Five to five from one punch

Chapter 143 Time Deletion and Time Tracing

Chapter 143 Time Deletion and Time Tracing


Genos was dumbfounded.

When did he cut the tomato on the sticky board?

Why don't I have any impression, obviously he hasn't cut it yet.
Genos picked up the kitchen knife in his hand and fell into self-doubt. Could it be that something went wrong with Dr. Dr.'s maintenance this time, and his brain started to become confused?

Saitama, who was lying on the tatami, returned to his original appearance at this time.

His eyes seemed to find something interesting. The funny variety show on TV was obviously still playing just now. The female artist named "Fukada Yongmei" was eating an egg roll, but Saitama hadn't seen her yet. Putting it in the mouth, and now the female artist on TV actually ate almost the whole root.
It's as if the artiste put the egg roll in her mouth and quickly gnawed on the egg roll was forcibly deleted.

Of course, Saitama would not naively think that this was an obstacle accident that happened on the TV program. Although he was also confused, it was obviously Bai Yu's doing.

"Baiyu, did you do it?" Saitama pointed to the TV and asked.

Baiyu naturally knew that what Saitama wanted to ask was not about the TV show, but what he did in this room just now.
The bald-headed demon king is well-deserved of his reputation. This is where he discovered the strangeness.

Obviously someone deleted the process experienced during this period of time, leaving the last remaining result.

That's right, Bai Yu did it all.

He gained the power called "Time",

At the same time, he obtained two abilities of this branch.

He tentatively called it, "time deletion" and "time trace"!
Shi Chan is not very proficient in using it for the time being, but Bai Yu has a good understanding of the general principle and function.

The general function of this skill is to eliminate a few seconds of time in this world. Everyone will skip this time directly, and will not remember what happened during that time. Only the main body can understand what happened during this time. Things react, in the deleted time, all actions are meaningless, no attack from the outside world can harm the ontology, and the corresponding ontology cannot attack anyone or interfere with other objects.

Time deletion is divided into two types, no difference time deletion and body time deletion.

Because of the first use, what Baiyu did just now was this indiscriminate deletion. He deleted it for a few seconds. During this time, only his body can act in it. After passing this distance, he came to the kitchen and helped Genos catch the bowl of sauce.

Because Bai Yu deleted the action process of these few seconds, leaving the final result that he came to the kitchen and caught the bowl of sauce at the side of Genos at the same time.

This is why Genos didn't react at all, and why he didn't even know when he split the tomato on the sticky board.

Because the process of Genos swinging down the kitchen knife was also deleted by Bai Yu indiscriminately.

In comparison, ontology deletion is easier to understand, that is, time deletion is only for your own results, and will not affect any results other than the ontology.

Originally, Baiyu wanted to use the main body to delete to delete the distance from himself to Genos, and leave the final result, but he was not familiar with the first use, which led to the situation of deleting when there was no difference.

The time strike is very strong, whether it is used for life-saving and sneak attack or for moving, it is unmatched, and it even makes it difficult for opponents to resist this great power.

More importantly, there is no CD limit for time deletion, but it will cause damage to Bai Yu's spirit. After using indifferent time deletion once, he now feels a little dizzy in his mind. Although it is not a big deal, it is conservatively estimated that in a battle , it is impossible for him to delete while using it continuously, because it will have a certain impact on him, and even affect his concentration during combat. According to Bai Yu's estimation, the consumption of deleting when the main body is used should be less than that when there is no difference.
But what surprised Bai Yu even more was the skill "Time Tracing".

This skill can only be applied to oneself, but its biggest function is to recall one's own state back to the state it was at most 10 minutes ago.

That is to say, the function of this skill can even directly revive the dying self on the spot, returning to the lively appearance of up to 10 minutes ago.

Unless you were still on the verge of death 10 minutes ago, it would be useless to use it. But unfortunately, the time tracing skill has a time CD limit, which is completely different from time deletion. Its CD time is used once an hour.

But this already made Bai Yu very satisfied.

This lottery draw not only strengthened Bai Yu's perceptual ability, but also gained two powerful abilities of Gangquan Wuer Strike and Time. Even if he draws a few more underwear and brain-dead figures, it is not impossible for him to accept!
Baiyu walked to Saitama's side and sat down. He took a game console and lay down on the tatami to play.

This time, not only did the lottery win, but Bai Yu also discovered the system upgrade template and unlocked this mysterious store.

In this store, a few items or skills or even other weird things are refreshed every day, but if you want to buy it, you must need the "Crystal of Everything".

As for the way to obtain the crystals of all things, it is estimated that the system mission rewards should be released in the future. In addition to this path, there is another way to obtain crystals of all things.

Such as selling skills!
Bai Yu can sell the skills acquired by the system to obtain the crystals of all things of the same value, and then use the crystals of all things to buy the things he likes in this mysterious shop.

Yes, he sold micro-teleportation to Big Eater.

To put it bluntly, micro-teleportation is a teleportation ability, but there is already a better replacement, and there is not even any precondition similar to snapping fingers.

If this miniature teleportation can be like the Monkey King of Dragon Ball, the kind that spans the distance of cities or even planets, then Bai Yu will definitely keep it, but unfortunately, it is not
As for the King of Stomach. To be honest, he rarely uses it and has the white jade of time tracing, so he has a better choice, not to mention that he still has such good things as fairy beans.

So after some consideration, Bai Yu chose to sell these two skills to obtain the Crystal of Everything.

After all, there are better substitutes for skills. There is no need to keep things that are not needed. It is better to sell them to obtain resources, and then use them to obtain skills and items that are more suitable for you.

Now, apart from his three innate skills, there are only True Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, Spider Induction, Bgm Playback Function, Evil Ghost Haunting, Gang Quan Wuer Strike, and Time!

Today's mysterious store doesn't have any skills or items that are worthy of Bai Yu's heart, but it doesn't matter, it's still a long time, and he will always find something that he finds useful.

(End of this chapter)

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