Five to five from one punch

Chapter 142 Weird Picture

Chapter 142 Weird Picture

"Captain Fuxue, what are you talking about?" Eyelashes shook his head, and then he started to exit the video on the tablet, swiped a few times, and pulled it to a web page, saying, "Now this video is It is number one in the hot search, I guess anyone who can surf the Internet will notice it, even if not, there will be other people coming to Amway to take a look."

"It's over, it's over!" Fuxue embraced each other, her whole body began to tremble, and she muttered, "My sister will definitely find out about this, and I can't keep it a secret anymore."

The movement of Bai Yunong's handling is getting bigger and bigger. Ever since the meteorite incident last time, Fuxue has been worried that this incident will not be able to contain the fire sooner or later, but he did not expect that the Dongchuang incident and the more powerful incident will follow immediately!

Is this because I am afraid that my sister will not find you?
With question marks on his eyelashes, he looked at his team leader and thought, "What's wrong with this? It would be a very happy thing for the Fubuki team to include a powerful hero member. Why would the team leader It looks like a ghost who has been cheated of money."

It's impossible to continue like this, we must take action as soon as possible, we can't just sit and wait for death!
"Yes, I came up with a good idea. Let's just take Yu'er and escape here for a while!" After Chuuxue finished talking to herself, she excitedly started to pack some supplies, and kicked her eyelashes out of the door by the way.

Hero Association, in the exclusive lounge for S-level heroes.

Tornado was sitting on the sofa at this moment, and she was watching a video on the tablet intently.

The more the progress bar of the video disappeared, the more gloomy the expression on Tornado's face became, until the video finally came to an end, and then rewinded to the replaying screen, she just kept staring at this video, watching it over and over again .

"Yu'er, you actually became a hero right under my nose?" The arrogant loli voice in the past is no longer, and her voice is not only cold but deep now, "What is he thinking? What is the outside world like?" It's very dangerous, can't you be a good boy obediently?"

But Tornado was still shocked by the content of the video, defeating four S-class heroes in a row?
Although she felt that among the S-level heroes, except for the blaster and the king, all of them were scumbags, but after all, they were also S-level heroes, and Yu'er was able to defeat them with ease, which was enough to explain some problems.

When did Yu'er become so powerful?

Tornado's thoughts began to rotate more and more, a green energy began to surround her, and even the objects in the entire room began to be lifted by an invisible big hand, and began to rotate and float around the tornado.
She remembered some dusty past events.

Could the changes in Yu'er be related to this?

"Mu Da, no matter how strong you become, you are still just a child, you should live in my hands obediently, and let my sister protect you well." After Long Juan finished speaking, a sick smile appeared on his mouth.

"Shu Chang, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time." Bai Yu opened his room door while yawning. It was almost time, and he planned to go to Saitama's room to have dinner.

"Time, time, time will give me the answer." Bai Yu walked into Saitama's room humming such a little tune.


"What's going on here?" Bai Yu muttered to himself.

Saitama, the bald-headed demon king, looked unlovable at this time, and he fell on the tatami. He didn't even know if it was Baiyu's illusion. He felt that Saitama's painting style seemed to be like a salted fish. There is no difference between them. And it is inexplicably harmonious.

Genos looked intact at this time, standing in the kitchen and cutting vegetables, wearing an apron, just like a template of a good man at home.

"Janos?" Bai Yu skillfully closed the door, then walked into the room, and then he asked this cheap disciple: "Aren't you going back to some doctor's place for repairs? Why are you here at this time?"

Genos turned around and nodded to Bai Yu, "Teacher Bai Yu, the maintenance at the doctor's place is very fast, and there is no equipment update this time, so I will come back here in the afternoon and continue to learn from the two teachers."

"What's the matter with Saitama?" Bai Yu asked, pointing at the bald demon king who was lying on the ground and lost his anger.

Genos turned around and continued to cut vegetables on the chopping board, "Sensei Saitama seems to have been checking the support fan group about his hero name on the Internet just now, but it seems that after checking, it became like this."

Speaking of this, no matter how dull Bai Yu is, he probably understands what's going on. The bald devil seems to wish he had one or two brainless fans.
Genos accidentally distracted himself while explaining, causing his elbow to accidentally touch a porcelain bowl containing sauce, causing it to fall down. But he didn't react for a while, at this moment When the bowl of sauce was about to break on the ground.

Everything in the room is as usual, nothing has changed, the TV is still playing funny variety shows, and the alarm clock hanging on the wall is still oscillating tirelessly to maintain the truth of the world time
However, Bai Yu appeared in the kitchen at this time, and stooped steadily to catch the bowl of sauce that was about to be wasted.

Genos opened his mouth slightly, and looked at Teacher Bai Yu, he was puzzled, puzzled and even horrified.

When exactly did Teacher Bai Yu appear here?

Why did I have no response? No, Teacher Baiyu's speed is very fast. Even if he suddenly appeared here, it is not impossible. He even managed to catch the bowl of sauce by his side.

This unscientific!

Janos knew that Teacher Baiyu had a special skill of snapping his fingers and instantly appearing in the vicinity, but he didn't even hear the sound of body movements just now, let alone the sound of snapping fingers!

In other words, Teacher Bai Yu didn't use the technique of snapping his fingers to teleport, nor did he rely on his own high-speed movement to cross this distance.

What is going on?

"Well, be careful. Although we are quite rich now, we still can't waste it." After Bai Yu finished speaking, he placed the bowl of sauce on the table.

"Well, I see, Teacher Baiyu, I was careless this time." After Genos finished speaking, he turned around and continued to chop vegetables with doubts.

But a scene that made Janos horrifying happened.

The tomato on his sticky board had already been split in half by himself. The kitchen knife in Genos' hand was stably splitting on the board, and two half-split tomatoes lay opposite each other on the sticky board.


(End of this chapter)

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