicorn and monster appear occasionally
Asura Unicorn?

House of Evolution?

Dr. Genos?
What the hell does this happen?

Several questions appeared in the zombie man's mind
Could it be that the scientist trying to surpass humans still exists somewhere in this world?
Could he still be planning, some shady conspiracy?
Thinking of this, the zombie man became more and more restless.

In the uninhabited area of ​​Z City, on the street in front of an apartment.

"You only have two choices now!" After digging his own nostrils, the Asura Unicorn Immortal continued, "The first one is to obediently sign a contract with my elder brother, Be his loyal dogleg and horse boy."

"The second choice is that my uncle and the vaccine man will beat you to half your life, and then you will obediently sign a contract with my elder brother to become his more loyal dog leg and horse boy, so now your answer is what?"

After the Deep Sea King heard this, his whole body began to tremble. Immediately afterwards, he saw this unicorn monster showing its amazing muscles, and the Vaccine Man behind him pointed his palm at it and slowly gathered a purple energy ball .

What else can it do?
Could it still refuse?
"I said... are you both under that man named Baiyu and the red-haired man?" The Deep Sea King said uncertainly: "You two are powerful weirdos, don't you think it would be embarrassing? Just surrender to the manipulation and dominion of human beings, maybe we three freaks can unite"

Before the King of the Deep Sea finished speaking, he was punched hard by Ashura Unicorn Immortal!
"Damn it, you bastard, you dare to stir up the relationship between my uncle and Brother Baiyu, I will beat you to death!" Asura Unicorn Immortal angrily beat the Deep Sea King who kept bowing on the ground again.

Soon, the Vaccine Man couldn't bear to see him, and he joined the battlefield together, and there was a beating between the strong and the weak
The King of the Deep Sea shed tears of remorse. Doesn't it feel good to be a carefree "king" freely on the other side of the sea as if he slapped himself a few times?

Why did you ask for trouble and run ashore to pretend to be aggressive?
What a fool I am! !
In the end, the King of the Deep Sea couldn't take it anymore, and it said in defeat, "I'll sign. Is it okay if I sign?"

"Ah bah, wouldn't it be over if I said it earlier? Is it still necessary to suffer here?" After the Asura One-horned Immortal supported the King of the Deep Sea, he let him wait here.

Not long after, Bai Yu came out from the stairs holding a master ball, and asked the vaccine man, "Is this guy the new weirdo you recruited for me?"

The Vaccine Man nodded and explained: "Yes, the Unicorn Fairy and I think it's pretty good. Although it's not that powerful, we already have the ones that can fly in the sky and run on the ground. We only need one to swim in the sea. So that’s the plan.”

"That's fine, as long as you like it." Bai Yu walked up to the King of the Deep Sea and asked, "That... King of the Deep Sea, have you decided yet?"

After the King of the Deep Sea heard it, could it still say no?

Bai Yu threw the master ball on the Deep Sea King, and decisively took it back.

At the same time, he also made a contract and sent it to the Deep Sea King in the ball. After finishing all this, Bai Yu turned to look at the Unicorn Immortal and the Vaccine Man and asked, "Then you two will go back to the ball together now?"

After the Vaccine Man and the Unicorn Immortal glanced at each other, they both showed meaningful smiles, and then followed the King of the Deep Sea back to the master's ball.

Bai Yu took back the master ball and murmured, "These two guys are so distracted, they don't know what they've been thinking all day."

After walking back to Bai Yu's own room, he was finally able to draw the lottery with peace of mind.

Since I came here, I have finally accumulated ten lucky draw chances, no. To be precise, eleven lucky draw chances.

This is his last dignity as a white female ticket party!

Bai Yu quickly took a bath and changed clothes, and soon called up the system panel's lottery function template.

There is a Buddha in my heart, I am afraid of you Luqi!

Open draw.

The roulette is divided into several small areas, and the small pointers are unscientifically divided into ten identical shapes, as if corresponding to the ten times of lottery draws, several pointers began to move crazily on the roulette spinning.

The area on the roulette will generate different rewards with daily updates, but you still don’t have permission to check what rewards are inside, so there is no such thing as waiting until one day after refreshing and seeing a lot of good rewards, you feel like you Earn it, a chicken-stealing idea that plans to draw a lottery on this day
Soon, the first purple light flashed out.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting and getting: a bag of fairy beans (produced in Dragon Ball World)]

Fairy beans?

Bai Yu remembers that this is a very good thing, good guy. Is it a good thing at first sight?
It doesn't feel bad.
Another burst of purple light burst out.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting and getting: Devil Fruit. Fragmented Fruit (produced in One Piece World)]

"Devil fruit?" Bai Yu threw it into the system backpack in disgust, "Broken thing!"

Before Bai Yu could react, a burst of green light flickered.
A piece of fat fell on his hand, Bai Yu looked down.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Tsunade's original panties*1 (produced in Naruto World)]

Why is there such a thing in the lottery?

Bai Yu fell into deep thought, but before he could react, bursts of light burst out from the roulette, and at the same time the system's notification sound kept ringing.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Akuya's exquisite figure*1 (produced by a mentally handicapped hand)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special wearing black-frame glasses*1 of Krypton Superman Clark Kent (produced in the DC world)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent of spider sensing instinct (produced in Marvel World)]

(End of this chapter)

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